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Yanni ....En Silencio ...Love is All ...[ 立春..雨水]
2012/02/01 12:45:02瀏覽1115|回應3|推薦69


Te fuiste sin despedir
llevandote la luz de mi existir
solo me quedo de ti
la locura de sentirte junto a mi

A veces oigo tu voz
a lejos me llama
te siento aqui

En silencio y en soledad
en las noches te acercas mas
susurras en la oscuridad
se que eres tu

Me habla tu corazon
sera algo mas fuerte una obsesion
un sueño te hare vivir
en momentos solo asi puedo seguir

A veces oigo tu voz
a lejos me llama
te siento aqui

Llevo las caricias en la piel
solo tu amor me cura el alma
se me a ido el paraiso
sin tu cuerpo sobre el mio

En las noches te acercas mas
se que eres tu

Siento en el silencio y en la soledad
en las noches te acercas mas
susurras en la oscuridad

Se que en el silencio y en soledad
en las noches te acercas mas
susurras en la oscuridad
se que eres tu

Se que tu estas aqui

Was raining in my heart
Falling deep inside of me
Drowning in my soul
This silence rushes over me

I am breathing against this fire
And I will not turn away
I'm waiting for time to carry me
Like a tempest to the sea
Standing strong  watching over

Love will keep me believing
through the dark, can you hear me calling
Holding on when I'm dreaming
Love is all, Love is all

Thundering in my heart
Love was all I knew before I fell
And now the sight of some man
Echoing inside myself

I am breathing against this fire
And I will not turn away
I'm waiting for time to carry me
Like a tempest to the sea
Standing strong  watching over

Love will keep me believing
through the dark, can you hear me calling
Holding on when I'm dreaming
Love is all, Love is all

Nuclear Weapon Initiation!

O how far removed,
Predestination! is thy foot from such
As see not the First Cause entire; and ye,
O mortal men! be wary how ye judge;
For we, who see the Maker, know not yet
The number of the chosen; and esteem
Such scantiness of knowledge our delight:
For all our good is in that primal good.
Concentrate and Heaven's will and ours are one.
- Dante


Mars turns retrograde on 24 Jan 2012 at 23Vir05
Mars turns direct on 14 Apr 2012 at 03Vir40
Mercury turns retrograde on 12 Mar 2012 at 06Ari49
Mercury turns direct on 04 Apr 2012 at 23Pis50

Saturn turns retrograde on 07 Feb 2012 at 29Lib30
Saturn turns direct on 25 Jun 2012 at 22Lib45

Pluto turns retrograde on 10 Apr 2012 at 09Cap33
Pluto turns direct on 18 Sep 2012 at 06Cap57

Venus turns retrograde on 15 May 2012 at 23Gem59
Venus turns direct on 27 Jun 2012 at 07Gem29

Neptune turns retrograde on 04 Jun 2012 at 03Pis09
Neptune turns direct on 11 Nov 2012 at 00Pis21

Uranus turns retrograde on 13 Jul 2012 at 08Ari32
Uranus turns direct on 13 Dec 2012 at 04Ari36

Mercury turns retrograde on 15 Jul 2012 at 12Leo32
Mercury turns direct on 08 Aug 2012 at 01Leo25
Jupiter turns retrograde on 04 Oct 2012 at 16Gem22
Jupiter turns direct on 30 Jan 2013 at 06Gem19




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俗 客【達摩祖師的故事】
2012/03/19 14:37
This is great!
Jacques/俄烏續戰到2026?(1123581321) 於 2012-03-21 04:52 回覆:

2012/02/15 09:56
Jacques/俄烏續戰到2026?(1123581321) 於 2012-02-17 04:14 回覆:

Length, Width,Height, and Breath ...

Have a great 2012 ...

張鳳哈佛 哈佛問學錄 得首獎
依然五彩繽紛...祝 福閤府新春誌喜﹗龍翔鳳舞﹗拜晚年了﹗
2012/02/02 06:11
Jacques/俄烏續戰到2026?(1123581321) 於 2012-02-03 02:43 回覆:

2012 新春快樂。萬事吉祥如意。。font>