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2020/08/25 15:53:54瀏覽452|回應0|推薦8

The other day I took part in a wedding reception of my former collegue.  He is a bereaved widower at 75, and his "bride" is a divorced woman, just retired from work.  Wishing the couple all the best!

There must be a lot of things concerning both sides that should have been taken into consideration before they performed this kind of senior union: childrens opionon, affectionate love, health problems, the beneficiary of properties of either side, and so on.  Well, this kind of marriage could help solve some social problems for the single seniors, or create more.  At any rate, it may be one of the social trends, particularlly in the societies that people are going to live longer and longer.


111, There was a famous Hollywood movies "黃昏之戀" in late 50s, but it was a "love in the afternoon", not the love for single seniors. 

222,  Today is lunar 7th day of July, Chinese Lovers Day.  Kindly read my previous translation on "鵲橋仙" again at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/111646326, thanks. 

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