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2019/10/27 20:43:39瀏覽193|回應0|推薦0 | |
原文是一段訪談,筆者寫出訪談後的心得。 巴倫波音是目前世上數一數二,雖然年邁有77歲,至今仍活躍於樂壇。他擁有阿根廷、以色列、巴勒斯坦和西班牙四國的公民身份。筆者首次接觸到他的錄音作品,是2009年的維也納新年音樂會的錄音唱片。從2008年起,各家古典音樂出版商陸續出版盒裝音樂集,筆者從2015年3月起,至今(2019年11月18日)蒐集擷取音訊檔,包括索尼SONY(97盒)、環球DG+UNIVERSAL(48盒)、笛卡DECCA(24盒)、EMI加上華納WARNER(43盒)和拿索斯NAXOS等(NAXOS2盒、NEWTON1盒)大大小小210多盒古典音樂、接近20盒的爵士個人和品牌合集及電影音樂合集(1盒星際大戰)。以巴倫波音為主題的前幾名合集有:Warner 2008年 Der Ring des Nibelungen全套(14CD,1990年代初在拜魯特音樂節Bayreuth Festival),Warner 2012年 Barenboim Conducts The Major Wagner Operas(34CD,見http://www.wagneropera.net/articles/cd-barenboim-wagner-complete-34cd-berry.htm),DECCA 2012年Beethoven: The Sonatas, Symphonies, Concertos (19CD+DVD),Warner 2016年Beethovens Barenboim(35CD),於2017年巴氏75歲生日時,SONY出品的Daniel Barenboim - A Retrospective(43CD+3DVD),及DG所出的The Solo Recordings on DG (39CD Limited Edition)。巴氏被譽為福特萬格勒Wilhelm Furtwängler的唯一接班人,除了貝多芬的現代樂團編製的詮釋,華格納的作品錄音也深受現代樂壇喜愛。在貝多芬交響曲錄音中,福氏的和卡拉揚的版本,是20世紀古典音樂樂壇裡最閃耀的雙星。 訪談中所提及的東西方合集管弦樂團(West-Eastern Divan Orchestra),是巴氏年輕時,1999年與後殖民理論、知名的東方學學者薩伊德(Edward Wadie Said,《東方主義》的作者),所合辦,長駐於西班牙,樂手來自埃及、伊朗、以色列、約旦、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦、敘利亞等地。樂團取名於德國十八世紀詩人歌德「西東詩集」(West–östlicher Divan)。 巴氏認識筆者小時候學鋼琴的幾位老師。就筆者的回憶中,巴氏很幽默而健談,思考很清楚,在社交上很典型的猶太人,而筆者所蒐集的唱片,不乏猶太裔的音樂家。就現存世界樂壇來說,同為鋼琴家兼指揮家的猶太名家有阿胥肯納吉(Vladimir Ashkenazy),而能也是猶太裔的和印度指揮家祖賓●梅塔(Zubin Mehta),以及世界上其它眾多:里卡多●慕堤(Riccardo Muti)、大衛●辛曼(David Zinman)、艾森巴哈(Christoph Eschenbach)、小澤●征爾(Seiji Ozawa)、海汀克(Bernard Johan Herman Haitink)、賽門●拉圖(Sir Simon Rattle)、魏瑟●莫斯特(Franz Welser-Möst)及古斯塔夫●杜達美(Gustavo Adolfo Dudamel Ramirez)。陸續各大製作商都有像下面三張圖盒裝的個人套裝或混著的紀念合集。讀者不彷挑選幾盒雅緻化自己的性靈。 有關巴氏的即時訊息,可以連至其個人網站:https://danielbarenboim.com/ ,或是臉書https://www.facebook.com/danielbarenboim
Daniel Barenboim performs BeethovenCounterpointFeb 1st 2013, 12:57 by Economist.com · Tweet EDWARD SAID and Daniel Barenboim created the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra in 1999. The group is a rare, and virtuosic, collaboration between Israelis and Arabs
Counterpoint Feb 9th 2013, 12:35
Daniel Barenboim is the prominent performer who articulates what Ludwig Von Beethoven appeal for the contemporary world in the early 19th century after Herbert Von Karajan, who died in 1989’s July at the nearby Sony’s late President Akio Morita’s body with leaning. From piano solo, concertos to violin concerned and to symphonies, almost of Beethoven’s piece can be expressed in Daniel’s fluent uncomplicated style of composing. Daniel and a myriad of symphony orchestra has collaborated in the dialogue, which unlocked the limit of time passing, with the progress from one to another museum pieces.
Mainly for DECCA, a classical brand, Daniel recorded the eternity for the classical fans who continues a flame of hope for the traditional art. Well, there were some directors performing Beethoven’s pieces in the post-war period, besides Karajan whom I praise for knowing Beethoven’s line of thoughts, such as Leonard Bernstein, Claudio Abbado and Simon Rattle, also with both Berlin and Weiner Philharmonic. By the way, the piano-revised transcription by Liszt is an adoration performed by Konstantin Scherbakov, also for my access to Beethoven’s knowledge.
Not only Beethoven’s pieces but also another style of classical music has been played with Daniel’s wave processing. Beethoven’s pieces are famous for its human touch between the heart and the music sentences, one after another, because his misfortune of hard-hearing and the turmoil of European continent induced him to process numerous reflection and the response to the circumstance. Thus, the dialogue incites people to arouse intense interest among players and audiences. Geopolitically, Israel and surrounding Arabic nation agressively dispute over the defense of territory. Given there is few solution to debut a permanent peace of this land, these notes and rhythm may maintain the prerequisite for the access to the next milestone.
Always, Daniel loyal to the truth of the contemporary appeals for younger musician who has willingness to raise the next climax. And, the conversation“Parallels and Paradoxes - Explorations in Music and Society” is well-known for the experience of cultural shock from music to politics, clearly indicating the deduction and logical interaction by a Palestinian scholar, Edward Wadie Saïd, and him, a Jew.
I have a strong favourite to enjoy specific kinds of classical music, including Johann Strauss family’s Waltz and Claude Debussy’s pieces of decoration like Deux Arabesques. Daniel, in 2009, is one of the directors leading Weiner Philharmonic to practise routine of New Year’s Concert in Vienna. In general, Daniel keep the passion of the spirit in these common heritage of human beings. While talking with him for several times during the past 5 years, Daniel infers the pursuit of perfect feeling to me, indeed in the dialogue more than yes-no question. Yeah, have another jocular journey.
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