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[ 嘶聲 ] 《The Trauma of Everyday Life》
2013/11/04 13:54:42瀏覽179|回應0|推薦0

The Trauma of Everyday Life

The Trauma of Everyday Life


When my father was dying from his brain tumor, I realized that I had never had a conversation with him about anything spiritual. He was a scientist and, while he was proud of my success as a writer, he never expressed any real interest in the kinds of things I was thinking about. I was reluctant to engage him in too much discussion, knowing that he was not interested, and that seemed fine with him. When it became clear that his malignant brain tumor was inoperable, however, and that his days were severely numbered, I began to wonder if I shouldn’t try to talk to him about what I had learned from Buddhism. This was a challenge, not because of his tumor, which was deep in the right side of his brain and had not affected his cognitive abilities, but because I needed to find of way of talking to him in plain language, without recourse to concepts he did not believe in. I called him on the phone from my office, not knowing that several days later he would slip into a coma from which he would never emerge, an unintentional infection from a brain biopsy several weeks previously taking its iatrogenic toll.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this book, my father, although a physician, successfully avoided the subject of his own mortality for much of his life. This is not an uncommon strategy for dealing with death and there are many sutras in the Buddhist canon that show the Buddha confronting it with whatever persuasiveness he can muster. In one such sutra, known as the Simile of the Mountain, the Buddha asked a local ruler, King Pasenadi, how he would feel if a huge mountain were to come bearing down on him from the East, crushing all living beings in its path. He conjured the mountain expertly, making the king imagine a gigantic mass moving inexorably toward him, rolling over all things. Then he repeated the question but had the mountain coming from the North, then the South and finally the West. By the time he was finished the poor King, ostensibly secure behind his four-fold fortifications of elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry, was being crushed from all sides. This is what death is like, the Buddha trumpeted. It’s coming, you don’t know from which direction, and you are powerless to stop it. He seemed almost gleeful. 

Why was this such a profound teaching for the King? Even now the words retain their threatening power. Don’t we know all this already? Is death really such a surprise? The Buddha suggested that we do not really know it, even though we may mouth the words. The tendency toward denial runs very deep. We don’t actually think it can happen to us. Or, rather, we can’t actually imagine it happening to us. The Buddha’s incantation brought the reality home, at least for an instant, for King Pasenadi. The King inclined his mind toward the truth, brought it into his explicit awareness, and became receptive to the Buddha’s teachings.

One of the most obvious reasons for avoiding the reality of death is that we do not know how to deal with it. The Buddha, in making King Pasenadi see the impotence of his fortifications, was making this very point. We think we have to erect barriers to it, or find weapons to fight it, but this does not work very well. The Buddha discovered a softer approach, one that he was urging the King toward. In his recovery of implicit relational knowing, as personified in his five great dreams, he found the key to navigating the inevitable traumas of life, including that of death. 

My father already had the mountain on top of him. He had worked until he was 84, until he got lost one day driving the same ten-minute route home from work he had taken for the past forty years. The mountain, in the form of the tumor, was already inside his brain. Not used to facing a challenge he could not overcome with his intelligence, there was an air of resignation hovering over this, our last conversation. 

You know the feeling of yourself deep inside that hasn’t really changed since you were a boy?” I began. “The way you have felt the same to yourself as a young man, in middle age, and even now?” 

My father voiced his assent. I was trying to summon the place of intrinsic relational knowing for him. It is there, in our own subjectivity, although it is difficult to describe. We know ourselves from the inside: we have an intuitive feel for ourselves that is outside of thought. And we relate to other people, indeed to the world, from this place. Most of the time, in our busyness, we gloss right over it, but it is there in the background and we return to it in our private, unscripted, moments: when listening to music, taking a walk or going to sleep, for example. In my mind I was remembering one of my Buddhist teachers asking me to find “what” (not “who”) was knowing the sounds I was hearing when I was meditating. “Can you find what is knowing?” he would often question, as I turned my attention to the sounds of the meditation hall. The very effort to find ‘what was knowing’ (although it was impossible to find) opened up a peaceful oasis of calm awareness in which I learned to abide. “Even though we can’t find what is knowing, knowing is there,” my teacher would say. This affirmation was a traditional Buddhist way of bringing implicit relational knowing into explicit awareness. “Knowing is there.” It was impossible to refute. 

My father, as best as I could gather, seemed to understand what I was getting at. 

It’s kind of transparent, that feeling,” I went on. “You know what it is, but it’s hard to put your finger on it. You can just relax your mind into that space, though. The body comes apart but you can rest in who you have always been.” Death is like taking off a tight shoe, I wanted to tell him, but I wasn’t sure he would believe me if I went that far in the conversation. Yet I thought, with his scientist mind, he might just sense the possibility of investigating what I was suggesting. If the Buddha was to be believed, there was a place of lucidity from which even dying could be observed. 

Ok, darling, I’ll try,” he replied. I wondered for an instant if he was being patronizing but decided he was not. He often called me darling, and I was glad for it, in the end.














懶懶的…= =a

《The Trauma of Everyday Life》,作者是Mark Epstein,國外一樣在今年的八月問世囉。不過台灣似乎還沒有出版社有出版這本書的打算,想看繁體中文版的讀者們可能要再等等了。

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