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B-Day Profile
2010/05/30 23:53:51瀏覽1683|回應12|推薦0

公司 email 給大家的生日檔案,  編輯的同事愛胡謅亂貼, 瘋瘋的. 隨便看看囉~

As of today, vs has been with us for 264 days or 8.8 "month end's" (the preferred method of measurement for those in the accounting world) so let’s get to know a little more about our contagiously happy accountant!

Luckily we have been able to interrogate her to find out what deep dark sinister secrets she may hold! Let the B-Day interrogation begin!

Q: Do you have any pet peeves?
A: My daughter
Editor: Understandable. Children make noise and smell. (However, little vs seems to be perfect…)

Q: Do you collect anything?
A: Memory
Editor: Typo, she means money

Q: Three things always found in your fridge:
A: The 3 G: Ginger, Green onion and Garlic, instead of “parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme"
Editor: Great points for HARCORE S&G tie in.
vs is a huge fan and saw them when they opened for GWAR last year.

Q: If they made a movie of your life what actor/actress would star? What would the title be?
A: East to West (something like “Far and Away”) http://www.icicom.up.pt/blog/take2/michelle_yeoh.jpg

Editor: It would be an epic film starring Michelle Yeoh as vs called in to deal with the "Month's End Gang" that terrorizes the good people of the village of Billing. (and there would be a love story in there somewhere....)

Q: What's your favorite restaurant?
A: CinCin & Whatever “hubby-made”, when he is willing.
Editor: By "Willing" vs means "Whatever I tell him to make."http://www.sogirlclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/michelle_yeoh_2.jpg

" WAAAH-TAAH!!!! Make Dinner Husband!!!!!"
….that’s my favorite scene in "East to West"

Q: If you could date any celebrity you wanted, who would it be? (pretend you had never met your spouse/significant other)
A: Ang Lee, a Taiwanese American film director, who has directed Sense and Sensibility, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Brokeback Mountain
Editor: Totally. Dude's a total Hottie. Laughing eyes (both eyes too) great smile, snappy dresser....rich....

Q: What hobby takes up the majority of your spare time?
A: Writing (in Chinese, of course)https://0qidpa.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pYkXO82tivUuVOEggKuposICbKflaQAgSSB1EglG4u-7obPrZHjnHiIiydTAdlR4f7UzmNBzZuajDkh2bz4htdaNf0nz7W10w/testw.JPG

Editor: One of vs's short stories, It’s my favorite one, because it discusses the deep intrinsic needs of humanity and how month's end is the great enemy of the people.

Q: What is the most interesting or unique place you have ever visited?
A: Venice, and really want to visit Moroccohttps://0qidpa.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pZ-pYOgyFH9pWbGGZTx2IqcFBlk-PH-REGpvZ7QUxOAOdufLkhqKfzX0ojNN8l4uJ3ZXSEka1METKqmAFnGXLTiBjukhPWfAT/testm2.JPG

Editor: Morocco? You Bet! vs is all about fighting pirates, finding lost treasure and long flowing outfits in the sand, sun, fun...and sand!

Q: 1 or more things you would want to do before you shuffled off this earth – something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done it yet (what would you put on your ‘bucket list’)
A: World travel

Editor: This of course will lead to the sequel films "West to North" and "North to South : The Revenge!"

Q: Best/most memorable gift you’ve received or given
A: Paper stars in a jar I got from my students before they graduated. They wrote a lot of sweet things on the paper strips.

(Too sweet!...insulin...must get ...insulin!)

Q: If you could go back in time and re-do one event in your life, what would it be and why?
A: Have conquered“IF” in my “life”

Editor: GREAT ANSWER! Never take crap from the “if’s” of the world

Q: What is your secret dream job? (eg fireman, rollercoaster tester, ice cream taster)
A: A singing gondolier

Editor: A magical one, all the loving people took vs's gondola and heard her jolly singing will live happily ever after.

Q: Favorite Movies
A: Life is Beautiful, Bicycle Thieves, Betty Blue, A Room with a View........

Editor: Are you sure you're one of us? o.k. maybe those dots are the real movies.

Q: If you were given $50,000 and you had to spend it all in one day, what would you do with it?
A: Let’s all go out for a nice dinner and get drunk, my treat.

Editor: WOW! With 140 people in the Vancouver office, that works out to $357.14 Each! I'm getting cheese with MY whopper ….AND SUPER SIZE IT!http://www.fantasyecards.com/ecards/pix/Cartoon/03-homer_simpson_drunk.jpg

You're The BEST vs!

( 在地生活北美 )
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普希金 酷不停囉
sleepless night ...
2010/06/17 20:06
and I wander into your place ...

Yeah, we have so many "if ...". Life is a one way train. Each day we need to get used to imperfect and regrets.
Live for the moment.

I feel sleepy now. I have to sleep for the moment, at least.. :-)

Lovely, your daughter is, by the way.
VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-19 08:36 回覆:
Hi Sleepless Cupertino,

Thanks, and yes my my little one is a beautiful human being, like her daddy.

For me, everyday life is too harsh to "if" or "Sleep less" :)

2010/06/07 13:25

According to your answer,
you must be a superior to Male.

Happy B-day.

VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-09 08:39 回覆:
Thanks CJ.

I'm just a small potato and often get mashed.

They just like to tease me. When it's too much, I just wave that pink shirt to stop the bullying.

2010/06/05 11:08

May I be single sitting in THAT gondola with your singing?

May I travel with you from East to West and also North to South?

May I take only one "sweet paper roll" in the jar everyday to let joy fill up my days?

May I whisper to you a happy birthday song near your ear, my dear 28?

Happy B-day and ever forever!

VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-09 08:32 回覆:
Thanks, cow girl #3.

Sorry, I'm taken and my gondola is fully booked.

2010/06/03 12:11
VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 12:32 回覆:

求什麼好呢? hmmmm -- an office with a view

Maybe this one - my boss got his office all covered and decorated with wrapping paper : )

the dreamer girl
hope I can share your lucky
2010/06/03 10:42



the dreamer girl~~ 最新作品:

菲律賓 –宿霧(Cebu)

VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 12:37 回覆:

Are you kidding me?  you're the lucky one Amanda !

還是得不斷努力  才不會被淘汰  這就是北美

2010/06/02 11:57
好溫馨的工作場合呀!! 還可以慶生. 哪像我上班, 只有被壓榨. T____T
Abka Manju Be Aisilambi
VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 09:21 回覆:
阿姐已經被壓榨 n 年了啊 ~

Just keep doing what is right, hold our ground with dignity, something decent would come along eventually !!

A creative and humorous accountant
2010/06/01 08:33

I am surprised as well. You break the stereotype I have for an accountant.

Happy Birthday. Forever 29.

VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 09:18 回覆:
Thanks Retina, but I'm still 28 :)
I’m not a typical one?
My theory is:
To keep our passions alive and to balance our brains, always do something you’re not that interested in for living
– this is how I comfort/convince myself :)

the dreamer girl
really humor
2010/05/31 14:29




the dreamer girl~~ 最新作品:

菲律賓 –宿霧(Cebu)

VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 09:14 回覆:
haha, but I mean it, I would love to pay for all those sweethearts.

Happy Birthday
2010/05/31 09:09
What a humourous editor doing such a good job! Happy Birthday, VS!
VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 09:12 回覆:
Thanks 子建先生 !

Some of my co-workers are just crazy : )

Apple *
Happy Birthday to vs!
2010/05/31 07:20

Lotus 1-2-3 and Accountant, hahaha... It makes perfect sense.

I cried while watching your first two movie choices; never saw #3.

Happy nth Birthday!


VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 10:44 回覆:
The first two are classic, love love love them, love Italian!
Betty Blue is heavy, wicked and creepy, loved it when I was younger.
A room with a view is light and sweet.
VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2010-06-03 09:08 回覆:
n = 28 

Dear Apple,

I failed my Accounting in school….

I was not in accounting until few years ago (I though I had mentioned that before somewhere?)

See how funny life had led us.

do it for living and found I'm not that bad with numbers



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