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Happy Thanksgiving
2010/10/08 12:25:48瀏覽428|回應2|推薦16

Just taking a moment to let you know that you’re appreciated and wished the very best always. 

Thank you for sharing your life-searching journey with me. I have learned from your soul at the same time.When I say “Thank you”, it’s from my heart always.

We might not always know the reasons why we are here for.But I do believe that there is always a higher reason behind everything that we encounter. 

We might not always come here to make a choice but to search for the reasons why we made this choice and learn from it.

I love you and thank you for been in this journey with me.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Happy Thanksgiving!
2010/10/09 14:38
It's always nice to have someone to share life experiences and feelings as well as dreams with. Seize the opportunity and cherish it.  Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunny Tsai(催眠諮商師)(sunnypai) 於 2010-10-09 23:16 回覆:
It's always grateful to know that there is someone to be shared.
Life, therefore,
becomes beautiful and sweet.
Thank you.

Just to let you know ...
2010/10/09 14:08

I happen to stop by....

Just to let you know that your "thanks" have always been shared, and echoed!

Happy Thanks-giving indeed!

Sunny Tsai(催眠諮商師)(sunnypai) 於 2010-10-09 23:14 回覆:
 When I send my thought,
I know there must be someone there to share.
This is why I am so happy and sunny everyday.