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Entrepreneurship Management Mid-term (Original)
2008/04/14 21:58:50瀏覽2538|回應0|推薦0

Entrepreneurship Management Mid-term


􀂄 True/False Questions

1. Successful entrepreneurs possess a well-developed capacity to exert influence without formal power.

2. Entrepreneurship can include organizations of all types and in all stages.

3. The highly dynamic, changing character of technology, markets, and competition make it impossible to know all your competitors today, let alone five years from now.

4. It is appropriate an entrepreneur to 'think money first' with opportunities that will require venture funding at the seed stage.

5. For owners of small businesses, extremely long hours of 70, 80, or even 100 hours
a week, and rare vacations, are often the rule rather than the exception.

6. The business environment in which an entrepreneur launches his or her venture cannot be altered significantly.

7. The vast majority of radical innovation occurs in new and smaller firms.

8. When presenting a business plan to venture capitalists, it is best to avoid the weakest aspects of the opportunity.

9. A dehydrated business plan is often developed by entrepreneurs who are too busy to write a complete business plan.

10. It is okay to have un-named management team members in your business plan as long as they are critical to the operation.

11. The business plan should identify several alternative sources of financing.

12. Growing a higher potential venture requires management skills above and beyond what is required to start an entrepreneurial enterprise.

13. The nascent stage can be as short as a few months or can last years.

14. While certain individuals possess such inborn characteristics as energy and raw intelligence, these characteristics do not necessarily mean that they will succeed as entrepreneurs.

15. In the case, Newland Medical Technologies, a piece of SRS would be sold by $250, which is relatively low compared to a piece of ESWL machine which ranged
around $500.


􀂄 Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the authors, which of the six dominant themes of entrepreneurship is the most important?
A) Leadership
B) Opportunity Obsession
C) Commitment and Determination
D) Tolerance of Risk, Ambiguity and Uncertainty
E) Creativity, Self-Reliance, and Adaptability
F) Motivation to Excel

2. What is at the heart of the entrepreneurial process?
A) Innovation and creativity
B) Opportunity recognition
C) Team work
D) Marshalling resources

3. The entrepreneurial process starts with the:
A) Strategy
B) Networks
C) Team
D) Opportunity

4. A good opportunity will exhibit which of the following:
A) Gaps in available information and knowledge
B) Inconsistencies in existing service and quality
C) High rates of change
D) All of the above

5. Which of the following documents is most analogous to a business plan of a high-potential venture?
A) A blueprint
B) A roadmap
C) An investment contract
D) A 'How To' manual


6. Being opportunity-focused means never lose sight of what?
A) Competitive advantages
B) The customer and the marketplace
C) The economic and funding metrics of the venture
D) Distinctive competencies

7. Which of the following is related to the development of the value chain and
channels of distribution?
A) Financial services
B) Telecommunications
C) Moore's Law
D) Superstores

8. When is it a good idea to hire an outside professional to write the business plan?
A) When time to market is a critical factor
B) When the lead entrepreneurs are deeply involved with other pursuits
C) When no one on the team is willing to take the lead in writing the document
D) It is not a good idea to hire an outside professional to write the business plan

9. The developer of a compelling software product has informed the start-up team that as the owner of the intellectual property, he will not be available to assist with the writing of the business plan--but he is eager to attend any and all meetings with potential investors. What do you do?
A) Write the plan without him and keep him posted on the progress
B) Use writing the plan as opportunity to negotiate better equity positions
for the founding team.
C) Write the plan without him and quietly seek a side-investor to buy him
D) Look for a new opportunity

10. Which of the following are Non-entrepreneurial Attributes?
A) Invulnerability
B) Perfectionist
C) Outer control
D) All of the above

11. Research has shown which of the following to be true?
A) Founders with scientific backgrounds build larger companies than those
B) Due to succession issues, the founder's tenure will typically be shorter in
family-dominated firms.
C) Slow, steady growth improves the chances that a founding entrepreneur
can effectively manage substantial growth.
D) A good entrepreneur usually lacks the necessary management skill and
experience to grow a large, multi-faceted enterprise.

12. An entrepreneurial firm that is in the maturity stage is characterized by
which of the following?
A) Low degree of change
B) Opportunity focus
C) Product focus
D) Focus on quarterly profits

13. What is the most difficult stage for the founding entrepreneur in terms of
power and control?
A) Nascent
B) Startup
C) High growth
D) Mature

14. At what stage of entrepreneurial transition is there a need for organization
and operating policies?
A) Planning
B) Doing
C) Managing
D) Managing Managers

15. According to the case, Newland Medical Technologies, which of the
following is not correct?
A) The targeted markets would be urologist and medical centers
B) Endorsements from academically respected colleagues would affect the
purchase decision to a great extent
C) Inexperienced sales forces could be trained for the new products
D) Educated patients would be strong influencers as well

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