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中国企业自主研发的内存芯片亮相美国--加油 !!
2018/08/10 11:37:50瀏覽38|回應1|推薦0

中国企业自主研发的内存芯片亮相美国  2018年08月09日 来源:参考消息网 【编辑:张燕玲】
  据韩国《朝鲜日报》网站8月7日报道,据悉,清华紫光的子公司长江存储(YMTC)从8月7日(当地时间)出席美国《美国的快闪记忆体高峰会(Flash Memory Summit)》,公开32层、64层3D NAND。YMTC的CEO杨士宁7日作主旨演讲,介绍新产品。
报道称,YMTC透露,新产品使用的是3D NAND架构创新技术Xtacking,有效提高了数据处理速度。

--i have strong confidence in china. so many popullations 1% top class in china is more than any other country but 1% bastards also more than any other country.

i hope china people in the end realize it--dont for making easy money become bastards, some easy money you should always stay away only that we can have high quality living environment and no need to immigrate to other countries been abused/killed.

And the less selfish could reduce many bad things happen.

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2018/08/11 04:24

hope soon china software engineers can provide stable O.S. and other necessary application softwares such as notepad...

more and more seniors people like us we really don't care others but easy and stable softwares. recently i have quite difficulty perform cut/paste functions as before. really hate usa made. we even dislike usa banks, investment companies ...frequently change their on line websites designed(very likely they swiched to another websites pages design companies because fee cheaper). in the past we can buy CDs, cooperation bonds as $100/unit and now it became bidding price(or called 2nd hands even it is new issue). i don't like complex calculation that the coupon declared 5% but unit price jump up and lower down the interest rate, the worst when you buy you have no idea how high unit price is. we are considering to find a new bank combine with investments.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-08-11 05:08 回覆:

my spouse always tries hard to solidate all money together put in one place. however this time he insists one of his pension stays with another bank because that bank also bought the pesnsion program execution company. since then we never can get 1099-R no matter every year my spouse forced to re-apply. until we visited the bank and to get $500 bonus, the problem maynot solve but at least we can visit the branch to get 1099-R copy. 

i can see bank tries to merge employees/retired pensions, other credit cards so original clients can't but open checking/savings or got this and that problems can't be solved...

the banker did try to open a virture account for me to see transactions details on line but didn't work(it was no problem until their web site screen changed).

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-08-11 05:26 回覆:

my spouse always tries hard to solidate all money together put in one place...
--we did one time and totally a mess since then i have no desireing at all(i did against it because we already had bad experiences after he was not employee but transfered to another company, later became pity contractor, he moved his pension to another investment company(he told me the working company requested), all transaction details gone and he was so naive signed paperless. we did manual keyin transactions in our money software but not the last few months because accounts was closed. and we never can get the details sold/bought back between two copanies, what were the fee charges for each mutual funds... since we moved to current city it became very unconviently for us if we need to change or have questions... my spouse hardly pay attention whether it worth to pay closed account fee charge whenever we moves or they shut down branch nearby us. (one of the bank shut down their site in Butera nearby us).

in fact i bet usa government tries to make people like us solidate all money in one place for monitoring taxes/social benefits/immigrations related.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-08-11 04:54 回覆:

we went yesterday to find out why credit card's autopay stop working(fortunately nicor waived the last month late fee and penalty charges because i didn't know until current month due date) , in the meantime also can't login to see creidt card transactions since last month. i tried to request nicor mail the monthly statment so if it happens again we could pay asap. however they won't allow if it is autopay then must paperless(Comed still issue statements so has no missing pay but duplicate payments because forgot it is autopay).

the banker seemed better and very quickly convinced us to open checking/saving accounts because they offer credit crad rewards up to 75% if combined balance over $100,000. one of my spouse pension has $70,000 and the advisor can come to the branch face to face nearby our living place in stead of go to another city or thru the phone call.

however if wants to get $300 bonus we have to auto deposit pensions/SSR total minimum $4000. (the other banks we got bonus before only request 1 or 2 auto deposit, no amount requested. i can see the bounus is hard and harder to get) .

to get $200 bonus from reward credit card must spend $500 within 90days. 

these $500 bonus is the only way we can get from bank because the interest very low 0.001% for many years even Trump declared interest rate jump up.