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2014/07/13 05:35:13瀏覽608|回應2|推薦60 | |
遊 民 有人羡慕居海外, 一生三國實悲哀。 朝望暮想歸何處, 春花秋月皆徘徊。 少年踏上革命路, 要為黎民爭幸福。 迅即發現受欺騙, 係為暴徒作小卒。 暴徒企圖稱新帝, 自己家破人逃離。 四處走投均無路, 被迫投親亦投敵。 敵軍兵敗如山倒, 輾轉隨撤至台島。 叛變之徒有反骨, 須予監控直到老。 昔作科研能創新, 無憑有案怎可任。 學富應可作書牧, 蒐供科技新資訊。 人作書牧為皇帝, 我為書牧作工役。 妻子兒女面無光, 親朋鄰里瞧不起。 為躲新鄰常驅辱, 又避舊主來屠戮, 鼓勵小兒留學去, 或可生根新大陸。 福禍難分亦難斷, 如留故國成高幹, 香巢金庫保衛員, 頤指氣使多威嚴。 唯見肅殺又陣起, 腥風血雨更淒厲。 人離境易高變低, 保命安居悲轉喜。 庸魯糊塗把日渡, 不覺齒危髮欲禿。 時至薪止要餓肚, 只得厚顏去兒處。 回首故國喜亦憂, 一處領前一落後。 後者趕前成強權, 前者變後因惡鬥。 新國故國成三角, 明爭暗鬥不稍歇。 明攀友情似仁愛, 暗懷鬼胎如蛇蠍。 願見故國能統一, 咱們原本是兄弟。 鬥則疲斃和兩利, 何可煮豆燃豆箕。 無論兩國或三國, 都須和睦與合作。 和則均贏共興盛, 鬥則同傷齊淪落。 最不願見是戰爭, 一戰三敗無能勝。 三處都有我親人, 骨肉相殘多倍痛。 人老智瘦心情憂, 憂世憂國憂無由。 樂聞青少嘻哈笑, 怕見童叟涕淚流。 人老腹胖心胸廣, 樣樣都往好處想。 人人可愛可造就, 事事有道有希望。 國內海外共一村, 咫尺天涯皆比鄰。 共維道義與友誼, 皆作歡樂逸旅人。
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Wandering Folk
Somebody may envy of someone living overseas.
There countries in a life is really a tragedy for me.
Where should I belong?
I’d look far in the morning,
brood long in evening,
wonder under autumn moon,
ponder among the flowers in spring.
When I was young,
I embarked on the revolutionary road,
to fight for peoples’ well being.
Soon I discovered that I was working
as a small pawn for a big mobster
who was cheating and evildoing.
The mobster attempted to be a new emperor.
They killed my father, planned to kill me later;
therefore I was forced to become a deserter.
I fled and tried but no one dared to accept me,
except seeking refugee with my relatives,
they were originally elements of the enemy.
The enemy was soon defeated disastrously,
as mountains collapsed rapidly and helplessly.
We followed them windingly, and all the way,
finally retreated to the island named Taiwan.
One who once defects will be never trustworthy,
should be monitored all my life, ever since then.
Originally I worked as a scientific researcher,
could have some unconventional innovations.
Currently I was without a certificate but a case,
how could such a person be put on such a position?
Because I was a some sort of learner,
so they decided to assign me as a book herder.
Thus I could collect and supply them,
some new kind of scientific reading matter.
Someone formerly worked as a book herder
later he became a very famous emperor.
Now I worked also as a book herder
all my life ranked as a fameless worker.
My family despised me with much shame,
colleagues despised me with rather wonder.
In order to avoid some new neighbors
often coming to drive us and insult us,
moreover to evade the former masters
some day may come to slaughter us,
I encouraged my son to study abroad,
so we could root later in a new world.
It is hard to judge a good fortune from a bad luck.
If I could manage to stay in my old country,
I probably might become a man of authority,
with secret nest and safe, personal guard and sentry.
I might direct by my chin, order through nose,
live as a living divinity with majesty and luxury.
But I saw the horrible purge rising repeatedly.
The bloody wind and rain were more scary.
I left there, embarked on a lower level career,
however, could keep my life and live safely.
For all my sadness, contrarily l felt happy.
For all my bad luck, reversely I felt lucky.
Days and nights passed by foolishly and boringly,
Soon my hair were balding, teeth were shaky.
When the retiring time arrived, wage stopped,
my pocket was empty, stomach was hungry.
The only place I could rely on was my son’s.
So I went to him rather brazenly, very sorry.
Looking back at my old countries,
I was both very happy and very worried.
The straggler endeavored and strived,
soon became a big creditor and world power.
Because of discords and serious struggles,
the forward one became laggard and poorer.
Old countries and new country formed a triangle,
openly competed and secretly contended.
Openly they talked about faithful friendship,
seemingly they were full of compassion.
Secretly they all have poisonous plans,
much like some serpents and scorpions.
I’d like to see my mother countries
can be unified together as one nation.
We were originally brothers or a family,
shared the same ancestry and civilization.
Reconciliation can be constructive.
Confrontation can be destructive.
How could we cook the bean
by burning the stalk of bean?
No matter whether two or three countries,
all must be cooperative and harmonious.
Cooperation and harmony
can bring every party victory and prosperity.
Confrontation and hostility
can bring every party injury and poverty.
The most I do not want to see is war.
Once the war unfortunately happens,
three sides will lose, no one will win.
Three countries all have my relatives.
When relatives fight and kill each other,
it will double the hurt, multiply the pain.
An old man’s wisdom would wane.
His emotion would always worry;
over people, over country, over world,
over everything, everywhere, every day.
He likes to hear young men laughing,
fears to see old men and kids are blubbery.
An old man’s belly would be bulgy,
so he would be much broad-minded,
be optimistic about things of all kinds.
Everything is reasonable and hopeful.
Everybody is beautiful and improvable.
All men can be good men, nice and kind.
No matter you live domestically or overseas,
we are actually all fellow villagers.
Whether you live far apart or near each other,
we are actually all close neighbors.
Keeping our moral standards and friendly hearts,
we all can be happy lodgers in our small world.
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