SKY is always so generous to contain unexpected visitors, such as flying birds, dancing butterflies, buzzing bees, working insects, roaming kites, floating clouds, traveling planes, soaring dreams, crazy imaginations, starry stars, colorful rainbows, the shiny moon and the bright sun day and night.
Keep its original and true color--blue all the time without changing even when it faces the challenge of the darkness.
You and I can just look up the blue sky to appreciate its generosity without limits but with respect.
Actually, the sky is always so upright that it is up right there for you and me.
Actually, the sky is always so bright that it is the power of the brightness when we encounter the challenge of the darkness.
Actually, the sky is always so supportive that it is there with us without doubts.
Actually, the sky is always so honest that it is so true with its color blue.
Actually, the sky is always so emotional that it cries with rain.
Actually, the sky is always so positive that it shines with the sun.
Actually, the sky is always so romantic that it says something sweet with the full moon.
Actually, the sky is always so industrious that it accompanies buzzing bees and working insects all the time.
Actually, the sky is always so carefree that it plays leisurely with the naughty clouds.