Rachmaninoff Concerto No#3 - Van Cliburn [驚蟄..清明] 白虎
2013/03/07 06:45:16瀏覽1304|回應1|推薦73
Canzone Prima
1. Voi, che 'ntendendo il terzo ciel movete, udite il ragionar ch'è nel mio core, ch'io nol so dire altrui, sì mi par novo; e 'l ciel che segue lo vostro valore, gentili creature che voi sète, mi tragge ne lo stato ov'io mi trovo. Onde 'l parlar de la vita ch'io provo par che si drizzi degnamente a vui: però vi priego che lo mi 'ntendiate. Io vi dirò del cor la novitate, come l'anima trista piange in lui e come un spirto contr'a lei favella, che vien pe' raggi de la vostra stella.
Canzone One
1. You whose intellect the third sphere moves(Venus), now listen to the speech within my heart (4th Chakra), For I cannot speak to others, so strange it seems. The heaven that moves according to your power draws me, O noble creatures that you are, into the state in which I find myself. And hence these words about the life I live should properly be told, it seems, to you: And so I pray that you will listen to me. I shall recount the strangeness in my heart, How here within my sad soul weeps, And how against her speaks a spirit that comes Upon the rays descending from your star.
2. Suol esser vita de lo cor dolente un soave penser, che se ne gìa molte fiate a' pie' del nostro Sire, ove una donna glorïar vedìa di cui parlav'a me sì dolcemente che l'anima dicea: "Io men vo' gire." Or apparisce chi lo fa fuggire e segnoreggia me di tal virtute, che 'l cor ne trema, che di fuori appare. Questi mi face una donna guardare, e dice: "Chi veder vuol la salute, faccia che li occhi d'esta donna miri, sed e' non teme angoscia di sospiri."
2. The life of my grieving heart was once A tender loving thought that frequently would find Its way into the presence of your Lord, Where it would see a lady in glorious light Of whom it would speak to me so sweetly That my soul would say: "I wish to go there." Now one appears who puts it into flight, Who lords it over me with might so great That then my heart so shakes it shows outside. This one makes me behold a lady, And says: "Let him who would see bliss Gaze into the eyes of this lady (Wisdom), Provided he fears not the sighs of anguish."
3. Trova contraro tal che lo distrugge l'umil pensero che parlar mi sole d'un'angela, che 'n cielo è coronata. L'anima piange, sì ancor len dole, e dice: "Oh lassa a me, come si fugge questo piatoso che m'ha consolata!" De li occhi miei dice questa affannata: "Qual ora fu che tal donna li vide! e perché NON credeano a me di lei? Io dicea: `Ben ne li occhi di costei de' star colui che le mie pari ancide!' E non mi valse ch'io ne fossi accorta che non mirasser tal, ch'io ne son morta."
3. The humble thought that used to speak to me Of an angel who is crowned in heaven Encounters now a foe who slays it. The soul cries out, for this still grieves her, And so she says: "Alas, how he is fled, The compassionate one who once consoled me." And of my eyes this anguished one remarks: "Unhappy hour when such a lady looked on them: Why would they NOTbelieve my word of her? And I: `Now surely in her eyes must dwell The one who slays the likes of me!' But my perceiving this did not avail, For still they gazed on him, whereby I'm slain."
4. "Tu non se' morta, ma se' ismarrita, anima nostra, che sì ti lamenti" dice uno spiritel d'amor gentile; "ché quella bella donna, che tu senti, ha transmutata in tanto la tua vita, che n'hai paura, sì se' fatta vile! Mira quant'ell'è pietosa e umile, saggia e cortese ne la sua grandezza, e pensa di chiamarla donna, omai! Ché,se tu non t'inganni, tu vedrai di sì alti miracoli adornezza, che tu dirai: `Amor, segnor verace, ecco l'ancella tua; fa che ti piace.'"
4. "You are not slain but only led astray(Betrayed), Dear soul of ours who so laments," A gentle spirit of love replies to me, "For this fair lady whose power you feel Has changed your life so very much That you are frightened, and become a coward! See how compassionate she is, and humble, How courteous and wise in her magnificence: Resolve henceforth to call this one your lady. Unless you err through self-deceit you'll see The beauty of such lofty miracles That you will say: `Love, my true lord, Behold your handmaid: Do as you please.'"
5. Canzone, io credo che saranno radi color che tua ragione intendan bene, tanto la parli faticosa e forte. Onde, se per ventura elli addivene che tu dinanzi da persone vade che non ti paian d'essa bene accorte, allor ti priego che ti riconforte, dicendo lor, diletta mia novella: "Ponete mente almen com'io son bella!"
5. My song, I think they will be FEW indeed who'll rightly understand your five senses, So difficult and complex is your speech. So if by chance TIME (Saturn) comes to pass That you should find yourself with some Who do not grasp it (meaning) well at all, I pray you then, dear newborn song, take courage again and say to them (Fools) repeatedly:"Consider at least how fair I am!"
By Dante
Van Cliburn Plays ... Rachmaninoff Concerto No.3
Piano Concerto is not derived from chants; when asked, Rachmaninoff said that "it had written itself"). ... any of the works Rachmaninoff would write in Russia, partly because the melodic material has a harmonic nature ....
March 2013 begins under the questionable influence of Mercury moving retrograde in Pisces -- the key solar zodiacal sign of this month.
Mercury in reverse is a celestial, divine contribution to all our lives on Spaceship Earth -- allowing us to correct mistakes and errors in judgment as well as to breathe in and breathe out (God's) ideals, ideas, knowledge, thoughts, stories, information and prime-learning experiences.
Mercury makes 22 revolutions in 7 years ... which is 3.14 (pie ... symbolic the Altas mountain) ... it also equals to (12/10)*(Golden Phi)**2 ... (1.2*2.618) ...
just in case you don't know how the Messenger (and also) Trickster of Mars (Passion), called Egyptian THOTH or Grecian Hermes, is so very much important ... Janus of a two-faced creature.
La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles; L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers.
Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent Dans une ténébreuse et profonde unité, Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté, Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se répondent. II est des parfums frais comme des chairs d'enfants, Doux comme les hautbois, verts comme les prairies, — Et d'autres, corrompus, riches et triomphants, Ayant l'expansion des choses infinies, Comme l'ambre, le musc, le benjoin et l'encens, Qui chantent les transports de l'esprit et des sens.