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2012/02/27 10:34:39瀏覽1977|回應12|推薦130 | |
美西二月十一號星期六的黃昏, 我正馳聘在加州公路上, 突接獲遠在新澤西州上大學的寶貝獨生女來電.
不是我小鄧賣瓜, 自賣自誇! 愛女聰明伶俐, 美麗大方, 多才多藝, 文武雙全. 她平日課業煩重, 課外活動也多. 此時來電, 九成不會是有好事.
果不出我所料, 愛女她傷心地在說電話中說道, "Daddy, 剛剛聽到新聞, 我們最心愛的大歌星 -- 惠妮休斯頓 -- 已過世."
我乍聽此消息, 心頭立即湧起, 惠妮休斯頓與我的一場二十多年奇異交情之回憶, 也難過地一時說不出話來.
惠妮對我, 算是有情有義也有恩. 我考慮良久, 決定擇日寫一篇長文, 來代表我對她的永恆的懷念. ... 我有一位老友在牛澤西那開的餐館就是她的最愛,在惠妮網站上她還提及此事 http://www.whitney-fan.com/persona/facts.php In Whitney Houston's Mendham Twp. Neighborhood Pop icon brought a touch of magic and mystique to area Daily Record 7:38 AM, Feb. 18, 2012 The troubles that plagued Whitney Houston never surfaced in her dealings with the locals in Mendham Township, where she lived in a 12,561-square-foot mansion on quiet North Gate Road in the Oak Knoll section... Food connections But even off her out-of-the-way street, the singer’s presence always was welcome at local restaurants and other establishments... Her favorite Chinese takeout place was The China Gourmet, formerly in the Mendham Village Shopping Center, where the owner kept Houston’s picture on the wall. No one had to guess that was her favorite, according to Mendham Township Committeeman Rich Krieg. "Whitney was interviewed on the radio in California," Krieg said. "When they asked what was her favorite place to eat in Mendham, she said The China Gourmet. I knew the owner at the time and he was excited. That was his big claim." http://www.dailyrecord.com/article/20120218/NJNEWS/302180008
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