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2023/05/28 22:03:29瀏覽392|回應0|推薦2 | |
🌿2023最重要的一份公開發表🌿 David Martin在歐盟議會新冠高峰會議的報告(下) 科學被綁架 自然被綁架 道德感被暫停 是誰允許他們對人類做這樣的事 接續(上) 該項專利在 2002年申請,由國家過敏與感染症研究中心(niaid)的安東尼佛奇在1999到2002年提出贊助,由北卡羅來納大學獲得專利,神秘地將 SARS 1.0提前一年。 (24:12) 大衛,你是說.... SARS 1.0 不是來自武漢的傳統市場? 你是說可能來自實驗室?北卡羅萊納大學? 不,我不是暗示, 我是明白告訴你事實, 人們工程設定SARS SARS 不是自然發生的現象 自然發生的現象叫感冒。 它是類流感疾病。 它是腸胃炎, 🌿SARS是人類研發將一個生命系統武器化能實際攻擊人類,他們在2002年註冊專利。(25:07) 2003 年,一個巨大的驚喜, 🌿#美國疾管局註冊新冠病毒的專利,從人體分離出來的。 再次地,觸犯了美國的生化武器條約與法律,我要很精準陳述,美國人喜歡談權利,法律,一些有的沒的。但是我們沒有站出來捍衛這樣的條約保護人類,明顯規避人權問題。 但讓我們弄清楚一些事情, 當美國疾管局2003年4月申請專利,註冊從人體分離出來的SARS新冠病毒專利時, 他們做了什麼? 他們從中國下載了一個序列而在美國申請專利。 任何了解生化武器條約的人都知道這是侵權的。 是一種犯罪。 美國專利局甚至兩次退件該專利申請,直到疾管局決定賄賂專利局跳過專利審查員,最後在2006年核准SARS新冠病毒的專利。 🌿核酸篩檢 事實證明,核酸檢測,我們用以判定與新冠病毒有關的檢測被認定是一種生物恐怖主義的威脅,2002 年、2003 年,20年前,在歐盟贊助的活動。發生在布魯塞爾整個歐洲。 2005年,這種特殊的病原體特別被標註為生物恐怖主義與生物武器平台技術,如此描述,都不是我說的,它在2005年被描述為生物武器平台技術。 2005 年開始確實是一種生物戰,enabling agent,是它的官方分類,從2005年開始, 🌿我不知道這對你算不算公共衛生。 算嗎? 生物戰引發技術 感覺不像公共衛生 感覺不像藥 感覺像武器 設計移除人類 就是這樣的感覺 感覺就像, 因為事實就是如此。 🌿主流媒體沒有人提到 我們被引誘相信 那個生態健康聯盟,DARPA,所有這些組織都是我們要點名指出的。我們特別忽略一個事實,超過100 億美元的資金透過黑色行動,透過安東尼佛奇的支票,以及並排比對分類帳,一邊是國家過敏與感染症研究中心,一邊是生物國防資產負債表,外加媒體沒有人報導此事。2005 年以來一直在進行。 我們成功讓這些活動暫緩,照理可以凍結想要繼續研究的任何努力。 很順便地,在2014年秋天,北卡羅來納大學收到一封來自國家過敏與感染症研究中心的信,提到雖然暫停新冠病毒實驗於人體,但研究贊助的錢已經核准下來,可以得到豁免(繼續進行)。 🌿將有意外或刻意散播出來的呼吸道病原體。 剛剛說的你聽清楚了嗎? 設置在北卡羅萊納大學的一個生物武器實驗室,得到研究暫停的豁免,2016 年,我們發表在期刊上的文章,說 SARS新冠病毒已準備好為人類緊急推出。 為根本不存在的東西做出疫苗找理由。 (30:50) 如果你還沒有這樣做,請務必找資料驗證參考一下。 2016年,新冠病毒已準備好為人類緊急推出。 就是w.i.v 1,(Wuhan Institute of Virology virus 1) 武漢病毒研究所病毒一號。 準備好在2016年為人類緊急推出。 寫在美國國家科學院的會議記錄裡。 這樣一來,2017年、2018 年, 以下用字進入到人類社會裡。 #將有意外或刻意散播出來的呼吸道病原體。 疫苗曲速行動,顯然地,在用字上就是釋放出來 聽起來像是滲漏? 聽起來像是蝙蝠,一個病原體進到武漢傳統市場? SARS, Cov2 不,. .... 意外或刻意散播一個呼吸道的病原體 是所用的字句 2019年4月用了四次 在一號病人出現的七個月前就用了 莫德納的四個專利文件申請都要求修改字句,要加上意外或刻意散播呼吸道病原體 在每一次調查有關這個的預謀本質時,2019年9 日,全世界被告知,將有意外或刻意散播的呼吸道病原體,因此2020年9月,開啟全球疫苗模式, 那是他們的用字, 就在這個投影片螢幕前(影片中看不到) 意圖就在使全世界採用通用的疫苗模式, 意圖就是利用新冠病毒達成這個目的。 最後一張投影片 🌿我們讀一下,走到哪裡都必須讀一下,以列入記錄 (Until an infectious disease crisis is very real present and at the emergency threshold, that is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base, beyond the crisis, that we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures, such pan-influenza, or pan-coronavirus vaccine, a key driver is the media, and the economics would follow the hype, we need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues, investors will respond if they see profits at the end of the process. ) 直到傳染病危機非常真實呈現,在緊要關頭,這通常會被大幅度忽視。為了保有資金,超越危機,就要說服大眾要有醫療對策,像是泛流感或泛新冠病毒的疫苗,媒體負責敲鑼打鼓,經濟也隨之炒作,我們要利用這樣的炒作突顯問題的嚴重性,投資者才會回應,如果他們看到最終可獲利。 🌿聽起來像公共衛生? 聽起來像公共衛生? 聽起來像為人類好? 不是的,各位, 這是預謀的國家恐怖主義,出版在2015年國家科學院院的刊物。 這是對人類發起的生化戰行為。 以書面形式表達, 這是一場金融搶劫,金融詐欺 投資者會跟進,如果他們在最後看到利潤的話。 🌿讓我總結5個簡短建議:🌿 大自然被綁架 整個故事始於1965 年,當時我們決定劫持一個自然模式開始操縱時 科學被綁架。 當唯一可問的問題被CDC、FDA、NIH及其他等同組織以保護專利授權為由(無法回答)的問題。 我們沒有獨立的科學, 人們綁架了科學。 不幸的是, 沒有道德監督保護我們人類所代表的所有密碼。 沒有財務獨立公正的審查委員會,圍繞著新冠病毒,沒有一次,沒有一次,有獨立公正單位,自1965 年以來。 我們沒有獨立的新冠病毒倫理委員會可調查。 所以 醫療措施的道德感被按暫停鍵, 最終沒了人性, 因為我們決定允許它發生 (註:我們決定允許它發生,這句講得很好,誰允許讓它發生?責任在誰?我們,是我們允許讓它發生,要讓事情改變,我們負有責任) 今天我們的工作是要說出 不能再繼續這樣的研究工作。 句點 不能再將自然武器化 句點 最重要的是, 沒有公司為自身利益贊助科學,除非他們對每一次的傷害和每一次的死亡承擔100%的產品責任。 非常感謝 註:請引述出處💕謝謝,如果沒有,這份貼文有其時間記載 完整版: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFLPWWCAHfQ And that patent was filed in 2002, on work funded by niaid’s Anthony Fauci from 1999 to 2002, and that work patented in the university of North Carolina Chapel Hill, mysteriously proceeded SARS 1.0 by a year. (24:12) Dave, are you suggesting, that SARS 1.0 wasn’t from the wet marketing of Wu Han? Are you suggesting that it might come from a laboratory? In the university of North Caroline Chapel Hill? No, I am not suggesting, I’m telling you that’s the facts, We’ve engineered SARS SARS is not naturally occurring phenomenon The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold. It’s called the influenza like illness. It’s called gastroenteritis, That’s the naturally occurring coronavirus SARS is the research developed by humans weaponizing a life system model to actually attack human beings, and they patented it in 2002. (25:07) And in 2003, giant surprise, The CDC filed the patent on coronavirus isolated from human, In violation, Once again, of, biological, chemical weapon treaties, and laws that we have in united states, I’m very precise on this, united states like to talk about its rights and everything else, and the rule of the law, an all the non-sense that we’d like to talk about. But we don’t ratify the treaties like about I don’t know defending the human, we conspicuously avoid that we have actually a great track record of advocating the human rights, and denying them when it comes to actually being part of the international community which is a slightly problematic thing, but let’s get something very clear, when the CDC in April 2003, filed the patent on SARS coronavirus isolated from human, what did they do? They downloaded a sequence from China, and filed the patent in the Unites States. Any of you who are familiar with the biological and chemical weapon treaties know it’s a violation. That’s a crime. That’s not an innocent oops, That’s a crime The Unites States patent office went as far as to reject that patent application on 2 occasions until the CDC decided to bribe the patent office to override the patent examiner, to ultimately issue the patent. In 2007, on SARS coronavirus But, let’s not get away from us, because it turns out that pcr, which was the test, we allegedly were going to use to identify the risks associated with coronavirus, was actually identified as a bioterrorism threat, in the European union sponsored event in 2002 and 2003. 20 years ago. That happened here in brussels and across Europe. In 2005, this particular pathogen was specifically labelled as a bio-terrorism and bio-weapon platform technology, described as such, it’s not my terminology that I’m applying to. It was actually described as a bioweapon platform technology in 2005. From 2005 onwards, it was actually a biowarfare, enabling agent, its official classification, from 2005 forwards, I don’t know if it sounds public health to you. Does it? Biological warfare enabling technology That feels not like public health That feels not like medicine That feels like weapon Designed to take out humanity That’s what it feels like We’ve been lured into believing That eco health alliance, DARPA, all these organizations are what we should be pointing to. But we’ve been specifically requested to ignore the fact, that over 10 billions of dollars have been funded thru’ black operations, thru’ the check of Anthony fauci, and a side-by-side ledger, where NIaid has a balance sheet, and next to it is a bio-defence balance sheet, equivalent dollar-to-dollar, matching that no one in the media talks about it. And it’s been going on since 2005, And it feels like, Because that’s exactly what it is. Our gain of function moratorium, that was supposed to freeze any effort, to do gain function of research. Conveniently in the fall of 2014, the university of North Carolina Chapel Hill received a letter from NIaid saying that while the gain of function of moratorium on coronavirus in vivo should be suspended, because their grants have already been funded, they received an exemption, Did you hear what I’ve just said? A biological weapon lab facility at the university of North Carolina Chapel Hill received an exemption of the gain of function moratorium, so by the year of 2016, we could publish the journal article, that said, SARS coronavirus is poised for human emergence. As a justification for making a vaccine for a thing that does not exist. (30:50) If you have not done so, please, make sure you make reference. In 2016, and what, you might ask, Dave, was the coronavirus poised for the human emergence? It was w.i.v 1, WuHan Institute of virology virus one. Poised for human emergence in 2016. At the proceedings of the national academy of science. Such that, by the time we get the 2017, and 2018, the following phrase entered into the common parlance among the community. There is going to be an accidental or intentional release of respiratory pathogen. The operative warp speed, obviously, in that phrase, is the word release, Does that sound like leak? Does that sound like a bat and a pangolin went into a bar in the WuHan market? Hung out and have sex and behold what we have got? SARS, cov2? NO…. Accidental, or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen Was the terminology used 4 times in april 2019, 7 months before the allegation of the patient number one 4 patent applications of Moderna were modified to include the term accidental or intentional release of respiratory pathogen In every investigation to the premeditation nature of this, because it was in 9, 2019, that the world was informed, that we were going to have an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen, so that by 9, 2020, there would be a worldwide acceptance of a universal vaccine template, That’s their words, Right in front of you on the screen The intent was to get the world to accept a universal vaccine template, the intent was to use the coronavirus to get there. And the last slide Let’s read this, because we have to read this into the record everywhere I go, Until an infectious disease crisis, is very real present and at the emergency threshold, that is often largely ignored, to sustain the funding base, beyond the crisis, that we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures. Such pan-influenza, or pan-coronavirus vaccine, a key driver is the media, and the economics would follow the hype, we need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues, investors will respond if they see profits at the end of the process. Sounds like public health? Sounds like the best for humanity? No, ladies and gentlemen, This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the national academy of sciences in 2015. Published in front of them. This is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was admitted to in writing, This was a financial heist, financial fraud Investors will follow if they see profits at the end of the process Let me conclude by making 5 brief recommendations: Nature was hi-jacked The whole story started in 1965 when we decided to hi-jack a natural model and decide to start manipulating Science was hi-jacked. When the only question that could be asked were questions authorized under the patent protection of the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and their equivalent organizations around the world. We didn’t have independent science, We have hi-jacked science. Unfortunately there was no moral oversight in violation of all the codes that we stand for, There was no financially independent disinterested, independent review board, every panel around the coronavirus, not once, not once, not since 1965. We do not have a single independent IRB ever impaneled around coronavirus. So morality was suspended for medical countermeasures, and ultimately humanity was lost, because we decided to allow it to happen Our job today is to say no more gain of function research. Period No more weaponization of the nature Period Most importantly, No more corporate patronage of science for their own self-interest, unless they assume 100% product liability for every injury and every death that they maintain. Thank you very much. |
( 知識學習|健康 ) |