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2009/04/13 22:00:08瀏覽4193|回應2|推薦35 | |
網友問雙頭蛇,您求證過Tibicos對人體無害嗎? 小孩能喝嗎(因含有酒精)? 確實含有微量酒精成份,大人小孩喝多臉會紅。 為了讓網友確實瞭解tibicos,雙頭蛇發了一些時間將維基自由百科全書有關tibicos翻譯出來供網友有參考 Tibicos中譯文1: 雙頭蛇自Wikipedia維基自由百科全書翻譯有關tibicos內容如下: Tibicos,亦稱tibi,水克菲爾粒狀物,糖克菲爾粒狀物,日本水水晶粒狀物和加利福尼亞蜂粒狀物,它是一種細菌和酵母菌在多聚糖母體培養所創造出的酵母菌(一種酵母菌和細菌(包含醋酸菌及乳酸菌)共生的生物體)。 與克菲爾菌粒狀物一樣,是在穩定中培養呈現的微生物共同體。Tibicos可能產出許多不同的內含的液體,喂養黑糖的Tibicos可產生乳酸、酒精(對氨基苯甲酸二)和可做成碳酸鹽飲料的二氧化碳氣體。 Tibicos可在全世界發現它的蹤跡,但沒有完全相同的培養方式。 典型的tibicos是由從酵母菌、假絲酵母, Kloeckera和可能其他微生物發酵產出的有乳酸桿菌屬、鏈球菌、足菌和白聯珠菌屬與酵母菌的混合體,。 乳酸桿菌已被認定屬粒狀物它負責多聚糖(葡聚糖)的生產物。 對不愛乳品店或有素食主義者類型飲食者也發現像kombucha康普茶一樣,不需依賴乳製品或茶飲等開發成品,水克菲爾菌即可提供生活益生菌(probiotics),。 因為如果將完成品,裝瓶,將是一種碳酸化合的飲料,它提供給喜愛甜蘇打飲料的大人小孩另一種選擇。 後來才發現網路已有Tibicos中譯版,一同分享: 原英文名稱為tibicos也被稱為 water kefir(kefir是另一種微生物共生體 需要培養在牛奶裡面), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tibicos: Tibicos, also known as tibi, water kefir grains, sugar kefir grains, Japanese water crystals and California Bees, are a culture of bacteria and yeast held in a polysaccharide matrix created by the bacteria. As with kefir grains, the microbes present in tibicos act in symbiosis to maintain a stable culture. Tibicos can do this in many different sugary liquids, feeding off the sugar to produce lactic acid, alcohol (ethanol), and carbon dioxide gas which carbonates the drink. Tibicos are found around the world, with no two cultures being exactly the same. Typical tibicos have a mix of Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc bacteria with yeasts from Saccharomyces, Candida, Kloeckera and possibly others. Lactobacillus brevis has been identified as the species responsible for the production of the polysaccharide (dextran) that forms the grains. People who do not wish to consume dairy or have a vegan type diet may find that water kefir provides the living pro-biotics without the need for dairy or tea cultured products, like kombucha. Since the finished product, if bottled, will produce a carbonated beverage, it provides an alternative to sweet soda drinks for children and adults. Tibicos Mushroom: a Miracle Cure |
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