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2021/03/06 00:08:10瀏覽98|回應0|推薦1 | |
(心語)所有現象都是心的投射,就像鏡子的反射一樣,我們沒有超越這些表演;首要之務就是認清楚心! 我們必須知道心的形狀或顏色,我們必須去探索心的升起,住處跟熄滅處....;如果我們沒有超越這些生滅的概念,就無法穿透心的秘密,無論我們多麽渴望涅槃或根絕輪迴,都只是奢望! 誠如壇經也說到:密在汝邊! (原文)All external phenomena arise in the mind like reflections in a mirror. They are mental fabrications. They are the mere display of the mind and do not extend beyond it. The principal task therefore is to understand the mind clearly, and to that end we must use reasoning. We must examine the mind. We must look for its shape, its color, and so on. We must search for the place where the mind arises, where it dwells, and where it ceases. If we fail to understand that the mind is beyond every concept of origin, dwelling, and cessation; if we fail to penetrate this secret of the mind (its emptiness and lack of self), then however much we long to achieve the joy of nirvana and to uproot the sorrows of samsara, we will wander uselessly in misery. Concerning this secret of the mind, the Shravakas and Pratyekabuddhas fully understand only the personal No-Self; they do not understand the No-Self of phenomena, which remains hidden from them, a secret. (摘自入菩薩行論釋) (攝影:清萊文廣 阿卡族的少女) |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |