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2010/10/05 13:52:34瀏覽543|回應7|推薦0 | |
Judy 任冬季奧運義工的照片, 右圖刊登於 LA Times 同事 Judy 決定離職, 加入聯合國文教組織, 遠赴非洲做義工. 她做出這個決定, 我並不是太驚訝, 她是個特別的女孩, 熱情, 溫暖, 善解人意. 走遍了世界各地, 嚐試過生命不同的滋味. 出生優渥, 該是嬌嬌女的她, 卻獨立堅韌, 滿心是同情, 沒有一點驕氣. 常感覺得到她的落寞, 在她柔軟的溫暖同情之下, 即便生活再精彩. 她必須去找尋生命的意義, 必須飛, 必須. 面對這麼一個出色的同事的離開, 總覺可惜, 但我們都明白, 她, 可以為這個世界做的更多. ********************** 分享她留給大家的 email 註: 公司名稱改以 QQ 代替 : ) Hi everyone, It is definitely with difficulty that I made the decision to leave QQ. Embarking on a solo flight to Canada was a feat in itself and QQ has become my second home. My journey continues in a faraway land, but I can't tread that path without recognizing how Canada, Vancouver, QQ served as a springboard for me by offering me what I needed to evolve and grow: Possibilities. I want to thank Alice in particular, for always supporting me in my path and always understanding my choices, no matter how absurd. Everyone needs someone like Alice, who lets you soar as high as you possibly can in order to reach your dreams. Most of the highlights of my life, thus far, have occurred in the 6 years I've lived in Vancouver and certainly one of those is the privilege of working here. Thank you, QQ, for being my engine, my refuge, and to all of you, for being my adopted family and source of security in this part of my journey. I still have a few weeks here so I hope to share a few more laughs and a few more beers with you. Before anything, there's one thing I want to say: From the very bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for having me and for enriching my life with the most wonderful experiences :) Love, Judy 道別啤酒小宴瘋瘋照 (喝空了兩只啤酒桶) 人家對生命那麼熱情, 再看看自己.....(同事傳來的 email) |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |