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2014/03/05 04:49:03瀏覽556|回應4|推薦61 | |
兩隻火雞在路旁鬪, 路上有人在行走。 有人停下來觀看。 沒人把牠們來驅散。 牠們搖頭、踏步, 伸頸、揮啄. 邊叫、邊咬, 閃、轉、碰、挪。 又有人停下。 續有人路過。 一隻咬著了另一隻的頂肉瘤, 鼓翼用力, 扭歪了牠的頭。 那只甩開、反轉, 繼續奮戰。 啄瞎了那一隻的一隻眼。 有人走開了。 有人繼續看。 那隻又咬到另一隻的長垂鼻, 顛腳用力, 把牠壓在地。 另一隻拽脫了敵口又反口, 撕裂了那隻的喉皮瘤。 鮮血向外流, 有人嘻嘻笑。 有人皺眉頭。
打累了, 且稍息; 慢步走圓場, 開屏示威儀。 引頸相罵, 咯嗒咯嗒叫。 再度相向, 又鬪在一起。 你啄、我躲, 你拽、我甩。 一隻像是昏了頭, 推著那隻 轉圈又愰悠。 一隻像是瞎了眼, 抵著那隻 翅抖又氣喘。 有人擺手走開了。 有人探頭續來看。 牠們滿身都是血, 羽毛已不全。 地上有滴血, 落毛隨風轉。 牠踉蹌, 牠轉圈, 同哆嗦, 同急喘。 行人陸續過。 沒人再來看。 全部觀察員, 搖頭一哄散。 兩個戰鬪員, 歪頭瞪眼看。
英文原詩附後 並請批評指正 Two Turkeys Are Fighting
Two turkeys are fighting at roadside. Many people are passing by. Some people stop to watch them. No one wants to stop them. They thrust up their snoods and beaks, strain their necks and legs. They wag their heads in even beats, move their feet in rapid steps. They chirp and step. They wag and snap. One catches the other’s caruncle head, twists him with all his might, makes his head awry. The other one shakes him off, pecks his enemy madly, seals his one-side eye. More people stop to watch. More people still pass by. One snaps the other’s flap snood, presses his head low, twists his neck crooked. The other pulls himself away, counter-attacks furiously, tears open his wattle throat. Many people frown their brows. Many watch with much delight. Now they are tired. So they rest a while. Flaunt their feathers. Circle to show might. Once more they face each other. Once again they charge and fight. They snap and wag, They snatch and drag. One flaps his wings helplessly and gasps with closed eyes. One pushes the other turning comically and toddles with dizzy head. Blood on their beaks, blood on their heads, blood on their backs, blood on their necks. Blood on the ground, spattered around. Feathers on the ground, flying around. Still they bite. Further they fight. Some people still come, stick heads to look. Some people back out wave hands and go. They turn. They lurch. They step. They stagger. They chirp. They flap. They gobble. They gasp. More people pass. No one stops. All observers shake heads and disperse. Two fighters cock heads and stare…. 三月二十一日,是 PoetryPoem's Welcoming Committee 新主委接任一週年 。 選出二十一篇詩發行 Internet Function 紀念專集,此詩為其中之一。 PoetryPoem 有十一萬詩友。在那裡作者是最優詩人之一也是招牌詩人之一。
Member of Poetry Poem's Welcoming Committee 21st March, 2014 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |