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設定2022年是自由正義的一年 by Corey Goode
2021/12/28 23:52:28瀏覽619|回應0|推薦7


作者:Corey Goode





















提摩太前書 4:3-4 KJV



Alliance Update: 

As I reported in a previous video, the Alliance had a number of people and groups who they thought they could rely on betray them. A feeling I and others in this battle are all too familiar with. 

I spoke to a member of the Alliance Leadership this past August and he admitted their failure was due to some of their key people chickening out or betraying them at the last minute. 

He said the Alliances silence since then has unfortunately contributed to a firestorm of misinformation that has made any type of organized resistance almost impossible. He told me that there are groups ready to act but they need more people in the streets protesting before they do so. This public show of support for freedom would legitimize their actions that would be treated like treason in the current environment. 

He also said that it has not escaped their attention that the Ufology and Esoteric communities have mirrored the failures that have happened to the Alliance. The Alliance admits they are a bit of a chaotic mess right now but also pointed out how our communities are in a near-identically flaccid state. 

My sources have also confirmed that the Cabal is in full operational mode to implement their global totalitarian regime that will eventually be ruled by AI quantum computers that will enforce laws impartially. These computers will eventually interface with micro-chips and nanites that every human being will be required to accept. 

This IS the timeline ware are on currently unless the masses wake up and act!

My sources have also confirmed that the Cabal leadership who recently went to Antarctica during the Eclipse have not been removed from the planet. In fact, they all flew back to their regions from the "City of the old gods" with scrolls and artifacts gifted to them by the ancient Custodians of the old gods. 

I hope to share more details soon. In the meantime do all you can to unplug from the constant flow of misinformation coming from the Main Stream Media and even from many of the ufology sources you once trusted. 

We must focus inwardly to have to balance to cut through all of the BS and be an effective asset working for freedom and not put our energy into praying and hoping to be rescued by the Alliance or Angelic ETs. 

Make sure to use discernment and not just lean towards narratives that you resonate with. For too many in this community "resonate" is the same as "it makes me feel good". The truth is not likely to give you the warm fuzzies. 

This is the strangest war in human history and is being largely fought with propaganda. Now is a time to balance critical thinking with feelings so that we can discern properly and not blind ourselves to what is going on by being reactionary or seeking out hopeful scenarios that make us feel good.  

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We ask that everyone set their intention that 2022 will be a year of justice and freedom. 

Get off the sidelines, prayers and mass meditations are great, but only through action will those intentions be manifested.  

I will be sharing what I can mostly on Telegram and Ascension Works TV 

Corey Goode


Posted by Black Swan Sybil on my Telegram Channel: 

I was literally looking this up when this notice came in

Timothy 4:3-4 KJV

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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