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Goodbye Forever!
2008/09/14 22:09:57瀏覽188|回應0|推薦0

“For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things?” 2 Corin. 2: 15-16



I planned to start a house church in my city. I got connected with a few brothers and sisters. We discussed the possibility of working together. In the first home visit I went with my first Timothy, a local brother, whom I have been discipling.


An enthusiastic sister in Christ would like to invite her close relatives and friends to come to her house so that we could share with them the Gospel. They came very early in the morning playing “Ma-jiang”, a popular Chinese block game, together. When we arrived at her home, it was around 2:00 p.m. They looked tired when we stepped in the sister’s apartment. They were not spiritually prepared at all as they spent all the morning hanging around and played Ma-jiang.  


We smiled, talked and tried our best to warm up the atmosphere. Finally we all sat down to start introducing ourselves. I asked my Timothy to share his testimony and the Creation to Christ story. He wanted to pray first as this was his habit every time before he shared with a stranger. When he concluded his prayer with “Amen!” both of us opened our eyes and literally saw one by one walking out of the door in front of us except this sister. It caught off my guard. I was shocked but I did not say anything and not wanted to persuade them to stay either. They all had good excuses to leave us. One of the sister’s brothers was among them.


A few days later I received a phone call. The sister suddenly cried over the phone. A few moments later, I asked “What is going on?” She said her brother was gone! He had a heart attack. His age was only 31. His goodbye is forever! I was saddened when I heard of this news. It is very urgent for us to share the Gospel with the lost. Don't wait for tomorrow! Do it now!   

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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