Freemasons use some very interesting numbers! Here is the number 33 degrees used to map out different cities:
The area where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers come closest together -- allegedly the place of the earliest human "civilization" -- lies virtually at the 33.30°N latitude, in what is now modern Iraq. The ancient pre-India city, Harappa, once lay along this latitiude, as well as did Babylon.
Baghdad, Iraq is at 33.33°N latitude.
"The longest continually inhabited city in the world" is Damascus, Syria, at 33.30°N latitude.
The place where 33.30°N, meets 33.30°E, is near the Southern end of the island of Cypress, in the Mediterranean Sea, believed to host vast, unexplored archeological resources from nearby ancient cultures.
The 33.30°N parallel runs through the disputed Kashmir region, the Northern Himalayas, and Lungdo, Tibet.
Roswell, New Mexico (location of "Area 51") is at 33.37°N latitude. This geo-latitudinal line also passes through what is known as the "Bermuda Triangle" in the Atlantic Ocean.
Hiroshima, Japan, is very nearly situated at the intersection of 133.30°E longitude and 33.30°N latitude. Nagasaki is near the 33.30°N, as well as is the White Sands Testing Range (New Mexico), where the atom bomb was first detonated.
A list of some cities that lie very near the global North Latitude, 33.30°, includes:
Babylon (ancient)
Harappa, Indus Valley (ancient)
Baghdad, Iraq
Damascus, Syria
Islamabad, and Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Casablanca, Morocco
Beirut, Qiryat Shemona, Nahariyya, and Maalot Tarshikha, Israel
Phoenix, Tempe, and Scottsdale, Arizona*
Anaheim, Brea, East Los Angeles, Laguna Beach, Long Beach, Oceanside, Escondido, Encinitas, Indio, Irvine, Newport Beach, Palm Springs, San Diego, and San Juan Capistrano, California
Roswell, New Mexico Lubbock, Paris, and Texarkana, Texas Birmingham, and Tuscaloosa, Alabama El Dorado, and Texarkana, Arkansas Atlanta, Athens-Clarke, and Augusta-Richmond, Georgia Columbus, and Greenville, Mississippi Columbia, and Charleston, South Carolina Kochi, Matsuura, Nagasaki, Oita, and Saga, Japan
Some Southern Hemisphere locales (33.30°S) are:
Atlantis, Cape Town, and Port Elizabeth, South Africa (near the Southern tip of Africa) Buenos Aires, Argentina Trinidad, and Durazno, Uraguay Santiago, Chile Richmond-Windsor, and Sydney, Australia
Geo-Spatial Alignment of Southern Death Rows & Abu Ghraib as Evidence of Human Sacrifice Ritual to Superhuman Entities for Temporal Power...
Geographical coordinates: Latitude N 33.031. (For purposes of this article the longitude is not typically of importance)....
1. Death Row - Mississippi : Located in Parchman, Mississippi in SunFlower, County.
(Freemasonry being associated with Solar or Sun worship) Latitude N 33.92 .
2. Death Row - Georgia : Located in Jackson, Georgia , Latitude N 33.29
3. Death Row - Georgia : Atlanta (for Women) Latitude N 33.65 (again 6+5= 11).
4. Death Row - South Carolina : Ridgeville, SC Latitude N 33.0326 ( 3+2+6= 11).
5. Rawalpindi District Jail, Rawalpindi , Pakistan (Military Capital) : Latitude N 33.35
Location where Prime Minister Bhutto was hanged by Zia Ul Haq, dictator of Pakistan on April 4, 1979.
6. Death Row - House of Horrors - ABU GHRAIB PRISON, IRAQ
Latitude N 33.29 (Identical to Georgia Death Row for men). Abu Ghraib is now officially
The exact coordinates on this site go as follows - N 33.291235 it adds up to 22 or 2 「11」s.
7. The Death Row for Lebanon is Roumieh Prison , north of Lebanon at -roughly- 33.60 N. Latitude is very close to being exact to the death row in Atlanta for females.