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2016/10/07 03:05:38瀏覽758|回應0|推薦16 | |
「要給我們擒拿狐狸,就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐狸;因為我們的葡萄正在開花。」(雅歌2:15) 「故此,你們要順服神。務要抵擋魔鬼,魔鬼就必離開你們逃跑了。」(雅各書4:7) 早晨靈修讀到雅歌二章15節,「要給我們擒拿狐狸,就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐狸;因為我們的葡萄正在開花。」「擒拿」「小狐貍」在我心上重重一擊。葡萄開花是為著結果子,此時狐狸一來毀壞,殘花散落一地,如何結果? 什麼是心中的「小狐狸」?我「願不願意」、「肯不肯」將牠「擒拿」下來,葡萄園「花」被牠破壞,原來該「結果」也成「泡影」!
當我正默想「小狐狸」經節時,抬頭一看,剛好小女兒穿了一件上衣坐在我正前方吃著早餐,引起我的注意力,這....這不正是隻可愛柔媚的「小狐狸」嗎?令人生起憐愛之情,我怎麼忍心傷害牠? 其實,我何嘗不是這樣常常憐惜、容讓心中的「小狐貍」,任意順著牠、由牠去?然而,當牠長成「大狐狸」,最後只能自食其果-自己受苦最深、傷害最大。 「小狐狸」說出了每一個舊生命的小罪、小驕傲、小習慣、小自愛,都是「小狐狸」,一不經意,小小的不順服,小小的不信,小小的嗜好,都像一隻「小狐貍」偷偷地潛伏毁壞聖靈在心中盛開的花朵和即將結實的果子。 所有心中的「小狐狸」要厭惡、恨惡牠,讓我們「擒拿」「勝過」牠! ________________________________ Scripture: “Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines.”(Song of Solomon 2:15) By C.H. Spurgeon A little thorn may cause much suffering. A little cloud may hide the sun. Little foxes spoil the vines; and little sins do mischief to the tender heart. These little sins burrow in the soul, and make it so full of that which is hateful to Christ, that he will hold no comfortable fellowship and communion with us. A great sin cannot destroy a Christian, but a little sin can make him miserable. Jesus will not walk with his people unless they drive out every known sin. He says, “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.” Some Christians very seldom enjoy their Saviour's presence. How is this? Surely it must be an affliction for a tender child to be separated from his father. Art thou a child of God, and yet satisfied to go on without seeing thy Father's face? What! thou the spouse of Christ, and yet content without his company! Surely, thou hast fallen into a sad state, for the chaste spouse of Christ mourns like a dove without her mate, when he has left her. Ask, then, the question, what has driven Christ from thee? He hides his face behind the wall of thy sins. That wall may be built up of little pebbles, as easily as of great stones. The sea is made of drops; the rocks are made of grains: and the sea which divides thee from Christ may be filled with the drops of thy little sins; and the rock which has well nigh wrecked thy barque, may have been made by the daily working of the coral insects of thy little sins. If thou wouldst live with Christ, and walk with Christ, and see Christ, and have fellowship with Christ, take heed of “the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.” Jesus invites you to go with him and take them. He will surely, like Samson, take the foxes at once and easily. Go with him to the hunting. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |