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2008/10/20 23:30:27瀏覽3294|回應1|推薦37 | |
夏天也有南瓜,不過,這南瓜是房東種的,入秋之後給我的 放了一陣子,一直想著是要做鹹的好,還是烤蛋糕好 星期六晚上,沒出門,開始切南瓜,蒸熟了,攪成泥,做蛋糕好了 找了個南瓜磅蛋糕的食譜,開始做時,還挺猶豫的 因為,糖,油,麵粉的比例,實在不像磅蛋糕 不過,因為rating蠻好的,所以硬著頭繼續做, 結果還挺不錯的 以下是我修改過的配方: 奶油 1/2杯 紅糖 2/3杯 白糖 1/2杯 南瓜泥 1杯 雞蛋 兩顆 香草精 1tsp 麵粉 1 1/2杯 肉桂粉 1/2tsp 橘子皮 1tbs 泡打粉 1tsp 小蘇打粉 1/2tsp 做法: 烤箱預熱華氏350度,將9x5的長型模抹上奶油,墊上烘培紙 1.將砂糖跟奶油打到鬆化 2.加入雞蛋,一次一顆,先攪勻再放第二顆 3.加入南瓜泥攪拌 4.橘子皮,香草精也放入 5.混入所有乾性材料,拌勻後,倒入烤盤,進烤箱 大約45分鐘,或是牙籤插入,沒有沾黏 出爐後,約略放涼,可以刷上一點糖漿 我用一些confectioners sugar,加入一湯匙奶油,一些橘子汁,拌勻後, 倒在表面上,加上一點葵花子,切片吃可以加點鮮奶油,或是冰淇淋 我不喜歡香料味太重,所以,把肉桂粉減少了,不會太甜,微微的南瓜香 還有淡淡的橘子香,蛋糕體蠻濕潤,但是不像一般磅蛋糕一樣油膩,挺不錯的 ------------------------------- Amazingly, I didn't go out on weekend night!!! I always feel like to do something, go out, meet with friends, party on weekend night. Especially, I don't have a lot of free time now. I'd love to have fun every moment when I have the chance. However, not this weekend. As weekend coming up, I was debating to go out or not My eyes were swollen and itchy for couple days because of allergy to something I don't know. The doctor suggested me not to wear contact and makeup for some days. I was thinking... how can I go out without making myself gorgeous? When I called my friend R, see if she wanna go out on saturday night, the answer was a relief for me. She felt lazy! So, instead of having another wild night as last week, I didn't call others for other parties. I decided to listen to my eyes, staying home! (actually, last week was a disaster that I don't want to remember at all! sorry for all related people. That WASN'T me! That WASN'T me!!!) I decided to bake a cake. Preheat the oven, beat in sugar and butter. Stir in the eggs. Shift in the flour. The whole house was loaded with the sweetness of the cake Warm and delicious!! I know I have missed some fun. I do like to go clubbing, drinking, having fun with friends. But, I think I can always have some more when I feel like to. Since my eyes are giving attitude to me, I'd better listen them!! Anyway, my weekend at home turned out sweet, delicious and relaxing! |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |