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2009/10/13 12:12:01瀏覽1282|回應7|推薦78 | |
Hello Honey Wife: "Do you want dinner?" Husband: "Sure! What are my choices?" Wife: "Yes or no." Wife: "You always carry my photo in your wallet. Why?" Husband: "When there is a problem, no matter how great, I look at your picture and the problem disappears." Son: "Mum, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady." Mom: "Well, you have done the right thing." Son: "But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap." Girl to her boyfriend: "One kiss and I'll be yours forever." The guy replies: "Thanks for the early warning."
Still my Honey???
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |