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2022/02/03 12:00:11瀏覽245|回應0|推薦0




法國自由行 歐洲自由行攻略





See https://mimihan.tw/colmar/ 』 for details。






Milosh Kitchovitch filmed and edited a video for Colmar shown on YouTubesee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBGvdJYntGw for details

Milosh Kitchovitch在 YouTube 上為 Colmar 拍攝和編輯了一段視頻,詳見:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBGvdJYntGw







Comments by 塵緣與八月桂花香:


Milosh Kitchovitch said that as follows

『Colmar is famous for its wonderfully preserved old town, with half-timbered medieval and early Renaissance buildings, uneven cobblestone streets, gothic 13th-century church. The Alsace region has been alternated between France and Germany over the years and the old town presents amazing mix of both cultures. Colmar is on the Alsace Wine Route.


And filmed & edited a video for Colmar shown on YouTubesee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBGvdJYntGw for details


It is a stunning video. Its not just the way Milosh Kitchovitch capture the scene, its how Milosh Kitchovitch seamlessly integrate music that compliments and seems to reflect that scene so well.




Milosh Kitchovitch 說:

『科爾馬以其保存完好的老城區而聞名,這裡有中世紀和文藝復興早期的半木結構建築、崎嶇不平的鵝卵石街道和 13 世紀的哥特式教堂。 多年來,阿爾薩斯地區一直在法國和德國之間交替,老城區呈現出兩種文化的驚人融合。 科爾馬位於阿爾薩斯葡萄酒之路。


並在 YouTube 上為 Colmar 拍攝和編輯了一段視頻,詳見:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBGvdJYntGw


這是一個令人驚嘆的視頻 Milosh Kitchovitch 捕捉場景的方式,還有如何將音樂無縫地融合在一起,這音樂讚美並很好地反映了Colmar的場景。










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