Welcome to FITA Field Archery seminar
This seminar is based on FITA’s Field Manual, which originates from a Swedish document by L.G. Swensson and Leif Janson. The Field Manual is produced and published by FITA with the collaboration of:
PER E. BOLSTAD Chairman of the FITA Field Committee (Original text ) Derrick Lovell and Skip Phillips, as FITA Field committee members.
THOMAS RANDALL (Illustrations)
KEN BEARMAN (English revision – book))
NATHALIE DIELEN (French translation - book)
TOM DIELEN (Original Text - book)
J.C. HOLGADO (Make up and Design - book)
Photos and Design of the PowerPoint presentation by BJØRN MIKALSEN, Norwegian Archery Ass., edited and additional photos by Per E. Bolstad, Chairman of the FITA Field Committee
FITA Field Archery seminar cont
Table of Content
-Target archery versus Field Archery
-Shooting uphill - downhill
-Shooting across a slope
-How to judge distances
-Target face identification
-Methods for judging distances
-How to avoid being failed in Judging distances
-Range finding
-Sighting for shooting uphill
-Sighting for shooting downhill
-Ensure a second good shot
-Basic Field Rules
Our goal: ”enjoy nature and field shooting!”