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船殼形狀〈二〉 - 船首設計對性能的影響
2011/05/20 05:11:04瀏覽1490|回應1|推薦0

J105 - plumb bow ocean racer - 注意船底在keel附近幾乎是圓的。

船首的設計對帆船航行時的特性影響很大,如果把船首一段段切開,會發現切面成V字型,V的角度一般慢慢由小變大,然後V慢慢變成U,也就是船底慢慢變圓。如果V的角度小,當然入水阻力少又輕,可是因為容積小浮力就少,容易衝進水裏,適合平水,不適合浪大,而且容易激起水花,這樣的船首加上平底過浪時就會pounding和pitching。如果V的角度大,當然入水阻力較大,可是因為容積大浮力就大,就不容易衝進水裏。不同的船依需要就有不同的設計。一般racing boat的V的角度小,甲板一般是平的以減少風阻。cruising boat的V角度大,而且船首翹起(sprint),以增加船首的體積和浮力,改善在海中過浪的穩定度,減少pounding和pitching。

船首的設計受各時代的racing rule影響很大,90年代到現在的racing rule是用overall boat length計算,所以racing boat就全是直的船首plumb bow,沒有overhang,連帶的很多cruising boat的設計也用plumb bow,算是趕時髦。70-80年代的racing rule是IOR,所以船首有很大的切角。這之前的racing rule是CCA,用water line 來算船長,所以舊船會有很大的overhang。

Plumb bow的壞處是很容易激起水花,甲板很濕,而且起錨時容易敲到船首,停船時容易撞到碼頭。碼頭上走一走,會發現plumb bow的船首經常gelcoat坑坑洞洞。Racing boat只要速度沒什麼問題,cruising boat其實並不適合。

Beneteau First 30 - 2011 new edition; Plumb bow racer

Open 30 - plumb bow ocean racer

J105 - plumb bow ocean racer

Melges 24  - plumb bow racer

Swan 44 - 1970s IOR ocean racer with a standard IOR bow

Hawkfarm - IOR racer with a standard IOR bow

Hinckley Bermuda 40 - a famous racing boat under CCA rule; Huge overhang! Beautiful lines!

Tayana 37 - famous cruiser - this bow will not pound and pitch + its very dry!

New Hunter 49 - these production boats with plumb bow for its fashion. However, its very difficult to pull anchor or dock the boat without hitting the bow. its very wet too!

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