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2021/03/26 23:47:13瀏覽160|回應0|推薦1 | |
Shantideva mentions these twenty-seven sources as follows. The first is (1) delight and attachment for what we like (our friends and possessions), and the second is (2) aversion and repugnance toward enemies and other unpleasant objects from which our minds draw back. When such urges and longings arise in the mind, we should do nothing with such a motivation: We should not walk, move around, speak, or allow the mind to pursue such objects. Instead, we should remain unmoving like logs of wood. We should not allow our body, speech, and mind, to run after what attracts or repels us. (摘錄自入菩薩行論釋) (譯)寂天菩薩提到二十七個致惡之源,第一個是對我们喜歡的事物(我們的朋友和财產)的喜心和執著;第二個是对敵人和其它令人不悅的事物的厭惡;當心中出现這些渴望時,我们不應以這種動機做任何事情:我们不应该走動與說話,或讓頭腦去追逐些對象。相反,我们應像木頭一样保持原狀。我们不應該我们的身體,语言和思想,在吸引或排斥我们的事物後奔跑。 |
( 興趣嗜好|星座命理 ) |