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中国今年1月减持美债167亿美元--maybe trading other 币 can avoid usa anxiety?
2018/03/16 20:37:03瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0

中国今年1月减持美债167亿美元 【编辑:于晓】
    资料图:银行工作人员清点美元。中新社记者 张云 摄 
  中新社华盛顿3月15日电 美国财政部15日公布的数据显示,中国今年1月份减持167亿美元的美国国债。

--i wonder whether china and other countries try using 人民币 and other 币 in trading so can avoid usa this and that punishments?

from what i saw cause usa extremely anxiety may be from the whole world use us$. 

i'm quite confused why usa target at china in stead of japan and others who export to usa much more than china? we can see usa companies in china never suffer what china companies be mistreated in usa.

in chinanews i can see quite positive and consist way, not like WJ scare this worry that all the time, like a nuts.  our ancestors called it 患得患失.

china say one word you don't have to waste time at all.

but usa says a lot no one knows what usa really wants.

you buy 美债 usa got upset,  you don't buy it usa master still upset.

( 時事評論政治 )
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