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$100 prepaid card down to $88.10 and $76.20 as dormancy fee $5.95; traps behind be alert.
2024/05/04 01:27:45瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0
when we each got $100 prepaid rewards card for covid-19 shot, we were told no fee charge and use it before 12/29. so till today(5/2/2024) spouse decided to buy mower batteries. after activate the 2 cards found each balance down to $88.10 and $76.20. right in the beginning i thought some one stole money then visited myprepaidcenter.com found out dormancy fee $5.95 applied. so we called 877-610-1075 which cant get live agent to talk so searched "877-610-1075" got "For all other inquiries, please call: 1-800-446-1484" after called the lady declared fill the on line Contact form ie https://www.tdgrewards.com/contactus Contact Us - TDG Rewards

i wrote as: spouse and i each got $100 prepaid card, today 1st time we decide to purchase but found out balance became $88.10 and $76.20. we found it was dormancy fee charge($5.95). that we were told no fee charge use it before expired(12/29).
And why the same kind prepaid card and expired date got different balance? can you verify for us?

ps spouse dormancy fee charged on 12/8/2023 and 1/4/2024. mine charged 12/8/2023, 1/4/2024 1/31 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/8 3/6 ($5.95x11=$65.45->balance $34.55) 3/12 dormancy fee reverse $41.65->balance $76.20

Also many complaints even in "https://www.consumersearch.com/technology/get-started-prepaid-center-quick-easy-activation-process" Get Started with My Prepaid Center: A Quick and Easy Activation Process By Staff Writer Last Updated September 14, 2023

didnt mention any fee charge warnning after activate. usually the gift card wont high more than $100 never knew fee charge applied. 1/30/2024 spouse tried to use it to buy notebook(over $200) in store for me but rejected as not activate, however on line showed both 12/7/2022 $100 very strange dormancy fee charge.

so I decide to dispute the dormancy fee charge :

Online Visit nysewf.myprepaidcenter.com. Sign into your Prepaid Card Account. ps i really have no desire to register that might recieve lots adv fraud emails and not sure whether can opt out those companies include myprepaidcenter.com itself. especially such dormancy fee applied without knowing the rules and so many complaints. myself wont activate prepaid card(suffering unknown person stealing) unless the day use it. i did inqurire spouse why 1/30 didnt activate in store, he told me many people behind him had no desire activate in store then line up again.

Review your transaction history,
Download the Dispute Form and provide all applicable information along with the transactions you are disputing.

Get the Dispute Form notarized by a Notary Public. ps will banker do for free? nowadays banker became broker

Bring the notarized Dispute Form into your local Police Department to initiate a police report.
--haaaa im not so sure police take small amount case, many years ago set $500+ now is much higher. news declared that bottom line for police cost/budget consideration.

Send your notarized Dispute Form and Police Report:
Email: Dispute.Support@bhnetwork.com

ps How To Use The REAL MyPrepaidCenter.com Gift Card Website By: Giftcards.com....I often hear from customers who think their gift cards aren’t working only to discover that they are trying to activate their gift cards on the wrong websites.
-- finally realize cant call phone to activate the prepaid gift card even if 1/30 spouse tried because the gift card sticker showed no phone but "visit MyPrepaidCenter.com-Activation required" or scan QR code which we still not know how to do it or which scan app should be installed.

If you find that the print on the back of the gift card is too small to read, use your phone to zoom in on the details.
--my 1st time tried. use cell phone CAMERA made a photo on the back of the gift card. use cell phone PHOTOS retrive the picture and zoom out which shows: use of the card indicates acceptance of cardholder agreement. a monthly inactively fee of $5.95 will be deducted on the 1st day of the 13th month after 12 months of inactivity. funds do not expire....

--my goodness it is very special gift card burried traps without knowing. i immediately inquired spouse did he register(login), he was confused that he just on line entered card information same as i did without login can see balance and history transactions. however when i tried to fill form and submit dispute which no more but must register/login.

im quite confused we didnt activate/use the 2 cards till today, will we continue be forced to pay dormancy fee $5.95 if the balance $0 ? no wonder 3/12 dormancy fee auto reverse $41.65 because their worker also is confused.
did the covid-19 related government know what they done to allure people be white mice by giving unusual free gift card ? the 2nd time i called 800-446-1484 the lady hanged off then tried again another lady told me she knew nothing about it but gave me headquarter 8007984104 (blackhawak?) but the man denied and told me the only way is to call 877-610-1075 even he knew agents wont pick up.

i decide to fill contact form again because once register/login would be very difficult opt out, terminate every month dormancy fee $5.95 if no transaction. as:

we are quite confused that received two $100 gift cards from cook county health-related (covid-19 shot). spouse (xxx) tried to use 2 gift cards on 1/30/2024 to buy notebook in BestBuy store but rejected because didnt activate. Today (5/2/2024) he tried to buy batteries then found out his card charged on 12/8/2023 and 1/4/2024 dormancy fee $5.95 twice so balance from $100 down to $88.10. mine charged on 12/8/2023, 1/4/2024 1/31 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/8 3/6 ($5.95x11=$65.45->balance $34.55) 3/12 dormancy fee reverse $41.65->balance $76.20.
the question is we didnt register(login) on line nore activate until today (5/2/2024).

2nd after searched (How To Use The REAL MyPrepaidCenter.com Gift Card Website ...If you find that the print on the back of the gift card is too small to read, use your phone to zoom in on the details...) then found the gift card back shows: use of the card indicates acceptance of cardholder agreement. a monthly inactively fee of $5.95 will be deducted on the 1st day of the 13th month after 12 months of inactivity. funds do not expire....
we did call 877-610-1075 which cant get live agent to talk so searched "877-610-1075" got "For all other inquiries, please call: 1-800-446-1484" then they gave me 8007984104 (blackhawak?) but the man denied and told me the only way is to call 877-610-1075 even he knew agents wont pick up.
Spouse and i have no idea cook county allure us to be covid-19 white mice by give each $100 gift card and told us no fee charge wrong information.
this is formal to notify you we wont pay any monthly dormancy fee in the past and future, please remove our any informations from your system.
isnt very scary traps especially cant get live agent solve, explain rules including how to terminate or close it...
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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