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惠台政策显磁吸效应 台湾民众愿赴大陆就业创业--我姐的儿子工作从美到台终于到大陆
2018/10/09 09:55:34瀏覽61|回應1|推薦0
惠台政策显磁吸效应 台湾民众愿赴大陆就业创业 【编辑:孟湘君】
资料图:台湾青年签约入住厦门市台青公寓。中新社记者 杨伏山 摄  
中新网10月8日电 据台湾《联合报》报道,台湾草根影响力文教基金会8日公布大陆惠台政策31条调查结果,显示54.7%的台湾受访者认为,大陆惠台政策31条对台湾民众及产业西进大陆具有“磁吸效益”,49.9%的台湾受访者表示,如有机会,有意愿前往大陆就业或创业。
  与大陆相比,对于台湾提供的就业发展机会,仅17.9%的台湾受访者认为是充足及非常充足的,有 60.1%认为是不充足或非常不充足的。
  调查结果显示,对于大陆的惠台政策31条,有54.7%的台湾受访者认为对台湾民众及产业西进大陆具有“磁吸效益”;未来若有机会,接近 5 成的台湾受访者有意愿前往大陆就业或创业。
--i hope taiwan people must thanks to china(same as other countries without china your country would be a mess like taiwan) only that can force rotten MJD do jobs right.
我姐的儿子工作从美到台终于到大陆  加拿大 to him is too slow so he selected study in usa, unfortunately his profession animate working under japan companies controlls in usa even his professor told the company 我姐的儿子 must get the job or he wont ... the company only hired him 2? years. then cant but worked for toys compay certainly we all knew toys are us fell down other toys related companies even worse and happened earlier. 
he really wanted to work in taiwan as relatives and parent house in taiwan but very disappointed left so went to china. 
so far so good, 如鱼得水. when i watched china TV shows especially 秦时明月 i kept told my nephew go to china, that is your place.
( 時事評論政治 )
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2018/10/10 08:44

today went down to chicago, when we  returned met an old lady from taiwn we had a chat and enjoy the conversation. she told me her eldest son also went to china and married there.

they all support one china, especially her spouse(died a year ago) long time ago already supported and expected one china comes true asap . the question is right in the begining neither KMD nor rotten MJD would report it. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-10-10 08:50 回覆:
certainly usa master knew well,more and more one china supporters from taiwan in usa but still ignores for what it called "美国的利益"  to tell liars.