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2014/02/05 08:30:28瀏覽501|回應9|推薦56 | |
詩人的腹內 詩人的腹內, 所裝多雜碎。 也有日中火, 也有海中水。 火冒三丈可燎原, 浪高三丈可摧桅。 卻觀萬物自滋生, 更任千帆自來回。 幼年的迷茫, 少年的無畏, 中年的辛酸, 老年的悴萎。 宇宙人生皆有序, 無虧無愧順輪迴。 身在臼巢心逍遙, 達觀樂觀自陶醉。 鳥語花香兒童笑, 青山綠水白雲飛。 饑餐渴飲興來吟, 坐擁臥游睏來睡。
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
In the Poet's Belly In the poet's belly, lots of chop suey: fire of the sun, water of the sea. Furious fire can inflame the field. But he likes to look at all things grow, and likes to let all ships sail to and fro. Childhood’s aimlessness. Middle-aged bitterness, Old men’s powerlessness. The universe is ordered, life ordained; Body is locked, but mind can be at large; philosophically, optimistically enjoy the course. Flowers smiling, birds singing, kids laughing. Mountains beckoning, rivers enticing, clouds gliding. when hungry eating, thirsty drinking, interested writing, While sitting to embrace, lying to wander, when tired, retiring! |
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