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14 Things Every Successful Person Has In Common

紐約時報暢銷書《推銷自己》(Promote Yourself)作者丹˙蕭爾柏近十年來曾訪問超過1,200位各領域的成功人士,舉凡企業總裁、作家、政治家,甚至太空人都曾與他接觸過。汲取與這些人對話的經驗,蕭爾柏整理出了這些成功人士的14個共同特點:《文章来源转寄天下杂志作者:張皓雲編譯 

1.知道去留的時機:成功人士知道該離職、創業、或是收山的確切時機。他們有準確的直覺,並不怕在壓力下做出重大選擇。They know when to stay and when to leave. Successful people know exactly when they should change employers, start a company or fold their company. They have good intuition and aren’t afraid to make hard choices, despite opposing forces.

2.永遠做得比份內工作還多:完成份內工作後,成功人士會再進一步要求具挑戰性的工作,甚至會自願擔下燙手山芋。They do more than what’s asked of them. They view their job descriptions as just the beginning of what they can do with their job. After they’ve completed their mandatory tasks, they will always ask to take on more projects that challenge them. They are even willing to take on the tedious work that no one else wants to do in order to be a team player.

3.不怕失敗:成功人士明白失敗為成功之母,他們願意從每次失敗中學習,當所有人都放棄時,會選擇堅持到底。They are willing to fail in order to eventually succeed. All successful people know that it doesn’t come easy and they are bound to fail more than they will succeed at anything. They are willing to learn from each failure, as it will help them make better decisions that lead to success later. While many people give up after failing at something, a successful person will persevere.

4.知道如何創造運氣:天下沒有白吃的午餐,不願付出的人也絕不會有好運降臨。成功人士會要求自己每天都要有所貢獻,等待好運來臨並善加利用。They know that they make their own luck. Luck is derived from hard work over time and positioning yourself for success. You won’t randomly get lucky and successful people know that. They will do at least one thing every single day to put themselves in a better position to get lucky and then use that luck to grow.

5.不設下遙不可及的目標:成功人士會根據自身的能力及弱點設定目標,提前做好計畫並一步步實踐。They set real goals that they can accomplish. Successful people wake up and they’ve already planned their day, while unsuccessful people are scrambling to figure out what they need to do next. Their goals are very focused, big yet obtainable and are aligned to their strengths. They know what they are capable of and will invest all of their efforts in it, avoiding their weaknesses.

6.對自己及行為負責:他們不依賴別人,懂得運用手邊的條件找出問題解決方式。若犯了錯,他們勇於承擔,找出需改善之處,且絕不再犯。They take accountability for themselves and their actions. They aren’t relying on other people in order to get the job done. Instead, they are looking inwards and are trying to find the solutions, while leveraging their current assets. If they make a mistake, they own up to it and immediately think of ways that they can improve next time, not making the same mistake twice.

7.創造潮流而不隨波逐流:成功人士不會隨著經濟趨勢走,他們會創造出自己的事業潮流。They make change instead of being affected by it. Successful people aren’t waiting around to be affected by economic trends. They are the ones who are creating the trends and making things happen.

8.能夠適應市場:成功人士明白,若要在市場存活,絕不能忽視潮流、裹足不前。他們隨時都在發想新點子、學習新技術、並尋找下一次的市場焦點。They are able to adjust to changes in the marketplace. Successful people are willing to reinvent themselves to stay relevant in the business world. They understand that if you stay stagnant and ignore trends, that you will be left behind. They are constantly coming up with new ideas, searching for the next big thing and getting new skills.

9.善於傳達理念:他們能精確表達自身理念,知道要做些什麼、要如何說服大眾。此外,他們也能堅持自身立場,極具說服力和自信心。They can communicate their story effectively. If you walk up to a successful person and ask them what they do, they will able to tell you everything in a concise manner. They know who they are, what they do and can make you believe in them. They have strong posture and are very persuasive and confident.

10.只向對的人問對的問題:成功人士知道拓展交際網絡才能解決問題,他們經常寫郵件或致電那些可以提供答案的人。他們口袋中隨時都有對的問題,也從不吝嗇為他人解答。They ask the right questions to the people who can deliver the right answers. Successful people know they need to solve problems by tapping their networks. They aren’t afraid of emailing or calling the best person who can answer their questions. They are always prepared with the right questions and are always willing to help the other person out in return.

11.勇於走出舒適圈:走出舒適圈嘗試新事物,秉持活到老學到老的原則,才有機會成功。They are life-long learners who push themselves out of their comfort zones. While most people think that when they graduate college, they are finished being a student, successful people remain students. They are constantly learning new things and have new experiences. They aren’t afraid to try new activities and to fail at them.

12.知道自身角色及地位:成功人士不會浪費時間在那些不適合他們的工作上。They know who they are and their place in the world. Successful people are confident and can lead themselves, as well as others. They have their own vision and mission and seek to bring it to life on a daily basis. They also know who they aren’t and don’t waste time on things that they aren’t good at or they aren’t satisfied with.

13.著重過程更勝成果:成功人士努力工作、承擔風險,即便中間有障礙,也能享受其中,因為他們認為那是人生中有意義的事。They are more excited about the journey than the pay out. Successful people ignore get rich quick schemes. They are more focused on building sustainable careers through hard work, risk taking and creativity. They enjoy the journey, despite the obstacles, because they are doing something that has meaning in their lives.

14.只當創造者不當消費者:他們不願成為市場上消費的那方,而是試著創造出消費者所需要的事物。They create instead of just consume. While most people are busy reading emails, watching TV or listening to a podcast, successful people are creating new tools, presentations and coming up with ideas. They are the ones who are making things that other people need instead of being on the other end of the spectrum, consuming them.

14 Things Every Successful Person Has In Common 


( 心情隨筆工作職場 )
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