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2011/10/26 08:20:12瀏覽123|回應0|推薦0 | |
10月22日(週六)上午是女兒一年一度的家長日Parent's Day,今年可是全家出動參加喔。其中最特別的是這次乃為賢醫師首次參與孩子的家長日,且是以親子裝之父女裝亮相哦。前晚貼心的導師Teacher Brenda簡訊提醒準時參加,一早就全家出門,未到八點就到校。在這個月月初導師讓孩子們投票選出班服,也代購有意願的家長size服裝。橘色的班服,中間除有5F is Fabulous與校名外,還有一家子手牽手的卡通圖樣family。橘色強烈表現出獨立又創新活潑、勇往直前的天不怕、地不怕的純真及童意。 小五女兒班級的家長日地點是在學校四樓圖書館演出,及親師互動,場地寬敞,每位孩子可盡情不受限,大伸手腳地揮擺舞動。哈利路亞!孩子的表演活動內容隨著年紀增長更豐富與細膩,看到小五女兒班級的每位小朋友精彩演出,真覺得好驕傲,感謝主。讚美主,讓小五女兒在校生活豐盛、joyful。 分享當天讓家長飆淚的表演,大都是導師Teacher Brenda所編撰。因女兒班級是英文實驗班,全程表演皆是以英文表現,聽女兒說有不少家長表示聽不懂英文,然家長們心中應皆是與我同,深覺安慰、喜樂與感恩。 Dear Mom and Dad, You are my lovely parents. There words are from my heart. From the day I was born, you did everything for me. How can I express my thanks! You fed me when I was hungry. You washed me when I was dirty. You nursed me when I was sick. You helped me when I cried. You helped me when I needed. You gave me many happy childhood memories. You always put me first. You made me feel so special. I couldn't ask that for more. I respect the values you taught. I admire the hard work you did. I thank you for your sacrifice. You raised me well. You tried so hard. You did the best you could do. Today, I will make you a promise. Then, I will make a toast. Both are from my heart. I promise to make you proud of me. I promise to always respect and love you. Also, I promise to take care of you as long as I live. Now, everybody, I propose a toast. Let's raise our glasses together. Let's drink to honor my parents. My dear parents, you light up my life. You mean the world to me. A toast cheers, bottoms up. To conclude our party, I would like to recite a famous Irish blessing. May the road right to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May God hold you in the palm of His hand. 是的,聽著家長席前的這群三十五位小學五年級的小朋友,齊聲用字正腔圓英文背誦recite這段promise,眼淚不自主流落。感謝主。哈利路亞。導師Teacher Brenda十年半前,自英國里茲大學University of Leeds畢業後,就在孩子就讀的這所私校小學任教,是位認真又亮麗的女老師,請參卓日昨「認真又亮麗的私校老師」。在她娓娓道來這幾年帶班心得,各科目教學重點,更加放心。 隨會後,閒醫師一家在賦歸車上,笑稱女兒promise已可獨立,成年了,閒醫師夫婦可放手囉!幽默又善解人意的乖女兒在車上再次背誦recite她的promise,傻爸呆媽整日是溫暖窩心滿懷~ |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |