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2017/10/02 15:20:19瀏覽1180|回應1|推薦62 | |
好 詩
白天鵝,上青天,不用爬天梯。 灰地鼠,入緑地,不用挖土機。 大作家,作小文,不須打草稿。 老教授,教幼兒,不許吹牛皮。
那一年,你沒事,教我寫好詩。 說是:東摸摸西湊湊,即是一集。 選題材,必情愛,必有人喜愛。 造詞句,越離奇,越讓人稀奇。
我照著,你的話,如法去籌湊。 捕風雪、描花月、愛恨加情仇。 有像他、有像她、難懂又別拗。 果然是,一集成就,瘋譽滿重樓。
那一天,來了個小窮酸,又黑又瘦。 摻著個,禿了頭的老頭,又肥又醜。 說俺像,豬吟於槽前,強說是苦和愁。 又好像,猴扭其身後,真正是醜加臭。
既無知,又無禮,真是豈有此理! 小糊塗,老頑固,怎麼這麼樣的口氣? 他們要,逼咱們,上天還是入地? 憑那門子,到咱門前,撒野還要放屁!
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Good Poem do not rely on the ladder. The gray hamster, get deep into the ground, do not depend on the borer.
he needs not to make a draft first. he is not allowed to be a boaster.
taught me how to write good verses. You said: just something from here and there, together can cook up a good fare.
Selecting themes, it’s best about love, everybody will love it with fervor. readers will be more berserk.
I started to consider and endeavor: copy moons and flowers, catch snow and zephyr. Some like his, some like hers, hard to understand, jerky and awkward. But indeed, the collection awfully succeeded! got manorful of sweet letters and flattering words!
rather black and very thin. very fatty and rather ugly. They said, I am like, a pig moans before its trough, about sorrow and pain. very ugly, even stinky.
How absurd and how infuriating! They were both rude and ignorant! A small-stupid and an old-stubborn! What do they want? Force us down into the ground, or up to the heaven? create turbulence! speak nonsense!
延申阅读: 若如先生的「大家来写诗」http://blog.udn.com/ichliebenirhen/108654389#!prettyPhoto 陆游先生的 「 大漠孤煙外 & 老頑童上山」http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/article
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