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2018/01/10 10:33:16瀏覽371|回應0|推薦0 | |
良悅建築 Goodjoy Architecture 賴建志 Chien-Chih Lai 本住宅為一自地自建的建築設計案,基地位處於炎熱的屏東,周遭熙攘人往,街景主要以住商混合的騎樓和傳統透天屋所組成,屋主與老父親一起在此生活著。設計師以三個基本元素 : 白色的主量體、清水混凝構造牆、與安插其中的綠意,構成簡潔卻具有生命力的空間故事,也展現了對在地市容的關懷。 The house, in this project, is built on the self-owned estate located at Pingtung City, where a number of traditional arcades and houses are ubiquitous along street. The client and father live in this house, which is built based on three elements including white façade, exposed concrete wall, and greenery environment, all of which have shown the lively but simple space and the concerns of new design ideas to local cityscape. 兩代之間審美與價值觀的差異,展現在白色主量體與清水模板塊的材質上,白色主量體,是設計師為屋主老父親的生活模式所考量,習慣的白色讓高齡的他感到輕鬆,而個性鮮明的清水模板塊則滿足了屋主對於現代空間質感的追求。設計師採取對外封閉對內開放的建築計畫策略,白晝時,對內以落地窗開放,引導自然天光進入室內,使用者能享有一片專屬於自己的藍天;對外以條型和小格子洞窗封閉,因為白色外壁與適度的開窗率,能有效阻擋熱帶氣候的熱輻射,也能阻擋外頭紛擾的喧囂。夜晚,當一切冷靜下來,微光從幾何的小洞窗中滲透出來,是節省的老父親為晚回家的家人留下的一盞燈和關愛。 Different life preferences, between the client and father, are taken into consideration under which the father likes a white house, and the client wants to have his house built with exposed concrete, a modern architectural style. By daytime, the ceiling window spills the indoor space with daylight; the lattice windows isolate the daylight heat and street noise. At night, the glimmer through the windows presents the care of father for hard working son. 留給自然一些空間,建築體上,樹影隨風搖曳,光影動態變化,成就具有時間感的空間表情,車庫的透水鋪面讓雨水回滲,調節微氣候,成為一個會呼吸的家,讓屋主與老父親能活的更加健康。因屋主的格局與視野,讓設計師在操作本案空間創作時,能不流於一般鄉鎮地區所追求高效率制式的「販厝」格局,不只是探討一坪價錢多少,不一窩風追求當下的貴氣,更在意的是關注屋主一家的心理層面,帶入清水混凝工法,讓材料本身訴說空間的故事,讓人與空間重新獲得對話的機會,為屋主一家的生活帶來經典與質感的韻味,清新脫俗。 The harmonious relationship between the house and natural environment can be seen from that the permeable pavement on the garage recycles rains and keeps the indoor space at comfortable temperature. The life style of the client has made the designer focus heavily on spiritual elements so that the applications of exposed concrete have brought to the family a life style full of elegance and refiner. |
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