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2008/02/23 01:25:29瀏覽807|回應0|推薦4 | |
引用文章:歷史上的今天,February 22nd 安迪.沃荷(Andy Warhol)是普普藝術(Pop art)最有名的開創者之一;他毫不諱言金錢與藝術的關係,也因此一生投注於把藝術商業化。他的代表作品之一,是一幅不斷複製在美國家喻戶曉的金寶湯(Campbell's Soup)圖案,以此突顯資本主義的生產方式。他發表了很多以男性裸體為主題的作品,並時常從同性戀文化中找尋靈感。最使沃荷著名的,就是他經常使用重複圖像;而他的作品中最常出現的是名人以及人們熟悉的事物,例如瑪麗蓮.夢露,伊麗莎白.泰勒,和貓王。1968年,一位倡導激進女性主義的Valerie Solanas槍擊沃荷,此事在1996年被拍成電影,《I Shot Andy Warhol》。 沃荷也曾嘗試電影和音樂(地下絲絨 ,The Velvet Underground),但並不成功,尤其是他的電影多被視為缺乏情節和過份冗長的地下電影。沃荷提倡將藝術商業化,褒貶不一,在美國藝術界造成許多爭議,喜歡他的作品的人,和認為他的作品根本不是藝術的人都很多。但是他所領導的普普藝術,顛覆了人們對傳統藝術的觀點,所以他在當代美術中,具有不可磨滅的地位,許多沃荷的作品現藏於紐約市的現代藝術博物館(The Museum of Modern Art in New York)。 ![]() Turquoise Marilyn,1962
![]() Campbell's Soup Cans,1962;Museum of Modern Art in New York
![]() Campbell Soup,1968
![]() Pink Mao,1972 Fair use in Andy Warhol
The image linked here is claimed to be used under fair use as: 1. It is a historically significant painting. 2. The image is only being used for informational purposes. 3.Its inclusion in the article adds significantly to the article because it shows the subject of this article and how the image depicted is familiar to the general public. 4.The image is readily available on the internet. 5.It is a low resolution image. 6.It is not believed that this use will cause commercial harm to the copyright holder. Fair use in Appropriation Though this image is subject to copyright, its use is covered by the U.S. fair use laws because 1. It illustrates an educational article about appropriation as a visual example of the concept. 2. It is a low resolution image. 3. This use will not cause commercial harm to the copyright holder. 4. Its inclusion in the article adds significantly to the article because it is a famous example from modern culture of the concept of appropriation within the arts. 5. It is not replaceable with an uncopyrighted or freely copyrighted image of comparable educational value. |
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