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2014/05/05 09:24:54瀏覽512|回應3|推薦54 | |
雨 中 樹 (II) 雨中樹: 沐浴、嬌慵, 打盹、懵懂; 甜蜜的作夢, 柔美的搖動。 有些密生著霧濛濛的葉子, 或碧、或綠。 有些盛開著雲騰騰的花朶, 或白、或紅。 在細雨中 招展又娉婷, 在彩夢中 舒鬆又擺動。
. 雙手撫膝, 我坐在圖書館內, 通過敞開的窗戶, 看著他們在園中陶醉。 我的心情平和, 身體舒放, 靈魂欣慰, 精神舒暢。 我想到這個世界 以及我現在的環境。 想到我的工作 以及其情形與進程。 我知道很多國家享有和平。 大部份人都能欣賞這種雨景。 很幸運我現在這塊自由樂土上, 不再在那暴政的統治下為囚受刑。
想到我的詩作, 雖不會是甚麼巨著; 但企圖是要完美, 目的不是低俗。 又費了一天去硺磨, 更多部份已能發光。 生命尚未真正開始, 時間仍是很長。
. 雨在歇息, 吹來一陣醺風。 樹被撫弄打擾, 從美夢及沈醉中蘇醒。 有些搖頭微笑, 有些伸個懶腰, 開始舞動及戲弄, 珍珠般的水滴兒下拋。 葉子閃著多種寶光, 花兒展現各色彩裝。 歡樂的搖擺, 柔聲的歌唱。 我把座椅移向窗邊, 雙肘憑著窗沿。 靜聽他們的樂語, 欣賞他們的美豔。 我的心思清明, 身體舒暢, 靈魂快樂, 精神爽朗! 想起我的孩子, 他們的歡笑與可愛。 想起我的妻子, 她的擁抱與等待。 我知道這雨不會即停, 因為這正是個雨季。 我必須冒雨步行, 才能回到我的蝸居。 今天我忘記了帶雨衣雨鞋, 在臺灣的家人在等我用餐。 我何不就此在雨中行走, 多想能馬上與家人相見。
. 我光頭赤足, 露背上路; 何不一起呢? 必須從俗? 像是那些樹, 也像那些花。 何不重作玩童! 就像那鵝鴨。 連跑帶跳, 舞雨蹈水, 我又唱又叫。 聳肩淋浴, 聞馨養神, 張臂吸氣, 再揚帆前進!
英文原詩附後 並請批評指正 Trees in the Rain ( II ) Trees in the rain: bathing, lazing, dozing, nosing, sweetly dream and slightly swing. Some with cloudily blossoms, red or pink, some with misty leaves, purple or green; blissful and beautiful, colorfully dream and comfortably sway. I sit at my desk, cover my knees with my palms, look at them through the open window, look at them in the library park. My mind is peaceful, body relaxed. My spirit is easeful, soul blessed. I think of the world, think about my present place. I think of my work, think about its proceeding pace. I think of peace, as it’s in most of the lands; most people can enjoy rain of such kind. Fortunately I am free, now on this beautiful island; no longer be a prisoner, under that bestial clan. I think of my poetry, though nothing is very important, its purpose is to be perfect, goal is to be grand Another day is employed, more pieces polished to shine. Time is still plentiful, life has not really begun. The rain diminishes. A gentle breeze rouses. Trees are disturbed and stirring a little, awakened from their dreams and drowses. Some shake their heads and brightly smile. Some stretch their limbs, lazily yawn. Start gracefully dancing, gaily dallying. Sprinkle pearly drops to the lawn. Leaves now are fairly beryline or viridian. Blossoms, freshly coralline or vermilion. Sprightly sway or swing. Softly sing. I move my chair to the window, rest my elbows on the sill. I watch the scene with wonder, relish it long and still. My body now is easeful, mind now is clear. My soul is blissful, spirit cheers! I think of my children, their laughter and charm. I think of my wife, her lips and arms. I know the rain won’t cease: it is the rainy season. I should walk in the rain to go back to my den.
I forgot to bring my raincoat and boots today. My family here in Taiwan will wait for me to dine. Why don’t I walk in such a pleasant rain? How eager I am to join with my present kin! I bare my head, bare my feet, bare my back. Why not my seat! Like the flowers, like the trees, like a child, like those geese. Running and rioting, I laugh and yell. Dancing and dabbling, I hum and hail. Showering and shrugging, I sniff and smile. Breathing and bracing, speedily, I sail….
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