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2009/02/16 19:55:52瀏覽2171|回應0|推薦7


演講時間: 2009 / 03/ 04 3:00-4:30 pm
演講地點:台灣大學 共同教室 402
講者: 國立台北大學應用外語學系副教授 廖柏森
演講題目: 如何使用搭配詞輔助英文論文寫作


Familiarity with academic writing conventions can be as important to one’s success as expertise in the discipline itself. A student like you will want to be able to perform an array of English writing tasks such as research papers, theses, and grant proposals. This speech attempts to raise your awareness of academic collocations and to facilitate your learning of academic writing. In this brief talk, rhetorical organization of different sections of a research paper will be introduced. You will learn some representative academic collocations and lexical phrases that are commonly used to express the function of each section of the research paper. You are also encouraged to compile a collection of lexical phrases through on-line corpus in your own disciplines and practice writing the variants of these phrases. In short, this speech hopes to provide strategies to assist students to write for academic purpose, and the use of collocation may serve as an effective alternative to facilitate students’ academic writing.

美國德州大學奧斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin)外語教育哲學博士


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