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第二卷 概念(Book II: Of Ideas)有三十三章; 第十三章 簡單型相的複雜概念-第一論空間概念的簡單型相 (Chapter XIII: Complex Ideas of Simple Modes : – and first, of the Simple Modes of the Idea of Space)----這一章是很重要,討論空間意涵集合各種元素概念的細節!!

  • 超越物體極限的虛空(A vacuum beyond the utmost bounds of body.)如果不假設實體是無限的,(我想沒有人會如此斷言),我可以問,上帝如果將人置於有形存在的最邊緣,祂不能夠將祂的手伸出超出祂的實體以外。(If body be not supposed infinite, (which I think no one will affirm), I would ask, whether, if God placed a man at the extremity of corporeal beings, he could not stretch his hand beyond his body ?) ……
  • 毀滅的能力驗證虛空(The power of annihilation proves a vacuum.)進一步討論,那些人主張沒有物質空間就不可能存在,不僅必須認為實體是無限的,而且必須否認上帝具有毀滅任何部分物質的能力。( Farther, those who assert the impossibility of space existing without matter, must not only make body infinite, but must also deny a power in God to annihilate any part of matter.) ......注意:這種中古世紀經院哲學(Scholasticism)形而上類似聖托馬斯阿奎那Saint Thomas Aquinas12251226~127437)的辯證方法在十七世紀末依然是牢不可破的潛意識----就如同華夏巫術文化浸染下類似阿Q正傳理學虛偽----被視為理所當然的真理!!     上帝真能毀滅運行中的宇宙嗎?     那麼多次的世界末日----沒有一次是真的!!      這個辯證論述類似聖托馬斯阿奎那證上帝存在的五個證據-----是一個既不能證明為真亦不能證明為偽的形而上的虛無飄渺命題!!  
  • 動驗證虛空(Motion proves a vacuum.) 不過不必遠到超出宇宙實體界限以,也不必訴諸上帝的全能去探尋虛空,只要由我們周圍看到的那些實體運動,對我而言似乎就能清楚證明虛空的存在。要想發現我們且(But not to go so far as beyond the utmost bounds of body in the universe, nor appeal to God’s omnipotency to find a vacuum, the motion of bodies that are in our view and neighbourhood seems to me plainly to evince it.) 我請求任何一個人去裂解一個堅實的物體,隨他的意願到任何大小,使(被解裂的)堅實部分可以在各表層的邊界內自由向上和向下移動, (這裡)是否存在一個和被稱之為堅實物體已裂解成最小部分一樣大的虛無的空間 (For I desire any one so to divide a solid body, of any dimension he pleases, as to make it possible for the solid parts to move up and down freely every way within the bounds of that superficies, if there be not left in it a void space as big as the least part into which he has divided the said solid body.) ……
  • 空間和實體是性質不同的概念 (The ideas of space and body distinct.) 但這個問題在這裡,-空間或廣延概念是否會與實體概念相同?(But the question being here, – Whether the idea of space or extension be the same with the idea of body ?) 證明虛空的真正存在不是必要的,只須證明虛空概念;當他們質問、爭論是否有虛空時,人們有(虛空概念)那是很清楚的。 (it is not necessary to prove the real existence of a vacuum, but the idea of it ; which it is plain men have when they inquire and dispute whether there be a vacuum or no.)

羅伯特·波義耳Robert Boyle)畫像

  • 注意: 在那個時期羅伯特·波義耳Robert Boyle1627125~16911230日)才剛開始以科學方法研究鍊金術alchemy),因而開啟了所謂化學(Chemistry)的新學科。 他對空氣進行研究,提出波義耳定律(Boyle's law)這個實驗證明---所謂空間是充滿了看不見的空氣,但是空氣是甚麼? 沒有人說得明白!! 那麼,是否有虛空的空間(void space)?   就是一個值得討論的命題!!  當時人們觀測到是海浪傳遞到遠方的介質,因而設想在空間中也必然充滿了某種物質,作為磁力重力得以傳送的介質勒內·笛卡兒提出以太(ether)作為解釋這種自然現象----這是當時被多數人接受的假設,要駁斥這個假設並不容易;兩百多年後,1887年的才有真正的實驗證據不能證明有以太的存在”!!    約翰·洛克基本上也是無法說清楚的,並沒有嚴謹的證據證明虛空的空間(void space)的存在。 他的反問只是為提出合理懷疑找到一個論點”---不要忘記所謂的科學方法”(Scientific method)正在建構中。
  • 廣延和實體不可分離,不能驗證它們是一樣的(Extension being inseparable from body, proves it not the same.) 真的,廣延概念和所有看見接觸的性質是如此的不可分離,使我們在看到或觸到任何外界客體時,沒有或很少人體驗到,不接受了廣延的印象。(It is true, the idea of extension joins itself so inseparably with all visible, and most tangible qualities, that it suffers us to see no one, or feel very few external objects, without taking in impressions of extension too.) 廣延理所當然使得它本身恒定不變的與其他的概念一起被人注意,已經成為依據,我猜想,有些人已經認為整個實體的本質存在於廣延; 這一點都不足以為奇,因為他們心裡已經先入為主,經由他們的視覺和觸覺,(我們所有的感官最繁忙的,)如此充滿了廣延概念,然後,心裡就是,全部被廣延概念佔據了,他們就不准許任何沒有廣延事物的存在。(This readiness of extension to make itself be taken notice of so constantly with other ideas, has been the occasion, I guess, that some have made the whole essence of body to consist in extension ; which is not much to be wondered at, since some have had their minds, by their eyes and touch, (the busiest of all our senses,) so filled with the idea of extension, and, as it were, wholly possessed with it, that they allowed no existence to anything that had not extension.)......
  • 事物的本質(Essences of things.) 如果那些概念恒定不變的同所有其他的(概念)結合在一起,因此同那些概念恒定不變的結合,而且不能從他們分離,就被斷定是其他事物的本質;那麼,合諧統一體毫無疑問的就是所有謂單一亦一定是任何事物的本質。 因為沒有任何感覺或反省的客體不,都帶有唯一(One)概念:不過這種辯論是很虛弱的,我已經充分證明過了。(If those ideas which are constantly joined to all others, must therefore be concluded to be the essence of those things which have constantly those ideas joined to them, and are inseparable from them ; then unity is without doubt the essence of everything. For there is not any object of sensation or reflection which does not carry with it the idea of one : but the weakness of this kind of argument we have already shown sufficiently.)----注意:這個概念是約翰·洛克借用新柏拉圖主義的論點。
  • 空間堅實性是性質不同的概念(Ideas of space and solidity distinct.)基本上約翰·洛克論述這個概念類似先前的的方法只是提出了合理的懷疑,並沒有嚴謹的證據證明!! 就不細述相關的內容了。
  • 人們對清晰,簡單概念的幾乎沒有差異(Men differ little in clear, simple ideas.) 當精確的知道我們文字代表的意涵元素,我猜想,在這裡及許多其它的情況,爭論可很快的停止。 因為我會相信人們,當他們進行(自身)反省,會發現他們的簡單概念一般是意見相合的,然而論點(簡單概念) 的差異或許是因混淆了另一個與不同的名稱(The knowing precisely what our words stand for, would, I imagine, in this as well as a great many other cases, quickly end the dispute. For I am apt to think that men, when they come to examine them, find their simple ideas all generally to agree, though in discourse with one another they perhaps confound one another with different names.)




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【無★言】時代悲劇 (二)
2013/05/31 08:03



Tomas(TomasTso) 於 2013-05-31 13:19 回覆:

以太(ether)是甚麼?   就如同"鬼神"一樣,沒有人說得明白,正確的敘述就是"不能證明它的存在"!!



目前 廣義相對(the general theory of relativity)的"解釋"模型,不需要假設以太的存在,所觀測的現象和推算結果是一致的



正確的敘述應該是----人類認識"大自然"是一個沒有終點的旅程(endless journey)!!