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2018/03/05 01:21:57瀏覽24|回應0|推薦0 | |
China’s aircraft-carrierName and purpose to be determined The Chinese navy takes a much-heralded step forward but its intentions are vagueAug 13th 2011 | BEIJING | from the print edition
ON AUGUST 10th, after years of secretive work, the Chinese navy launched its first aircraft-carrier on its maiden voyage. The Chinese media hailed the vessel as a sign of China’s emergence as a sea power, one they insist has only peaceful intent. Its neighbours are not so delighted. State-controlled media had been predicting the ship’s imminent launch for weeks, prompting Chinese military enthusiasts to converge on the north-eastern port city of Dalian in the hope of seeing it set out. One newspaper said a fire escape on a nearby IKEA store was a good vantage point, but the Chinese navy kept quiet about when the date would be. In this section · »Name and purpose to be determined It has reason to be diffident. The ship is hardly a symbol of China’s prowess in technology. It was bought in 1998 from Ukraine, where it had been rusting half-finished since its first launch a decade earlier. The Ukrainians were told it would be used as a floating casino (they sold it without weapons or engines). But unlike two other ex-Soviet carriers in China that ended up as theme parks, this one was taken to a navy shipyard where, in 2005, it got a telltale coat of Chinese military paint. It was not until July that China confirmed it had been refitting the ship. China has been mulling plans to build an aircraft-carrier since at least the 1970s. Officials debated how useful one would be in a conflict over Taiwan, the military planners’ main preoccupation until a few years ago. Land-based aircraft and missiles could be deployed easily across the Taiwan Strait. But in the past decade China has become more focused on acquiring the means to project power farther afield, the better to defend shipping lanes, it says, and to help relief efforts. Other countries in the region believe China also wants to assert territorial claims in the South China Sea more vigorously. Vietnam and the Philippines have been complaining in recent months about what they see as a more aggressive posture by China in that area. There had been speculation that the aircraft-carrier would be launched in time for the Communist Party’s 90th birthday on July 1st. It is possible that its leaders decided that a lower-key affair a few weeks later might avoid stoking the neighbours’ suspicions. For the time being the region’s pre-eminent naval power, America, is showing little sign of concern. The Chinese carrier’s actual deployment might yet be years away. China will take longer still to gain the expertise needed to deploy a carrier-based battle group, with all its supporting vessels. It is reportedly building two more aircraft-carriers (from scratch, this time). But the Americans worry more about other bits of China’s rapidly improving arsenal, from carrier-busting missiles to submarines and land-based fighter jets. Unlike the Soviets, the Chinese appear not to be trying to match the size and capability of America’s huge fleet. Officials describe the aircraft-carrier programme partly as a prestige project. China has been acutely conscious of being the only permanent member of the United Nations without a carrier. Its rival India has long had one. Thailand has one too. Japan, another rival, has a carrier for helicopters that could be adapted for fighters. China’s ship does not yet have a name. In Soviethands it was the Varyag (a sister ship is the only operational carrier in Russia’s navy). Chinese internet users have made many suggestions. Some believe it should be named after a province. Chinese heroes are also popular, especially Shi Lang, a Chinese admiral who conquered Taiwan in the 17th century. Officials would be wise to avoid that one. from the print edition | Asia Name and purpose to be determined Aug 11th 2011, 17:40
I still think this ship’s is better named after Admiral Shi Lang who helped the Emperor Kang-Xi of Ching Empire unify the mainland China and Taiwan in 1683-1684 (force Guo-Xingua Cheng Chung-Gong’s grandson Cheng Ke-Shuang to surrender). This name is well-known also because the Chinese hot soap opera “The Empire of Kang-Xi” mainly played by the movie-king Chen Dau-Ming.
I am very glad to see you Economist.com post this name because this action can prevent some clumsy Chinese bloggers from KMT’s wrong thinkings and remind them of expanding the circumstances of national defensive territory, not just knowing some inland cities. This carrier was once reported by Financial Times in this late April and several days ago. The relative news or comment are also found on the recent NHK’s channels like Japanese cabinet Edano’s .
China already makes the dream come true freely shipping all over the world and take a new step to defend ourselves. Following these country such as India, Thailand, Japan, China unavoidably walks toward the road of sea-power. We can retrospect Alfred Thayer Mahan’s theory, which has been affecting 100-year history of the United States, and from this theory, in compare, the peaceful rise of China step by step is progressing. Every country should enjoy this newly-established power’s rising instead of living in fears or paradoxically using “unity or independence” just for his satisfaction of cheat on illiterate animal. May China be a full-range hyperpower and can successfully combine mainland China and Taiwan as soon as possible! Yeah!
Recommended 98 Report Permalink 這篇本文筆者找不太到(2018,08,04筆者補上原文及原圖),還記得是很興奮的回文,說這本經濟學人雜誌真是太配合筆者,直接也講是施琅號恰當。首段提及中國影帝陳道明的康熙帝國電視影集,在1683年下令迫使鄭克塽投降的一幕。今天遠見雜誌公佈偏向台灣轉為一獨立國的21.1%十年新低,九二共識有47.5%,一國兩制百分比14.8%也創新高,即是對當前蔡英文常以神隱少女治國無任何作為的反撲。第二段提到美國百年前的優秀海軍軍官馬漢,所提的海權論,和當今中國以航母派為首的海軍全球佈武策略,當然至今仍有些不足和體制上待變革之事項,今天能夠加入世界和平防衛,袪除鴉片戰爭的陰影這方面也冀予期許。 在去年(2017年)的第二艘預計被稱作「山東號」的第一艘中國人國艦國造的航空母艦已經作下水測試,這艘是從2013年11月開工,從今年(2018年)預計15年內要因拼6艘,而中國的國艦國造技術雖然不能和印度的相比,但是仍然能透過協同作戰比從前有效作更密集的防禦。根據2018年3月旺報的報導,承製國艦國造的中國船舶重工集團希望有核動力的突破,而中國海軍大校李杰在環球時報曾預測,第三艘預計是電磁彈射型航母,第四艘是核動力航母。 遼寧號是1985年12月開工製造,在1988年12月下水服役,原預計為蘇聯第三代航母,蘇聯瓦解時只有完成原藍圖的67.3%,並停留在黑海造傳廠,之後中介由徐增平的澳門創律公司從烏克蘭政府手中買下,轉賣給解放軍。2005年有中船重工集團大連造船廠對其進行續建和改造。2012年9月25日確定被命名「遼寧號」,吃水10.5公尺,速度30節。2016年12月25日,據日本統合幕僚監部報導,正在進行遠海訓練的遼寧艦航艦編隊由8艘軍艦編成。除遼寧艦外(舷號16),還包括052C型飛彈驅逐艦「鄭州艦」(舷號151)、「海口艦」(舷號171),052D型飛彈驅逐艦「長沙艦」(舷號173),054A型飛彈護衛艦「煙臺艦」(舷號538)、「臨沂艦」(舷號547),056A型飛彈護衛艦「株洲艦」(舷號594),以及903A型綜合補給艦「高郵湖艦」(舷號966)。 這台航母「遼寧號」是在今年才從南海參加聯合演訓確立其作戰能力,不再只有教練機的功能,雖然比起歐美各國的航母性能略差,反制敵人能力稍有不足,但是航速極快與機動力及協同作戰能力優於歐美大部份航母是一大優勢。亞洲各國來說,泰國有從西班牙轉買,世界最小的航母「差克立.納呂貝特」(1997年8月10日),當時是東南亞第一個,亞洲第二個,世界上第十個有航母的國家。印度曾有1997年1月退役的「維克蘭特」號,在2013年開始國艦國造,預計今年(2018年)會完工,屆時也將這艘原名「藍天衛士號」更名為「維克蘭特號」以懷念當時好不容易在1986年以五千萬英磅從英國買下來的光榮。日本在二次大戰時曾經有29艘航空母艦,如今有準航母「日向號」、大禺級攻擊艦和直升機型航母「出雲號」,韓國則有準航母「獨島號」。(2018,08,04補充本文大部份)
最近2/26日經中文網有一篇特稿:中國正在穩步走向海洋強國。順便提到有運營權的主要海外港口。http://zh.cn.nikkei.com/china/cpolicssociety/29361-2018-02-26-02-37-43.html/?n_cid=NKCHA014 聯合新聞網的報導:https://theme.udn.com/theme/story/6773/3103374 15年拚6艘!大陸國產航母試航 有一項強過遼寧艦大陸國產第一艘航母,昨天上午在拖輪協助下離開泊位。圖/取自微博4月23日是中共海軍節,也是中共海軍建立69周年。就在昨天,已經基本完工的首艘中國國產航母(工程代號為001A型)已經離開大連造船廠碼頭,即將駛向大海進行首次試航。中國首艘國產航母昨天上午在多艘拖船的簇擁下,離開停泊的大連造船廠舾裝碼頭,聞訊趕來的群眾聚集在碼頭爭睹這難得一見的盛況,並且拍下多張照片在微博上分享記錄這一刻。 中共海軍建立69周年,遼寧艦編隊部分官兵在飛行甲板宣誓。(中新社)001A首次試航 數輛大吊車傾斜試驗新浪軍事網報導,首艘國產航母開始進行相關試驗。據網友們拍攝到的照片顯示,在飛行甲板一側吊裝了數輛重型吊車,這說明該艦很有可能是在進行傾斜試驗。 傾斜試驗是通過船舶橫傾來求得船舶完工後的實際重量和重心高度的一種有效方法,以確定船舶在水中航行的穩性合格與否。這也是試航前必須要進行的試驗之一。目的是檢驗航母的初穩性,所以飛行甲板上原先堆積的貨物和施工器具被清理一空。在此次傾斜試驗中,大量自重高達數十噸的吊車,就是最好的重物。 001A型航母是中國第二艘、也是首艘自製的航母,公開資料顯示,001A型航母排水量5萬噸,可搭載40多架殲—15艦載機,排水量和可搭載戰機數量在亞洲排名第一,在全球僅次於美國「尼米茲」和「福特」級航母。從切割第一塊鋼板開始,直到完全建成,由中國全流程自主建造,是純國產化的航母。 001A型航母從2013年11月開工建造,到2017年4月下水,再到現在即將海試,整個船體建造和設備安裝,總共不到五年。 大陸拚命造航母加強戰力,未來15年可能有6艘,圖為遼寧艦戰鷹出「巢」。 (中新社)不讓遼寧號專美 可能命名「山東號」至於先前的「遼寧號」航空母艦,簡稱「遼寧艦」,是中共海軍第一艘搭載固定翼飛機的航空母艦,前身是蘇聯海軍的庫茲涅佐夫元帥級航空母艦次艦瓦良格號,中國購買時已經完成大約70%的船體建造,後續是中國海軍根據自身需要在「瓦良格」號的原有基礎上進行改裝和建造,改裝後中國將其稱為001型航空母艦。 此前一直有消息稱001A型航母服役後,將命名為「山東號」,根據中國海軍艦艇命名條例,這種以省級行政區名字為航母命名的方式,可能性相對較高。 遼寧海事局日前發布通告,自20日至28日,渤海海峽黃海北部、渤海、渤海北部海域因執行軍事任務而禁航,許多軍事迷估計,這是要為001A型航母出海作準備。 相關報導指出,只有在航母規模與戰鬥力均達到一定程度後,才有可能由艦隊組建獨立的航母編隊,執行作戰任務。在該艦入列後,中國海軍將跨入雙航母時代,因此也很可能與「遼寧艦」部署於同一母港。 可能命名「山東號」的國造航母入列後,中國海軍將跨入雙航母時代,圖為遼寧艦配屬兵力分頭轉向訓練。 (中新社)海試三階段 嚴寒高溫狂浪極端測試「網易軍事」指出要完成三大階段工作。所謂「海試」就是海上航行試驗的簡稱,在整個航母建造的過程中,從開工到下水是第一階段,這是航母船體建造階段,下水就標誌著船體建造基本完成。 舾裝是第二階段,是在船體完工的基礎上安裝各種設備;試驗階段則是第三階段,只要試驗階段沒有發現重大隱患需要改進,如果發現問題還要再返廠修理,就可以進行驗收交付使用。 而試驗階段又分為「繫泊試驗」和「海上航行」試驗兩個步驟。 繫泊試驗是基本,是在碼頭上繫泊靜止狀態對航母各系統進行調試和檢測,由於是在靜止狀態下進行的試驗,所以會受到很多限制,很多測試是沒法進行的。所以當繫泊試驗的內容都完成之後,就要進入下一步海上航行試驗了,有很多問題只有在航行時才會暴露出來,特別是還要進行滿負荷運轉狀態下的測試。 除此之外,還將進行各種極限狀況下的測試,例如大舵角高速急轉、急停等等。還要在嚴寒、高溫、大風大浪的各種極端外部條件下的測試,由此可見,海試階段是試驗階段的重頭戲,也是整個航母建造過程中的一個重要階段。 首艘國產航母形成戰鬥力的進度,預計快於遼寧艦。圖為遼寧艦上戰機。 (中新社)不需6年半!戰鬥力成形將比遼寧艦快分析指出,遼寧艦從2011年8月10日首次出海試航,到2018年4月可能首次參加實戰化演習,歷時約6年半。考慮到遼寧艦自身側重科研與訓練的定位,以及多年來積累的訓練經驗和培養的大批成熟艦員,預計001A首艘國產航母形成戰鬥力的進度將會快於遼寧艦。 69年前的4月23日中共海軍建軍,根據中共第一任海軍司令員蕭勁光的回憶,1950年3月17日,他抵達山東威海,要登劉公島考察設防,但無船可搭,不得已只好租了一艘小漁船。站在小漁船小得不能再小的甲板上,蕭勁光神色凝重。這時候,漁民一邊搖著櫓,一邊不解地問,「你是個海軍司令員,還要租我們的漁船?」 蕭勁光聽了以後,對身旁的隨行人員說,「大家都要記住今天這個日子,海軍司令員可是租老百姓漁船視察劉公島的!」 如今,中共的海軍已名列世界前沿,有軍事分析家估計,在未來15年內,中國可能會有6艘航母,除了目前的兩艘滑躍式航艦外,兩艘可能是蒸汽式彈射航艦,另兩艘是電磁彈射式航艦。 遼寧艦從首次海試到實戰化演習,歷時6年半,圖為遼寧艦彈藥裝卸員轉運導彈。 (中新社) |
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