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2010/07/06 00:10:23瀏覽1489|回應25|推薦106 | |
延伸閱讀文章 從甲骨文到非死不可 延伸閱讀文章 是惟一 但不是華爾街的寵兒 自三月中兒子計劃要離開甲骨文換工作 也花了三個月 終於於上六月底遞辭呈 在這轉換過程中 也與他一起經歷 首先他訂定目標 要找中小型公司 大公司鬆散的管理及挑戰性不夠是他想離職的主因 事實上 哪有一個完美的公司 每一個公司都有不同的管理問題 在這麼不景氣的時候 換工作是很大的風險 不管怎麼說 甲骨文還算是一家很穩健的公司 但孩子有他自己的想法 在溝通到某一個地步 也只能祝福了 自他把履歷表放在網上後 機會就開始來了 第一家去面談的公司 他覺得做的東西他不感興趣 第二家公司 通過了第一次面談後 非常喜歡 並很快那公司又安排要一天的面談 兒子也請好假 誰知就在當天早上出發前 那公司突然打電話取消說已請到人 兒子既失望又生氣的打電話抱怨 浪費了他一天的假 不打緊這公司簡直開玩笑 聽兒子倒完一堆苦水後 跟他說 感謝主 幸好還沒去 言而無信的公司 絕對不是一間好的公司 建議他既然請了假 就好好休息 找一家好餐廳 狠狠吃個大餐吧 隨之 他說經過這一次 他覺得換工作好累 言下之意 還以為他會就此罷休了 也勸他暫緩一下 到加拿大一起渡個假再說 渡假時 他說回去後有面談 然後就進行的很順利 幾週前打電話回家報喜訊 只問他 為什麼會喜歡這公司 (我只是讓孩子 選擇思考做決定時 所持的因素是什麼) 他回答說 主要發現這家公司的人 散發出一股大家都很喜歡工作的熱忱 很有向心力 他說 不怕工作多 但若覺得去上班是一件痛苦的事 就是再多的錢也沒多大的意思 (唉 現在的年青人太有思想了) 然後他把公司的資料 email給我看 其中比較有趣的是 十大樂於在此公司工作的原因 願與大家分享: 1. Strong Financials- XXX has a strong business model that has geneerated more revenue in its first two years than Amazon and Google during the same period. And we're refunded by two of the best venture capital firms in the business. 2. Perfect Timing - Join us now and you'll get the excitement of a high growth start-up without the risk. Thousands of companies and millions of consumers have used our services - and we're just getting started. 3. Flexible - Work the way you want. From our flexible work environment to our work hours, we want to make it easy for you to succeed. 4. Career Growth - We're growing fast and your role can involve just as fast. Work with different departments, get exposure to every facet of our business and embrace as much responsibility as you desire. This is a great environment to launch or re-ignite your career. 5. Exceptional People - XXX has attracted Silicon Valley's "cream of the corp". Our team hails from companies like Google, Facebook, Paypal and Oracle and from schools like Havard , MIT, UC Berkeley and Stanford. 6. Experienced Executive Team - These guys have a ton of experience successfully scaling companies. And the leadership team is totally accessible - no hierarchies here. 7. Fast-Paced & Challenging - XXX continues to undergo explosive growth. The pace is fast and the culture promotes ability, openness to ideas and innovation. Learning never stops as you slove some of our industry's most challenging problems. There is never a dull moment! 8. Fun - We've created a fun and inspiring workspace that benifits our collegial atmosphere. From trash-talking over ping pong and foosball in our game room to our daily "fruit-o' clock" snack time, there's something for everyone at XXX. We even have weekly breakfast, lunches, dinners, in-house Pilates classes and bi-weekly happy hours we call "Balcony Fridays". 9. Big Impact - At XXX, anyone can have a major impact on our products and success. Your ideas will be heard, whether you are an engineer or product manager building our products or a sales and marketing professional taking our products to market. No hiearchies. No silos. We offer an open, communicative environment where the best ideas win. 10. Location. Location. Location - Located in downtown Mountain View, XXX is a short walk from CalTrain and just steps away from some of the best restaurants in Silicon Valley. 【後記】 雖然兒子離開大公司 剛開始心中總有點擔憂 想盡辦法勸說 最終還是要放手 父母有時就像教練 只要打氣加油 在這世代 大公司甚至公家機構 都沒有保障 也不再是名牌了 錢多 事少 離家近 唉~ 不是剛大學畢業兩年兒子的訴求 畢竟工作是要享受生活 生活也要享受工作才是 工作帶有生命及社會的使命感 再見了 甲骨文 讓兒子幸福的迎向未來 新的挑戰吧 |
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