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中菲运补“新模式”录音记录曝光 知情者:内容属实--i never suspect china officers words but not masters side who believe ifonlyif master behind they can lie and black China forever.
2024/05/10 20:02:53瀏覽35|回應0|推薦0
中菲运补“新模式”录音记录曝光 知情者:内容属实 时间: 2024-05-10 01:54:13
来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 诺伊

--we already saw the same shameful events in taiwan who denied they are chinese live in chinese sea lands, japan who denied invaded and brutely murdered other countries people.
it is not surprised at all as our ancestors taught us what kind master has the same kind dogs, same feather together...
because our greatest ancestors taught us a lot so China got many the world people respect.
as i always mention top class dont lie, tell the truth can beatbup those full mouth liars.

6/10/2024 zou2022 : 这位典型的鹰派参议员在美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)节目中,直白道出乌克兰对美国的“商业价值”,声称在乌克兰有“价值10到12万亿美元的关键矿产”,“他们可能成为全欧洲最富有的国家。我不想让那笔钱和资产落到普京手里,让他与中国分享。”
----以打促抢,海盗本性! 昨天(6/9/2024) 20:02 来自广东省
--its the actor actively sold 关键矿产 and pity 乌克兰 people life to masters to exchange for join 北约 and protect his life plus president title.
what can others sell 10到12万亿美元的关键东西 to western masters?
masters wars always about 利益 never for 民主自由 nor for terrorists-so-called.

ps Korea not welcome president recently declared can get oil from japan. 利益当前 will Korea people change their opinions about their president? so far 50% americans support Baiden. will 法国人民 continue supporting 马克龙? how about Germany?
wii our-type get benefit from 乌克兰关键矿产? i dont think so or we already become rotten rich since 1997. in reality spouse was broke before 1997.

中国海警在仁爱礁发现油桶等有害垃圾 疑似为菲“坐滩”军舰丢弃 发布时间:2024年07月10日 09:06 来源:中国新闻网
  中国海警将坚决维护仁爱礁等南海海域主权及生态环境,保留菲船只及人员破坏海洋生态环境的相关证据。(视频来源 中国海警局)责任编辑:【周驰】
--will Trump can turn usa be greatest country again? i deeply suspect. we can see masters groups can do whatever they want such as Japan dump nuclear water into the sea, 以色列 brutally kill 巴勒斯坦 people and now 菲律宾.

ps 共和党2024竞选纲领 提出20项承诺 时间: 2024-07-08 23:40:52
--if usa can stop cheating/allure other countries people by all means black other countries

--i cant see it work if only allow all made in usa and jump up any import products taxes.
oil jump high to $4.xx/gal. what is the oil price after 结束通胀 ? what is chicken eggs and sweat corns price ? the retired seniors 可负担 or only those have jobs ?

does it including china, Indo, 墨西哥, 乌克兰 ... ? i cant see how many americans willing take 制造业 blue collar jobs but the white collar. however 7/7/2024 i did see the white young man carried water bottles for gas station. ILL unemployee rate up to 4.90%, and killing cases jump up 4 days 90+ people wounded/died.
ps Illinois Unemployment Rate is at 4.90%, compared to 4.80% last month and 4.20% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 6.76%.
--in the past foods/oil not so expensive

--sounds beautiful dreams neither the rotten rich businessmen nor 工薪者/小费收入 but who pay the taxes, those need to buy import products ?

--言论自由 really ? im afraid only jewish-americans especially the white related have this and that 自由.

-- wait to see. 世界大战 happened due to those countries want to control the world who have/had powerful weapons from geman 集团, japan 集团, now usa 集团 by 帝国主义军事集团形成后,为争夺世界霸权,积极扩军备战,不断提高国防预算... isnt happen now ?

--i smelt it but 共和党 not telling the details, does it include post innoncent people informations on dark web ? monitor and control their email account/cell phones/notebooks ?

-- these must base on no racial bias or cant come true. can 共和党 perform it? or only the white can have 安全 ?

--it depends what usa can bring to the world, endless wars, create more enemies by millions liars black other countries ?

--how about force Clinton/Bush/Baiden groups returned money to SSA... funds if they borrowed without returned and any money from tax payers ps i saw the news Clinton/Bush did. Baiden confessed about huge profits from 乌克兰. will such masters wars happen again ?


--really ? if 哈马斯极端分子 existing in usa those suicided body bombs already happen in usa. it didnt because only sympathy on what happened to 巴勒斯坦 people same as what happened to Iraq people. didnt Baiden group accused Trump were Russia spy ? it is masters wars treat indoors people as enemies nothing else.

--im afraid both parties select certain countries as their common enemy to transfer inside conflict to 团结. so they all can run away their wars crimes.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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