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第十一週   在父的家裏—活在那藉着基督的死與復活所爲我們豫備的地方

讀經:約十四 1 ~ 3,6,10 ~ 11,20,23,一 4,
14,16,十一 25



壹 約翰十四章的中心思想就是我們必須信入神,因而進到神裏面—1 節:

一 相信神是客觀的,信入神是主觀的;乃是主觀的信,將我們帶進神裏面。

二 藉着信入主,我們進入祂裏面,與祂成爲一,得享祂,並有分於祂爲我們所完成的一切—三 15。

三 藉着信入基督,我們與祂有生機的聯結,並且我們全人浸沒在祂裏面,使二者在生機上成爲一—十五 4 ~ 5。

貳 父的家乃是三一神——藉着成爲肉體、釘十字架、復活——將祂自己作到信徒裏面,爲要完全與他們調和,好把他們建造成爲一個生機體,作祂的居所和彰顯—十四2 ~ 3,23:

一 在二章十六節,『我父的家』是指神在地上的居所,就是殿;殿乃是耶穌身體的豫表或象徵;這身體在復活裏已擴大爲基督的身體—19 ~ 22 節。

二 在十四章二節,『我父的家』乃是基督的身體,也就是召會作神的家—弗一 22 ~ 23,二
21 ~ 22,提前三 15。


三 父的家乃是經過過程並終極完成的神,與蒙祂救贖、重生並變化的選民,所構成的一個神人二性的合併—約十四 20。

四 在父的家裏,有許多住處—2 節:

1 許多住處乃是基督身體的許多肢體,這身體就是神的殿—羅十二 5,林前三 16 ~ 17。

2 所 有 在 基 督 裏 的 信 徒, 都 是 神 的 建 造 —父的家——裏的住處;這建造就是基督的身體—弗一22 ~ 23,二 21 ~ 22,五 30,林前十二 27。

五 『我去是爲你們豫備地方,』意思就是,主要豫備地方,完成救贖,爲我們開路並作出立場,好使我們進入神裏面—約十四 2 ~ 3,6:

1 藉着死與復活,主耶穌鋪好了路,豫備了地方,好把我們帶進神裏面—20 節。

2 藉着死與復活,主耶穌爲我們在神面前,並在神裏面,豫備了立場;這樣,祂就在神裏面爲我們豫備了地方—2 ~ 3,6 節。


3 在神裏面的立場擴大之後,就成爲在基督身體裏的立場—羅十二 4 ~ 5,弗五 30,林前十二 27:

a 凡在神裏面沒有立場、沒有地方的,他在基督的身體,就是父的家,神的居所裏,也沒有地方—弗一 22 ~ 23,二 21 ~ 22。

b 我們這些在基督裏的信徒,都在神裏並在基督身體裏有地方,現今我們都該活在那藉着基督的死與復活所爲我們豫備的地方—約十四 2 ~ 3,20,林前十二 27。

六 主的來把神帶到人裏面,祂的去把人帶到神裏面;藉着這樣的來和去,祂將神建造到人裏面,並將人建造到神裏面,藉此建造神的家—約一 14,十 10 下,十四 2 ~ 3。


七 神的兒子主耶穌基督,憑着那靈並藉着祂的死與復活,正在建造一個生機體,召會,就是祂的身體和父的家,是由三一神與蒙祂揀選並救贖之人調和而產生的—7 ~ 24 節。

八 父的家乃是藉着父和子同着那靈,不斷眷臨蒙救贖的選民而得以建造起來—23 節。

九 父的家分爲三個階段:神成爲肉體的階段;基督與祂的信徒一同復活,建造成爲召會的階段;以及終極完成的階段,就是新耶路撒冷—二19 ~ 21,啓二一 2 ~ 3,9 ~ 10。


叁 父的家,召會,是在父神裏—約十四 2,20,帖前一 1,帖後一 1:

一 召會要在父神裏面,神就必須成爲我們的父,我們需要與神有生命的關係—約二十 17:

1 在新約裏,『父』是指生命的源頭—五 26。

2 『神』這名稱是指創造;『父』這名稱是指生命的分賜與繁增—約壹三 1。

3 神不再僅僅是我們的創造主,祂也是我們的父,是生我們的那位,因爲祂已經用祂的生命生了我們—約一 12 ~ 13。

4 我們能稱神爲我們的父,因爲我們已經從神而生;如今我們是祂的兒女,就與祂有生命的關係—羅八 15 ~ 16。

5 主藉着祂釋放生命的死和分賜生命的復活,已使我們與祂成爲一;祂的父如今也是我們的父—約二十 17。

6 藉着祂的死與復活,主耶穌把我們帶進祂自己裏面;因着祂在父裏面,我們就藉着在祂(主耶穌)裏面而在父裏面—十四 20。

二 在父神裏的召會,意思就是在那是獨一的源頭、發起者和起始者裏面的召會—林前八 6:

1 認識神是父,就是認識一切都是由祂發起,一切都是由祂而出—太十五 13,羅十一 36。

2 在召會生活中,父應當是獨一的源頭,我們眾人應當在祂獨一的定旨和計畫裏—提後一 9,羅八 28。


肆 我們需要看見,活在召會這父的家裏內在的意義—約十四 2 ~ 3,23:

一 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在那是生命的三一神裏—一 4,五 26,六 53,十一 25,十四 6。

二 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在光中—一 4,八 12。三 活 在 召 會 這 父 的 家 裏, 乃 是 活 在 復 活 裏 —十一 25。

四 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在恩典和實際裏—一 14,16 ~ 17,十四 6,十六 13。

五 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在神聖的榮耀裏—十七 22 ~ 23。

六 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在禱告和敬拜的殿(家)裏 —十 四 13, 十 五 7,16, 十六
23 ~ 24,四 23 ~ 24。

七 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是過牧養的生活—十 10 ~ 11,15 ~ 17,二一 15 ~ 17。

八 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在神的建造裏,並爲神的建造而活—二 19 ~ 21,十四 23。

九 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在終極完成之靈的神聖奧祕範圍裏,爲着保守—七 39,十四16 ~ 20,十六 13,十七 11,21,23。

十 活在召會這父的家裏,乃是活在經過過程並終極完成之三一神與蒙救贖並重生之三部分信徒神人二性的合併裏—十四 10 ~ 11,20。

Week Eleven

In the Father’s House—Living in the Place Prepared for Us through the Death and Resurrection of Christ

Scripture Reading: John 14:1-3, 6, 10-11, 20, 23; 1:4, 14, 16; 11:25

§ Day 1

I. The central thought of John 14 is that we must believe into God and thereby enter into God—v. 1:

A. To believe in God is objective, but to believe into God is subjective; it is the subjective believing that brings us into God.

B. It is by believing into the Lord that we enter into Him to be one with Him, to partake of Him, and to participate in all that He has accomplished for us—3:15.

C. Through believing into Christ, we have an organic union with Him and have our being merged into His so that we two may be one organically—15:4-5.

II. The Fathers house is a matter of the Triune God—through incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection—working Himself into the believers in order to be fully mingled with them so that He may build them up as an organism for His dwelling and expression—14:2-3, 23:

A. In 2:16 My Fathers house refers to the dwelling place of God on earth, the temple; the temple is a type, or figure, of the body of Jesus, which in resurrection has been enlarged to be the Body of Christ—vv. 19-22.

B. My Fathers house in 14:2 is the Body of Christ, the church as the house of God—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15.

§ Day 2

C. The Fathers house is a divine and human incorporation of the processed and consummated God constituted with His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed elect—John 14:20.

D. In the Fathers house are many abodes—v. 2:

1. The many abodes are the many members of the Body of Christ, which is Gods
temple—Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 3:16-17.

2. All the believers in Christ are the abodes in Gods building, the Fathers house; this building is the Body of Christ—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 5:30; 1 Cor. 12:27.

E. I go to prepare a place for you means that the Lord would prepare a place,
accomplish redemption, open up the way, and make a standing for us to enter into God—John 14:2-3, 6:

1. By death and resurrection the Lord Jesus paved the way and prepared the place so that we might be brought into God—v. 20.

2. By His death and resurrection He prepared a standing for us before God and in God; in this way He prepared a place for us in God—vv. 2-3, 6.

§ Day 3

3. The standing in God, being enlarged, becomes the standing in the Body of Christ—Rom. 12:4-5; Eph. 5:30; 1 Cor. 12:27:

a. Anyone who does not have a standing, a place, in God does not have a place in the Body of Christ, which is the Fathers house, the dwelling place of God—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22.

b. As believers in Christ, we all have a place in God and a place in the Body, and now we should live in the place prepared for us through the death and resurrection of Christ—John 14:2-3, 20; 1 Cor. 12:27.

F. The Lords coming brought God into man, and His going brought man into God; by this coming and going, He builds up the house of God by building God into man and man into God—John 1:14; 10:10b; 14:2-3.

§ Day 4

G. By the Spirit and through His death and resurrection, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is building an organism, the church, which is His Body and the Fathers house, produced by the mingling of the Triune God with His chosen and redeemed people—vv. 7-24.

H. The Fathers house is built up by the constant visitation to the redeemed elect of the Father and the Son with the Spirit—v. 23.

I. The Fathers house is in three stages: the stage of Gods incarnation, the stage of Christ resurrected with His believers to be built up as the church, and the consummate stage—the New Jerusalem—2:19-21; Rev. 21:2-3, 9-10.

§ Day 5

III. The Fathers house, the church, is in God the Father—John 14:2, 20; 1 Thes. 1:1; 2 Thes. 1:1:

A. For the church to be in God the Father, God must become the Father to us, and we need to have a life relationship with Him—John 20:17:

1. In the New Testament the Father denotes the source of life—5:26.

2. The title God refers to creation; the title Father refers to the impartation and
multiplication of life—1 John 3:1.

3. God is no longer merely our Creator; He is also our Father, our Begetter, for He has begotten us with His life—John 1:12-13.

4. We can call God our Father because we have been born of Him, and now, as His children, we have a life relationship with Him—Rom. 8:15-16.

5. Through His life-releasing death and life-imparting resurrection the Lord has made us one with Him; His Father is now our Father—John 20:17.

6. By His death and resurrection the Lord Jesus has brought us into Him; since He is in the Father, we are in the Father by being in Him, the Lord Jesus—14:20.

B. For the church to be in God the Father means that the church is in the One who is the unique source, the Originator and Initiator—1 Cor. 8:6:

1. To know God as the Father is to know that everything originates from Him and that everything proceeds from Him—Matt. 15:13; Rom. 11:36.

2. In the church life the Father should be the unique source, and we all should be in His unique purpose and plan—2 Tim. 1:9; Rom. 8:28.

§ Day 6

IV. We need to see the intrinsic significance of living in the church as the Fathers house—John 14:2-3, 23:

A. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in the Triune God as life—1:4; 5:26; 6:53; 11:25; 14:6.

B. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in the light—1:4; 8:12.

C. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in resurrection—11:25.

D. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in grace and reality—1:14, 16-17; 14:6; 16:13.

E. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in the divine glory—17:22-23.

F. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in a house of prayer and worship—14:13; 15:7, 16; 16:23-24; 4:23-24.

G. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live a life of shepherding—10:10-11, 15-17; 21:15-17.
H. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in and for Gods building—2:19-21; 14:23.

I. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit for the keeping of oneness—7:39; 14:16-20; 16:13; 17:11, 21, 23.

J. To live in the church as the Fathers house is to live in the divine and human incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the redeemed and regenerated tripartite believers—14:10-11, 20.

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