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6種攻擊男人的癌症和它們的警告訊號 6 Cancers That Strike Men – and Their Warning Signs
2010/03/22 06:51:42瀏覽1510|回應0|推薦66
Learn to detect and defend against the cancers most likely to attack men

1. Prostate 攝護腺癌

Early signs: usually there are none. A digital rectal exam can tell if your prostate is hard or irregular, and cancer is suspected with a high PSA (prostate specific antigen) level.
早期的病症: 一般是沒有 直腸的數據檢驗是可以告訴你
你的攝護腺是硬的或是不規則 PSA的數據是高的就要懷疑是攝護腺癌
*PSA (prostate specific antigen): 血清攝護腺特異抗原正常值是0~4
*攝護腺活組織切片檢查: 用超聲波探針從肛門放入在腫塊上抽取裡面的組織

False alarms: urination problems - frequency, urgency, slow stream, incomplete emptying - can be related to prostate enlargement or narrowing of the urethra.
錯誤的警報: 排尿問題 頻尿 尿急 尿流緩慢 尿不完全排空
這些症狀可以跟攝護腺腫大和尿道縮小有關 不只是攝護腺的問題

The test: a biopsy if the PSA is high or its rate of change is high. But a spiked score can also be a sign of infection, which should be treated with antibiotics for four weeks. The cancer grows slowly; waiting isn't dangerous, says Dr Christopher Saigal, a urological oncologist at the University of California in Los Angeles.
檢查: PSA的數據是高的或是變動的比率高的
攝護腺腫瘤長大速度很慢的 時間拖著都不是危險的

2. Lung 肺癌

Early signs: A cough that won't go away - or one that brings up blood - is often evidence the cancer is there. Also, chest pain that's always present and not influenced by movement, says Dr Ezra Cohen, a medical oncologist at University of Chicago Medical Centre.
早期的病症: 咳嗽持續不斷或咳出血 這就是肺癌的證據
還有胸部疼痛 動的時候就會胸痛但並不是經常

False alarms: pneumonia. On a chest x-ray, both pneumonia and a tumor look white. The pneumonia will resolve, but you'll need another x-ray 4-6 weeks later.
錯誤的警報: 照X光時肺炎和肺癌都是白色的 肺炎是可以治癒的

The test: biopsy.
檢查: 肺部的活組織切片檢查

3. Colorectal (or bowel) 大腸癌(或腸癌)

Early signs: blood in the stool. Never ignore it, even if it's a one-time occurrence. It could be a pre-cancerous polyp leaking blood, and bleeding is the only early warning you'll receive. In more than half of cases, there is no sign, says Dr Greg Enders, a gastroenterologist at Fox Chase Cancer Centre.
早期的症狀: 便血 千萬不能忽視它 就算只發生一次
它可能是癌發前的腸內息肉滲血 大腸癌早期的警訊就是流血
但是超過 一半以上的大腸癌事件是沒有任何跡象
上面是Fox Chase癌症中心的腸胃科專家學者說的

False alarms: in men under 50, bleeding is probably from haemorrhoids, diverticulosis, colitis, or an abnormal blood vessel. Still, see a doctor.
錯誤的警報: 男人50歲以下 大便出血大概是痔瘡 憩室病 結腸炎
又或著是血管異常 還是要去看醫生

The test: a colonoscopy allows the doctor to check for large and small problems and remove polyps in the same procedure.
檢查: 無論是大問題小問題都讓醫生幫你做結腸鏡的檢查

4. Bladder 膀胱癌

Early signs: blood in the urine, which should always be checked, although if you're younger than 60, it's often a sign of kidney stones. Most bladder cancer only affects the lining. If it is caught early, it can be beaten, says Dr Brian Rini, an oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute in the US.
早期的症狀: 尿裡有血 那就要去檢查 如果你是60歲以下 那可能是腎結石
大部分的膀胱癌只影響內部而不會外移 早期發現是可以剷除癌的

False alarms: an overactive bladder or painful urination is more often a sign of an infection.
錯誤的警報: 膀胱過動或是尿痛 這些也是膀胱感染的症狀

The tests: a scope through the penis to look at the bladder and a urine test that detects cancer cells.
檢查: 膀胱鏡進入陰莖去看膀胱 還有尿液測試可已查出癌細胞的

5. Lymphoma 淋巴瘤癌

Early signs: painless, swollen lymph nodes in your neck, armpit, or groin. Nodes swell with infections, but if they don't subside in a week, have them checked. Also, unexplained weight loss over one or two months, pain in the node area after drinking alcohol, or generalised itching with swelling (without rash) could be cause for concern, says Cleveland Clinic oncologist Dr John Sweetenham.
早期的症狀: 無痛感 頸部腋下腹股溝會有淋巴結腫大
淋巴結因發炎腫大 如果一星期內沒有消腫 那你就要去看醫生檢查
還有沒理由的體重減輕1-2個月 另外喝酒淋巴結就會痛
又或著概括癢腫但是沒有出疹 都是被考慮是不是淋巴瘤癌

False alarms: nodes can swell because of an infection.
錯誤的警報: 結塊腫是因為感染發炎

The test: a blood test can occasionally pick up something, but a biopsy of the node is more thorough.
檢查: 血液檢查偶而也可以 但是淋巴的活組織切片檢查更徹底

6. Melanoma 黑色素瘤

Early signs: A spot that jumps out at you as irregular or large, or one that has recently changed, either in size, color, or contour, or that comes with symptoms, such as itching, pain, or bleeding, says Dr Hensin Tsao, a dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in the US.
早期的症狀: 痣點凸出如形狀不規則或變大或最近才變不一樣

False alarms: seborrheic keratosis, a brownish, crusty formation that looks like it's stuck to the skin. It's just a benign growth.
錯誤的警報: 皮脂溢性角化病 一種褐色硬皮看起來像黏在皮膚上 只是良性增長

The test: biopsy.
檢查: 黑色素瘤的活組織切片檢查


1. 回收由微血管滲到組織間隙的液體,並導流到血液中。

2. 可將已消化的脂肪運到血管中。

3. 可產生淋巴球、抗體,來防禦人體。


1. 淋巴液:(又稱淋巴)

2. 淋巴管:

3. 淋巴組織:


1. 製造淋巴球

2. 過濾淋巴液中異物及處理入侵的細菌

3. 在未出生的3-6月時,可以製造紅血球有時侵入的病菌毒性很強,使淋巴結受損、發炎、腫痛,亦無異是對當事人發出警告,以便及早求治。


1. 淋巴結、脾臟、胸腺,都是淋巴器官,而骨髓也能製造淋巴球,所以我們也稱它為淋巴器官,而其主要的功能,就是免疫。淋巴結、脾臟,可以製造能放出抗體的B淋巴球,胸腺則可以教導T淋巴球,以攻擊病菌,比如麻疹病毒,如果曾施打過疫苗,則淋巴器官會記著痲疹病毒的形態,並保留少數抗體,當以後有麻疹病毒入侵時,抗體就會再增加而殺死入侵的病毒,所以終生不會生病;如果有癌細胞產生,免疫系統仍可以殺死癌細胞,除非免疫作用失敗,才會有腫瘤發生。

2. 但有時失調的免疫,也會造成身體的病痛,如紅斑性狼瘡(SLE)、多發生性硬化症、類風顯性關節炎、重症肌無力......等,就是免疫系統攻擊自己身體組織所引起的。

3. 最近在全世界引起恐慌的 AIDS ,就是會破壞人體的免疫力,使得本來不會得到疾病,都變得很容易感染,所以死亡率也很高,所幸已有許多人投入研究,相信不久,人類就可以戰愛滋病了。

4. 過敏體質的人,容易對環境的化學物質產生過敏,原因是身體感受到外來物質而產生抗體,等到第2次接觸相同的物質時,就引起一連串的免疫反應,引起發炎的症狀,如化妝品過敏,但有時過敏,則會造成死亡,如過敏性氣喘、花粉熱。

5. 脾臟位放腹腔的左上方,外觀呈紫紅色,扁圓形,可製造淋巴球,此外,尚能儲血,可吞噬衰老的紅血球,並予以分解。

( 知識學習健康 )
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