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2015/09/22 02:01:20瀏覽1207|回應0|推薦1

I Am an American Condor



November, 2014 Attending XXXIV World Congress of Poets in Peru, South America with Delegates

from China (Beita, Ah Nuo Ah Bu, Huang Yazhou, Cai Jiying, Bing Feng, Chen Yamei, Luoluo, Meier, Leng Xianqiao, Zhao Jianhua, Tan Qinghong, Wang Guiling, Kong Xue, Kong Weiwei, Claire Wang-Lee)


Los Angeles-Lima-Iguazu Falls-Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro-Lima-Piura-Trujillo-

Cusco-Machu Picchu-Lima-Los Angeles.

(can be sung to the tune of “El Condor Pasa”)



Los Angeles to Lima

I am an American Condor

With Boeing 767 wings

I start from midnight in Los Angeles

Arriving in Lima in the morning's gold light.


Lima to Foz do Iguazu

From Jose Chavez Airport

Airbus to Foz do Iguazu

On the plane I taste Inca Cola

Golden sweet liquid.


Calm Iguazu River

Brazil on one side

Argentina on the other

Further down is Paraguay.


A beautiful sunset

Shared by three countries

Peacefully without any upset

Without any upset.


Iguazu Falls, Brazil

In the morning mist

Along the forest pathway

Birds chirp with the falls ahead

A symphony on high.

Dozens of bridal veils appear

Underneath an arch of rainbow

Is it earth?

Is it heaven?


Two layers of falls to walk by

Water sprays from all sides

Up above an azure sky

A black spot of a condor drops by.


A family of four in front of sheets of water

two adult daughters taking snapshots

Of mother and father kissing like newlyweds,

A happy silver wedding anniversary for all to share.


Iguazu Falls, Argentina

Red walls, green roofs

A small colonial town of Argentine charm

Behind the tropical forest

Thunder falls like a winter storm.


Rubber rafts in and out of big waves

Everyone on the boat soaked in and out

A scene in the movie to rave about

My cameras both waterlogged.



No passport needed if going shopping

Across from the neighboring Brazil

Super sized shopping malls

Thousands of merchandise shown off.


No time to look at any of them

Only the urgent purpose

to replace two malfunctioning cameras.

A task no language barrier can solve.


Foz do Iguazu to São Paulo

The flight took only two hours

Meeting delegates of poets from China for the first time

Yazhou, Jiying, Luo Luo, Meier

Guiling, Kongxue, and Weiwei.


Our host Silvia in São Paulo has been a good friend

She and Beita planned the visit for more than a year

Yet Beita and six other poets from China were not present

A fluke visa denial is the culprit.


The formal visit from China is a first time

A treat for Sao Paulo's Chinese community

Too bad half of the group can't make it

The disappointment has no end.


The poets idle at the São Paulo airport for nine hours

Skipping Brazil finally

and going directly to Lima

To attend the XXXIV World Congress of Poets.


San Benito Academy hosts the welcoming party

Poets from the far east and local friends finally meet

The exclusive hall is where the Pope received audiences

And the Chinese visitors bring Confucius.


Kongxue is the 72nd direct descendent of Confucius

Weiwei is the 78th

They bring greetings from their home in Qufu:

Confucius’s motto of Universal Peace, more than 3000 years ago.


Everyone listens to Yazhou's reading

His amazing poem of the supreme teacher Confucius.

Even though he recites in Chinese

And sounds wonderful as if it were read in Portuguese.


In the intimacy of the hall

The Pope and Confucius mix

It’s time to say goodbye to the hosts

Promises of more future exchanges.


A one-day sightseeing trip in São Paulo

The Cathedral, Chinatown, Liberdade

Ipiranga Palace and the Royal Garden

The excitement of World Cup is still in the air.


São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro

We fly to Rio de Janeiro

Sugar Loaf, Cocorvada

Places I’ve wanted to visit in dreams for years

Everywhere is just beautiful as imagined

The beach of Copacabana

A little chilly for bikinis

More than a prequel to next spring's Carnival

The sizzling Samba Gala at night.


A Brazilian barbecue means nine different kinds of beef

Plus mutton, chicken, and fish

Iridescent cocktails to boot

And myriad irresistible desserts to choose from.



Rio de Janiero to Lima, Peru

A pre-dawn flight is the only direct way from Rio to Lima

We finally reunite with half of our Chinese delegates

Beita, Abu, Zhaozhi, Yamei, Jianhua, Lengqiao and Qinghong

And meet with poet brothers and sisters from all over the world


Maurus, Mavi, Eugenia, Ernesto

Graciala, Thea, Lilia

Maria, Maria, Maria

Carlos, Edmundo, Rokiah.


Is it October a year ago?

XXXIII Congress in Malaysia's Ipoh

Every poet was inspired there

The beach suntans from Benkor Island has not totally faded.


Lima's St. Martins Square, Old Town

In churches and schools, poets’ voices echo

Viva Lima

Viva Peru.


Lima to Piura

The Chinese delegates take a special flight to Piura, Peru

To keep a promise to visit the local Chinese

Piura is the oldest Spanish city in South America

The beach where the conquistadors landed more than 500 years ago.


In the city of colonial charm

Gothic Cathedrals are mixed pre-Incan culture

Paracas textiles, Potteries of intriguing design.

There is a Confucian Academy on the university campus

Teachers from China teaching Chinese and Universal Peace

To Chinese descendents in the city

And anyone else who want to learn the language and Confucius.


The principle of the Academy is Miss Ma

She and her helpers work hard

To bring Chinese culture to such faraway land.

A task belonged to old St. Franciscan monks.


We are treated with a day at Colan Beach

White sand buries deep

the footsteps of the Spaniards

While a windblown church ruin bears witness.


The rest of the superb scenery now belongs to a resort

The wind blows quietly in the palm grove

And an aquamarine swimming pool amid the sand dunes

Superb seafood from the ocean to boast.


Deer still roam the university campus in the dusk

Fox cubs run alongside them

We finally say goodbye to our friends late into the evening

Knowing Confucius is always with them.


Piura to Trujillo

The long-distance bus is a luxurious treat

A private section to ourselves to stretch and take naps

Breakfast and lunch served en route

Inca Cola and Chica Morada

free drinks all the way.


Outside the window

Hundreds of miles of desolate sand dunes

Archeological treasures underneath

Waiting to be discovered.



Arriving finally in Trujillo!

home of Cesar Vajello

The Nobel Laureate from Peru.


Trujillo is also the capital of Eternal Spring

The Capital of Caballos

Of Cuisine

Of Marineras.


Poets are treated with all the above

All they have to do is recite poetry

During the day they read in churches and schools

In the chilly night they continue in César Vallejo Park.


With his bronze statue sitting on the bench in deep approval

The mayor and his lady arrive to preside over the celebration

Welcoming the bards with champagne and cakes

They stay until the end of the recital.


Outside Trujillo are the city’s pre-Inca ruins

Chan Chan, Mochi, and others

Pyramids unearthed no more than fifty years ago

Hundreds of sites await further discovery.


Who are those marvelous people

Born artists and scientists

Yet not a written word can be found

Are the poets reciting to fill the void?


An honorary Doctorate of Literature

Given to me by the World Academy of Arts and Culture

I humbly accept and appreciate

Promise to do my best to write and promote world peace through poetry.



Trujillo to Lima

Back to old Maury Hotel

Back to St. Martins Square

Old Ken, the shoeshine master, is a friend now

Eager to show me the art of the shoeshine.


I learn the skill

He gives me a certificate

From this day on

I can shine shoes.

to earn money to replace

The two expensive cameras ruined in the waterfalls

hopefully catching the shoes of stars on Hollywood Boulevard

When I return to Los Angeles.



Lima to Cusco

Need to catch a flight to Cusco in a hurry

Delegates can't fly on empty stomachs

Guiling in our group is known for his instant poetry

As well as culinary artistry.


In an roadside Chifa (Chinese restaurants numbered 3000 in Peru are called)

Guiling rolls up his poet sleeves and puts on a chef’s apron

He makes Chuffa in ten minutes

And feeds the group of thirteen with Chinese fried rice with chicken.



From sea level at Lima to 13,000 ft at Cusco

I feel lack of oxygen right away

Remain on the town square

and watch the rest of the group climb

To the St. Paul Cathedral high on the hilltop.


Vendors swarm

Sweaters and hats with dazzling designs

All dumped on me before I can pay

The police are coming!


The coast is clear

They come back and ask me to pay

I put all the sweaters and hats on

I peek from the layers.


When my fellow poets come back

They look for me

And say all they can find

Is the She-Llama called Claire.


Saksaywoman ancient Inca ruin

A perfect stone wall in the sunset

without any use of mortar

Reminds me of the Great Wall of China

A thousand miles built also without cement.


Can the Inca and Chinese be blood brothers

Even aliens from another world?

The pure Inca population has dwindled

China is still the country with second largest population in the world.



Machu Picchu

Stone walls, terraces, stairways and ramps

Temple of the Sun

The Room of the Three Windows

The Ruin of the Inca Empire stupendous

The sky immense

The joy endless.


A rainbow will be projected

From Machu Picchu to Huayna Picchu next week

To call attention to save

The world from the disaster of a warming climate.



Lima to Los Angeles

I am an American condor

With shiny Boeing 767 wings

I carry a full load of poetry and friendship

Back from south to north.


I say goodbye to my brothers and sisters in poetry

We shall meet again

at the same time on Formosa Island*

Until then, wherever we are, we shall write poetry.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever

And a thing of poetry is a beauty forever

Keats might want to join us in full spirit, I think.


*The 2015 XXXV World Congress of Poets will be held in Taiwan.



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