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2021/12/23 04:38:25瀏覽849|回應0|推薦6 | |
🌹好文推薦🌹 新冠疫情與業力法則 這是一場屬靈之戰。 大多數的精神領袖辜負了我們。
讓我們面對現實:很多靈修者沒有太多地面作戰經驗,至少在面對專制接管這部分是如此。 自從2020年初新冠開始現蹤跡,我看到大大小小的規定。很多靈修的朋友沒有實際作為,無法處理抗議團體的能量。我肯定他們私下提升振動頻率來轉移事情,但很多人包括小孩可能在能量轉好之前已經被犧牲掉。 整體而言,薩古魯跟世界經濟論壇的克勞斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab) 混在一起實在令人傻眼。 我們懶散潦草地以為殖民時代以某種方式跟隨大英帝國結束。 如果我們從人們宗教信仰的幕後偷窺,可能發現他們真正效忠的是科學主義,真正的教堂是公司總部。 現在最大的業力債務必須清還。 正在償還, 真正地, 是以凝結的血, 最近甚至也要我們孩子的血。 毫無疑問:新世界秩序正在200個國家推行,由一個企業寡頭集團推展,他們的成就是說服全世界新世界秩序只不過是陰謀論。(好比反疫苗) 媒體喊出兩周剷平(確診)曲線已經攻擊到每個國家的律法憲法。 正在發生的事是善與惡的對決,甚至是啟示錄。亞伯拉罕信徒認為這是上帝與撒旦之戰,他們在很多撒旦符號找到證據,從Google,到CERN歐洲核子研究中心再到微軟的全球組織所設計的logo出版物,從人類能量提煉密碼的專利。 撒旦的象徵符號無處不在出現在人類獻祭的事件,像倫敦奧林匹克令人毛骨悚然的開幕儀式,以及歐洲隧道的剪彩儀式。 教宗本人在梵蒂岡召開變種人會議。(儘管疫苗含流產胎兒細胞,他仍提倡施打疫苗。)西方大多數宗教領袖擁抱全球主義,所以沒打疫苗的人被排除在上教堂之外。 往東方移動,業力則是一個很大的話題。 對於禪修者來說,業力是一條直截了當的律法,就像物理學所說每一個作用力都有一個反作用力。即使我因為某個不當行為逃脫人間的懲罰,我的傷害之舉會讓我脫離和諧,擾亂宇宙的某種平穩。 好比我偷竊沒有被抓到,我仍會受到懲罰活在一個偷竊的環境,一個我偷過的世界。這比被抓到坐牢更具腐蝕性。 有了足夠的意識進化,人類就不需要法律來約束行為,更不用說警察來強制。 但我們精神困頓,意識發育遲緩,導致一個地獄王國,孩子感染心肌炎,澳洲第一批被卡車運送到國內安置集中營。 除非人們很快站出來,否則我們會活在人工智能控制的反烏托邦,被數百萬臉部辨識監視器,連線衛星與社會信用評等大數據監控。今天我們的擔憂被人類的領袖聽到;機器狗或成群飛行的無人機將失去吸引力。 讓我們講清楚: 在終極新世界秩序裏沒有人類。 我們會被淘汰,不管是透過疫苗、飢餓或激進的強化。 最近想到埃及亡靈書中提到“心的重量”的場景。國王無法進入天國,除非他的心比一根羽毛還輕。 過去20個月看清很多靈性導師之心的重量。 🌹我無意間看到一位瑜伽老師的貼文,我上過他的課,他表明自己戴口罩也要求別人戴口罩。我第一次注意到左派右派政治死胡同的錯誤二分法。 (不出所料,拜登的粉絲。) 在我否認他認為的正統觀念後,他臉書刪除我。 🌹讓我最失望的是一位梵文學者,他翻譯一些重要經典,並出版我認為是譚崔很具權威的書籍。他是一位多才多藝的從業者與翻譯家,他的教學還包括有趣的手印。 我還沒讀完他具有里程碑的譚崔著作,因為每讀幾頁,隔天需要深思裡頭深奧的意涵,能呼應我在禪宗與其他所看到的,特別是也呼應我所寫的一本書,關於帶有薩滿觀點的植物,這本書在2018年得獎。 這位嚴謹的學者在社交網站竟大力宣傳官方的新冠疫情與疫苗接種,也鼓勵他的學生接種疫苗。他甚至錄了一段影片警告人們遠離那些危險的反疫苗陰謀論,影片中他要追隨者相信科學的東西。 目睹這一切對我來說完全無法忍受。我在想,一個對東方神秘主義非二元性觀點能如此清晰掌握的人怎麼會掉入科學主義的陳腔濫調?而那個科學主義正在殺害數百萬人的生命,同時,一個數位監獄正圍繞著人類之家也建構起來。 對我而言,宇宙正在把我們從膚淺的老師、虛假的大師和塑膠做的薩滿推開,轉向自己內在尋求指引。 當我們“重建得更好”時,我們不需要深層政府的馬斯克、馬克袓克博,比爾蓋茲等人推動的元宇宙或反健康模式。 也是時候該與那些可以背誦金剛經但忽視他們內心寶石的靈性轉彎者決裂。 讓我們建立一些根植於慈悲互助原則全新不同的東西,或許也不是什麼新鮮事,而是很古老深遠的東西。 特倫斯·麥肯納 (Terence McKenna) 稱為是一種古代復興,我則認為是一個令人玩味的近期預言。 往這個方向徹底轉變能打斷全球主義的計劃,減輕我們的業力負擔,緩解我們的缺點。也許薰個香,而不是把我們的孩子往火坑送。 愛和真理終究會勝出。我們願意站出來捍衛是非對錯會決定這段旅程的長短,或許明天就結束,如果夠多的人站出來不服從。 各位,向你內在的靈魂致意 本文作者 蓋伊·克里滕登 (Guy Crittenden) 是一名自由作家著有「飲酒魔法之年:靈魂之藤的十二場儀式」一書在 2018 年獲得獨立圖書出版商獎銀獎。 https://off-guardian.org/2021/12/18/covid-and-the-law-of-karma/ Dec 18, 2021 296 COVID and the Law of Karma It’s a spiritual battle. Most spiritual leaders have failed us. Guy Crittenden Let’s face it: many spiritual practitioners don’t have much of a ground game, at least when it comes to fighting totalitarian takeovers. I’ve seen this writ small and large since the COVID operation started in early 2020. Many spiritual friends have been missing in action, unable to handle “the energy” of protest rallies. I appreciate that raising their frequency in private could shift things, but a lot of people (including children) may perish before the good vibes make a difference. On the writ large level, I won’t soon forget seeing photos of Sadhguru hanging out with World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab. The human family was not in right relationship with nature, God, source, our higher selves — whatever you want to call it. A karmic debt built up over decades of US imperialism (and other insults to human decency), which sprouted dreadful vines from the bloody soil of centuries of unimaginable exploitation and genocide. We lazily pretend the colonial era somehow ended with the British Empire. The central-bank-perpetual-war-story arc (that Catherine Austin Fitts talks about) connects the founding of the British and Dutch East India companies four centuries ago with the moment the first crisis actor keeled over for the cameras in Wuhan, China. In the 20th century we endured the dual scourges of communism and fascism, and Apartheid regimes in South Africa and Palestine, over 70 CIA coup d’états, and sickening unfairness and injustice everywhere. Almost every armed conflict has been a bankers’ war based on a false flag attack, and most civil wars have been stoked by foreign mercenaries. I wonder if the Rwanda conflict wasn’t a test for some Voice of God technology (that we know exists) in preparation for the worldwide zombie apocalypse that the CDC pretends to make light of. If we peek behind the curtain of peoples declared religious affiliations, we’re likely to find their true allegiance is to the cult of scientism for which the true cathedral is the corporate head office. People might pray, but the shopping mall receives their most convincing genuflections, whether we’re in Dallas, Rome or Dubai. And now the vast karmic debt must be paid. And it is being paid, quite literally, with our coagulated blood and, most recently, the blood of our children. Lord Baphomet must be pleased by the installation of defibrillators in elementary schools and the release of new blood thinners for children. Many will soon learn the full meaning of the Indian term “Kali Yuga” and Goddess Kali’s necklace of skulls, her goblet of blood, and her shimmering sword. Make no mistake: the New World Order (NWO) is being imposed in about 200 countries right now by a corporate oligarchy whose accomplishments include that they convinced most people the NWO was only a conspiracy theory. (Like anti-vaxxer, these are spell words.) “Two weeks to flatten the curve” has yielded to a full press assault on the laws and constitutions of every country, and especially the Commonwealth nations whose property rights and common law traditions are intolerable to both the communitarian values and the eugenicist (transhuman) goals of the predator class. Commentators have (correctly) described what’s happening as a contest between good and evil, and even as the Apocalypse. Adherents of the Abrahamic religions see this as a fight between God (or Christ) and Satan and they’re finding evidence in the many satanic symbols (such as 666) in the logos and publications of various globalist institutions, from Google to CERN to Microsoft’s patent to mine crypto from human energy. Satanic symbolism was all over the human sacrifice event otherwise known as Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert, just as it was present at the creepy London Olympics opening ceremony, and that ribbon-cutting ceremony for a European tunnel. The Pope himself convened a conference of transhumanists at the Vatican. (He promotes the injections despite their containing aborted fetus cells.) The leaders of most Western faiths have kissed the ring of globalist institutions, ergo we see uninjected parishioners excluded from attending service. Shifting east, karma is a big topic. Its lean Zen Buddhist conception will serve us here, as opposed to the complicated ideas of, say, Tibetan Buddhism, which focuses on cycles of death and rebirth, and incorporates deities from earlier shamanic practices. For Zen practitioners, karma is a forthright law that corresponds with the notion in physics that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Even if I escape punishment in human institutions for some misdeed, any harm I do to another being puts me out of harmony with the way of things; I disrupt a cosmic homeostasis. If, for instance, I steal without getting caught, I’m punished nonetheless living in a world where stealing happens — a world in which “I have stolen.” And this is more corrosive than judicial punishments, from a spiritual perspective. With sufficient conscious evolution, we humans wouldn’t need laws to govern behaviour, much less police to enforce them. (This is what serious anarchists think.) Instead, our spiritual poverty, our conscious stuntedness, has led to a Pied Piper hell realm where kids contract myocarditis and Australia’s First People are trucked to internal displacement camps. Unless people rise up (and soon!), we will all live in an AI-controlled dystopia, surveilled by millions of facial recognition cameras networked with satellites and social credit score algorithms. To date our concerns have fallen on the dead ears of human leaders; there will be no appealing to the better nature of robot dogs or swarms of flying drones. Let’s be clear: There will be no human beings in the ultimate New World Order. We’re slated for elimination either from the jabs, starvation, or radical augmentation. I was reminded recently of the “weighing of the heart” scene in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The king cannot access the celestial realms unless his heart is lighter than a feather. The past 20 months have revealed much about the “heart weight” of many spiritual teachers. Most have been revealed as frauds, as quick to engage in bypassing as any proponent of mRNA technology. This first came to my attention when I stumbled upon social media posts from a yoga teacher with whom I’d taken a workshop, who exposed himself as a mask-wearing Karen of the highest order, and an ersatz American liberal to boot, trapped in the dead-end false dichotomy of left versus right politics. (A Biden fan, unsurprisingly.) He excommunicated me on Facebook after I disavowed the orthodoxy. My greatest disappointment has been with a Sanskrit scholar who has translated some important sutras and published what I consider the definitive book on Tantra traditions. This author is an accomplished practitioner as well as a translator, and his teaching included interesting mudras. I still haven’t finished his landmark Tantra book, since every time I read a few pages I spend the next day contemplating their profound implications, which align squarely with insights gleaned from my own journey in Zen Buddhism and other modalities, and especially with my work with shamanic visionary plants, about which I wrote a book that won an award in 2018. This serious scholar-practitioner has heavily promoted the official COVID and “vaccination” narrative on social media, and has encouraged his students to get the jab. He even recorded a video to warn people away from dangerous anti-vaxx conspiracy theories, in which he extolled his followers to trust The Science. Witnessing this was simply unbearable for me. How, I wondered, could someone who so clearly “gets it” in regard to the nondual perspective of eastern mysticism fall so hard for a cliché of scientism that is harming and killing millions, while a digital prison is erected around the human family? To my mind, the universe is nudging us to turn away from shallow teachers, false gurus and plastic shamans, and to turn instead inward for guidance. When we “build back better” let’s not construct the metaverse or anti-health paradigm promoted by deep state apparatchiks like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. It’s time also to break with spiritual bypassers who can recite the Diamond Sutra while ignoring the jewel inside their own heart. Let’s build something new and different, based on the principle of compassion and mutual assistance. Perhaps it’s nothing new, but instead deeply ancient. Terence McKenna called it the Archaic Revival and I consider this an intriguing latter-day prophecy. A radical shift in this direction could interrupt the globalist plan and reduce our karmic burden such that we could assuage our shortcomings by, perhaps. lighting some incense, and not (for example) tossing our children on a pyre. Love and truth will win in the end. Our willingness to rise in defense of what is right and true will determine the length of our journey, which could end tomorrow if enough of us stopped complying. Namaste, everybody. And In La’kesh! Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco) that won the 2018 Silver Medal in its category at the Independent Book Publisher Awards. Follow Guy at HipGnosis.co |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |