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2006/10/20 11:16:48瀏覽662|回應0|推薦14

Take It Easy, Vol 1

Chapter : 11:The Lotus Flower of the Law - by Osho  

摘錄自 放輕鬆些 一休禪詩

第十一章 道中的蓮花 奧修大師


Have you just watched it? If your neighbour purchases a bigger car than you, suddenly you also need a bigger car. Just a moment before, there was no need; just a moment before, you had not thought about a bigger car. Now how, suddenly, has the need arisen? Because the neighbour has purchased one. Now he is having a bigger ego and your ego is threatened; you have to purchase a bigger car. Even if you cannot afford it, you have to purchase it.


People go on wasting their lives in such things which they don't need in the first place. People go on accumulating things which they don't need. People go on putting their money into things which they will never need, to impress people whom they don't like. This is something! People even go on putting their money into things -- money that they don't have. They may be getting it two years afterwards; they purchase a car in instalments. The money they don't have right now, but they have to put that money into a car that they don't need, to impress people that they don't like.


I have heard:
Two cows were grazing in a pasture alongside a highway when a milk truck drove by. On the side of the truck was printed: PASTEURIZED HOMOGENIZED, GRADE A, VITAMIN B ADDED. One cow turned to the other and said: "Makes you feel sort of inadequate, doesn't it?"


And the really rich man is one who lives without comparison. How can he be poor? Drop comparisons and you are rich; then you will never be poor. Go on comparing and you will remain poor -- howsoever rich you become is irrelevant. You will always remain poor, because there will always be somebody who has more.


And there are millions of things, so there are millions of poverties. Somebody has a beautiful wife; you are poor. Somebody has a bigger car; you are poor. Somebody has a bigger house; you are poor. Somebody is taller than you, and you are poor. How many poverties! As many poverties as there are things.


Drop comparison. But the ego lives through comparison.


( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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2006/10/20 12:22 【攝‧情‧人‧物】 放棄比較 自我是透過比較來生活的