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2009/10/21 21:51:24瀏覽891|回應0|推薦1 | |
WISLAWA SZYMBORSKA – TRUE LOVE 威絲拉娃.辛波絲卡 – 真愛 譯者:Sophia L. True love. Is it normal 真愛是常情? is it serious, is it practical? 是認真的?是可行? What does the world get from two people 世界又從戀人那裡獲得了什麼? who exist in a world of their own? 當這兩個人只是存活在自己的世界裡。 Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason, 是毫無理由的、理想化的幻影 drawn randomly from millions but convinced 那只是隨機抽樣、萬中取一,卻使人深信不疑 it had to happen this way - in reward for what? 它必得如此發生,然而又換得了什麼酬謝? For nothing. 一切都是虛無漸頹 The light descends from nowhere. 那落下的光來自根本不存在的世界 Why on these two and not on others? 為何只是在這兩個、而不是在其它人身上顯露光輝? Doesn't this outrage justice? Yes it does. 莫不是罔顧了正義之言?是的,它顯示了絕對。 Doesn't it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles, 它莫不是破壞了我們苦心經營的常規? and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts. 並將道德擲入萬丈深淵?是的,它又再度展現了威權。 Look at the happy couple. 請看那幸福的一對 Couldn't they at least try to hide it, 他們不也是試圖藏起一些…… fake a little depression for their friends' sake? 粉飾頹廢、掩飾傷悲,為了朋友的情面? Listen to them laughing - its an insult. 傾聽他們的笑聲,話音裡諷刺呈現 The language they use - deceptively clear. 他們所使用的語言,是詭辯式的簡潔 And their little celebrations, rituals, 以制式化的本質來設置歡宴 the elaborate mutual routines – 他們設定了彼此的生活常規 it's obviously a plot behind the human race's back! 那藏在愛情背後的人性陰謀顯而易見 It's hard even to guess how far things might go 我們更難以去想像遙遠的未來將如何演變 if people start to follow their example. 如果人們開始以自身宿命為典模追隨 What could religion and poetry count on? 信仰與詩歌又如何承載著希望去飛? What would be remembered? What renounced? 如何能記起一切?當人們執迷不悔? Who'd want to stay within bounds? 誰願如寵中鳥被拘禁在狹小的世界? True love. Is it really necessary? 真愛,真的是必須與絕對? Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence, 智慧與常識告訴我們:不如就讓它在沉寂之中隱微 like a scandal in Life's highest circles. 它搬弄是非,如同生命裡至高無上的輪迴 Perfectly good children are born without its help. It couldn't populate the planet in a million years, 它不可能永居世間,不可能海枯石爛永不毀 it comes along so rarely. 或許,它也能長長久久,卻非常罕見 Let the people who never find true love 就讓那些從未尋獲真愛的人啊 keep saying that there's no such thing. 一再的以為這都是無稽之談、言論是非 Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die. 這樣的信念易使他們於生死裡沉溺輪迴 |
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