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2022/08/21 20:01:21瀏覽322|回應1|推薦5 | |
醫生的良知在哪裡? 當你看到明顯的錯誤又當作沒看到時 (無意一竿子打翻一船人先說抱歉) 作者Mike Yeadon (曾任職輝瑞高階主管,路透社曾專文報導過他,目前從事提醒世人新冠疫苗危險的工作)
今晚我(Mike Yeadon)感到非常沮喪。當我開始要發表我未經證實的假設,當人們聽過我講的,有些至少是,尤其是醫學與科學界的同仁,大多數已退休的,會暴跳如雷加入(爭論)。 讓人遺憾的是, 就是今天這群懦弱的資深醫生才讓陰狠的全球主義者得逞。 他們的行為必須被制止。 必須。沒有多少時間了。 如果不是現在,更待何時? 這群50多歲以上的資深醫生不會失去家園,也不需勒緊褲帶。那些60歲以上可以提前退休的醫生不必擔心被美國醫療協會吊銷執照。如果不是你們當仁不讓,還有誰? 到現在,就我所知,很多國家的醫生,什麼都不說。(譯註:很多要養家活口怕被吊銷執照吧?!) 我懇請這些醫生看清楚一件事, 你們是唯一有機會說說話反擊的人。 你們只是不想這樣做。 所以, 醫生告訴你的每一樣事, 你自己要稍微檢驗一下。 我不是在質疑醫生無能或什麼,只是他們純粹對你是否健康沒興趣,只在乎自己的出路安危。 簡短地講,問題就在, 他們是否以你的健康做代價保住他們的工作。 看看這些基因疫苗。還在。沒有被趕出去。 我知道還是有很多好人, 包括好的資深醫生。 有些人講出來被攻擊。 但大多數的醫生是沒有作為的。 在疫苗推出的19 個月後仍是這樣。 吐槽一下。 後記:我只能假設當事情嚴重不對勁時無法保持沉默是天生的(但事實好像不然)。#這些現象可能出於任性的固執,我小時候肯定這樣過。一般而言我們都願意與人合作,但如果有人要我做什麼超過我的底線,就得先殺了我。否則我無法屈服,因為不善良的事就是做不到。 如果有人反問,「如果我參與了一件明顯不對的事又會怎樣?」 https://t.me/robinmg/22404 圖:感覺自己是英雄,遠比意識到自己是參與了史上最大詐欺案的共犯容易得多 I’m feeling very frustrated tonight. When I started speaking out, my untested assumption was that, as people heard me, some at least & ESPECIALLY medical & scientific colleagues, mostly the retired ones, would jump to their feet, outraged, and join in. Regret to tell you that it’s because of cowardly senior doctors, to this very day, that the murderous globalists are continuing to make ground. They must be stopped. Must. We don’t have much longer, imo. If not now, when? Senior doctors, perhaps late-50s & up, won’t lose their homes or even need much to tighten their belts. Those 60+ could retire early & not be concerned about de-registration by the GMC (AMA in the US). I ask each if them, “If not you, who?” Even now, I personally know & know of numerous medical staff in multiple countries who are saying nothing. I’ve implored them to recognise that they’re the ONLY people who have any chance of pushing back. They simply won’t. So, please check everything you’re told by doctors. I’m not alleging incompetence but sheer lack of interest in your wellbeing over their own. In short, if the question is, will they choose to keep their jobs & money at the cost of your health & life, the jury is in. Just look at the gene based “vaccines”. They’re STILL not walking out en masse. No, they continue to count their shoelaces. I know that, everywhere, there are some good people, including good senior doctors. Some have spoken out & been attacked. Most have simply done nothing. That this is still true 19months after “vaccination roll out” is horribly instructive. Rant over. Mike Ps: I can only assume that the inability to remain silent when something seriously wrong is going on around a person is innate. It’s not intelligence & it’s certainly not traditional physical courage (I’m poorly supplied with that). Perhaps it’s wilful stubbornness. I was definitely like this as a child. Generally cooperative, if anyone tried to get me to do something which crossed my personal red lines, you’d have had to kill me, I simply never ever gave in. It’s not saintly, I just cannot do it. As someone more eloquent than me said, “What would I be, if I went along with things I knew were SERIOUSLY wrong?” |
( 知識學習|健康 ) |