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2023/05/29 15:04:43瀏覽3576|回應1|推薦14


這是十多天(5月3號)前在歐洲議會(布魯塞爾)有關新冠病毒的一個峰會上,專利和傳染學博士Dr. David Martin作證時的演講截圖。



「大衛.馬丁博士在第三届国际 COVID 峰会上向欧洲议会发表讲话时做出了令人吃惊的断言,即『新冠(COVID-19)大流行病在 2020 年至 2023 年期间造成全球数百万人死亡,是一场有预谋的国内恐怖主义行为』。 马丁博士在听众面前发表了支持他的主张的证据,并强调了大流行病的历史背景。

MCAMC(M Cam Asset Management Company)的创始董事长、美国专利审查专家馬丁博士在演讲一开始就断言,COVID-19 是在 50 多年前的 1965 年首次被分离出来的。 他强调说,当时,该病毒被认为是一种病原体,具有在各种情况下进行修改和利用的潜力。 马丁博士强调,该病毒被确定为生物战的潜在工具平台,将其定性为有利於“金融抢劫”和科学界被操纵的“金融欺诈”。 该演示文稿于 2023 年 5 月 3 日在布鲁塞尔举行的欧洲议会第三届国际 COVID 峰会期间进行。

马丁博士在演讲中谈到了在欧洲议会演讲的重要性,回顾了他十多年前与该机构的接触,当时他警告将自然武器化对人类的后果。 他对有机会再次在议会发表讲话表示感谢,强调公众对这一流行病的认识和参与度有所提高。

马丁博士感谢他的妻子金·马丁 (Kim Martin) 在鼓励他在大流行早期分享知识和信息方面发挥的作用,并指出了从主流媒体露面到直接与公众接触的转变。 他表示,他更愿意站在出席峰会的个人中间,而不是成为他之前在媒体上的名声的一部分。

马丁博士演讲的重点集中在冠状病毒研究和操作的历史时间表上。 他强调,冠状病毒于 1965 年首次作为模型病原体被分离出来,到 1966 年,它被用于涉及人类操作的跨大西洋生物实验。 次年,即 1967 年,使用改良的冠状病毒进行了人体试验,表明该病毒作为潜在武器的开发已经进行了超过 50 年。

此外,马丁博士强调,冠状病毒研究多年来一直在继续,包括对猪和狗等动物的病原体进行改造。 值得注意的是,辉瑞公司在 1990 年申请了第一项冠状病毒刺突蛋白疫苗专利。 他强调了这一发现的重要性,驳斥了刺突蛋白最近才被确定为有问题的观点。 马丁博士还质疑“曲速行动”的可信度,强调冠状病毒研究的悠久历史及其有据可查的快速变异能力,使疫苗失效。

马丁博士在演讲的最后提出了有关人类责任和人们渴望成为什么样的社会的重要问题。 他敦促听众认识到允许操纵和传播像冠状病毒这样的病原体的影响,呼吁人们注意过去缺乏围绕这些问题的全球对话。

Martin 博士在演讲中提出的主张和证据为正在进行的围绕 COVID-19 大流行的起源和处理的讨论提供了发人深省的贡献。

免责声明:本文中提出的观点和断言是大卫·马丁博士的观点,不一定反映非洲今日新闻的观点。 本文旨在介绍 Martin 博士在欧洲议会第三届国际 COVID 峰会上的演讲中提供的信息和背景。」


Dr. David Martin, addressing the European Parliament at the International COVID Summit III, made a startling assertion that the COVID-19 pandemic, responsible for millions of deaths worldwide between 2020 and 2023, was a pre-meditated act of domestic terrorism. Speaking before the audience, Dr. Martin presented evidence supporting his claims and highlighted the historical context of the pandemic.

Dr. Martin, the founding chairman of M Cam Asset Management Company and an American patent-auditing expert, commenced his speech by asserting that COVID-19 was first isolated in 1965, more than 50 years ago. He highlighted that at the time, the virus was recognized as a pathogen with the potential for modification and utilization in various contexts. Dr. Martin underlined that the virus was identified as a potential tool for biological warfare, characterizing it as a “financial heist” and a “financial fraud” in which the scientific community was manipulated. This presentation took place on May 3, 2023, during the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III held in Brussels.

In his speech, Dr. Martin addressed the significance of speaking at the European Parliament, recalling his previous engagement with the institution over a decade ago when he warned about the consequences of weaponizing nature against humanity. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to address the parliament once again, highlighting the increased public awareness and engagement surrounding the pandemic.

Acknowledging his wife, Kim Martin, for her role in encouraging him to share his knowledge and information early in the pandemic, Dr. Martin noted the transition from mainstream media appearances to engaging with the public directly. He expressed his preference for standing among the individuals present at the summit rather than being part of his previous fame in the media.

The crux of Dr. Martin’s presentation centered on the historical timeline of coronavirus research and manipulation. He highlighted that coronavirus was first isolated as a model pathogen in 1965, and by 1966, it was utilized in transatlantic biological experiments involving human manipulation. The following year, in 1967, human trials were conducted using modified coronavirus, indicating that the development of the virus as a potential weapon had been ongoing for over five decades.

Furthermore, Dr. Martin emphasized that coronavirus research continued throughout the years, including the modification of the pathogen in animals such as pigs and dogs. Notably, in 1990, Pfizer filed the first patent for a spike protein vaccine for coronavirus. He underscored the significance of this finding, disputing the notion that spike proteins were only recently identified as problematic. Dr. Martin also questioned the credibility of Operation Warp Speed, emphasizing the long history of coronavirus research and its documented ability to mutate rapidly, rendering vaccines ineffective.

Dr. Martin concluded his presentation by posing important questions about the responsibilities of humanity and the kind of society people aspire to be. He urged the audience to recognize the implications of allowing the manipulation and spread of a pathogen like coronavirus, calling attention to the lack of global conversation surrounding these issues in the past.

Dr. Martin’s assertions and evidence presented during his speech serve as a thought-provoking contribution to the ongoing discussions surrounding the origins and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Disclaimer: The views and assertions presented in this article are those of Dr. David Martin and do not necessarily reflect the views of Today News Africa. The article aims to present the information and context provided during Dr. Martin’s speech at the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III.



注1: 新聞稿中未提及他有關美利堅在烏克蘭和其他地方的實驗室等細節,還有更多!


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2023/05/29 20:08
如果這篇文章的訊息正確,covid-19有可能是deep state阻止川普在2020連任成功的手段,雖說2021年1月6日國會暴動顯示川普已被deep state收編了